Yes, I did know that. Â What I don't know is if there is any suggested waiting period first. Â I know they do need a recommend. Â So they must at least have changed their worldly behaviors to be in line with the teachings of the Church. My understanding is that we should encourage a new member to attend the Temple as soon as possible to allow them the Temple experience, feel the Spirit of the place and get them to become "Temple Minded." Â
I attended the Temple with my ex-husband about 6 months after his baptism. Â He really loved it. Â He then received his endowment less than one week after his one year baptismal anniverary. Â Shortly, thereafter he became a Temple worker and attended the Temple quite frequently. Â Early Temple attendance can really help set the stage. Â
Since the member is only allowed to do baptisms, which we also allow the youth to do, I see no reason not to allow new members to do this as well. Â We don't make a man wait a year to get the Priesthood. Â In fact, there is a statistic that suggests it is crucial to get new male members to a point where they are worthy and ready to hold the Melchizedek Priesthood within that first year or majority will not ever progress to that point.
[quote]What I don't know is if their is any suggested waiting period first.[/quote]
It will ultimately be up to the Bishop and Stake President to determine how long or if any waiting period is necessary, but basically nothing should keep a new member back. The fastest I have heard was two weeks after baptism and that was just because they were waiting on a ride to get there otherwise they would have gone earlier.
In my little branch here in Oregon, we try to get every new convert, over the age of 12 going to the Temple to do Proxy Baptisms. When we didn't we found they drifted away from the Church within a few years. Going to the Temple is such a profound spiritual experience and it seems to increase their desire to be more active in Church.
I think a visit to the temple soon after conversion to the church is essential to help converts get a 'solid grounding' in the Church. The reason I gained a strong testimony of the Church was because I went to the temple not long after being baptised.
It's also good that it easier to attend the temple now with many smaller temples been built allowing everyone to be within reasonable travelling distance to their nearest temple. We use to have to travel 10 hours on bus to the nearest temple. Now there is one within an hour and a half drive. This helps to strengthen the members and the Church in the area.