It Is OK For Mormons To Drink Tea? - Page 4 of 8

it's very simple that I am confused - Page 4 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 6th Apr, 2008 - 8:35am

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19th Dec, 2003 - 11:42am / Post ID: #

It Is OK For Mormons To Drink Tea? - Page 4

AGene, no offense to you or your friend, but he needs someone to hit him over the head! he reminds meof those zealots that come on here ranting words and more words without really studying the whole point to it all. Maybe you should take a break from him? Anyway, back to the topic at hand...

Man will make any excuse to do the wrong thing. Don't they say cocaine is good for the skin and marijuana can cure certain elements? Do not worry what all these people say you should or should not do... you just listent to the Prophet and those who make up weird stories tell them to study the Word of God and not lean unto their own understanding.

As we discussed before... hot drinks as defined in the Word of Wisdom refers to Tea and Coffee, no more, no less. Anyone hard of understanding that needs to go on their knees or get an education so they can become literate. smile.gif All in my humble little opinion wink.gif

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19th Dec, 2003 - 5:31pm / Post ID: #

Tea Drink Mormons OK It

AGene, sorry to hear about the situation with your friend. I notice some members have this cocky and self-righteous attitude that I cannot stand. I will give you an example, I'm always talking with a sister who is very overweight about the Word of Wisdom and proper eating, also about the use of Coke and what the Prophets have said about it....I'm her visiting teacher, this is what I am supposed to do, now...did she hear me? maybe she did, maybe she didn't...she still with the same old habits and there is nothing I can do to change that, I did my part already, I cannot make her life a living hell!!! she has free agency but I feel good I talked to her about it.

Now, I think your friend with all respect, have some serious issues because he's harrasing you, make you cry and you're all uncomfortable about it. He has no right to do this if he's really a friend. I do not think he lives his life so perfectly that need to pick on you and your herbal infusion. If I am you I would stay away from him since it seems like he doesn't understand the concept of free agency, after all, this is what the adversary take away that from us, so I would suggest you to just stay calm and get a break from him for a while.

I personally do not see anything wrong with herbal infusions, even more when you're growing your own mints! herbs are for the use of man, God have declared, whoever thinks otherwise, needs to go back to school and learn how to read. All the best. smile.gif

Post Date: 19th Dec, 2003 - 7:34pm / Post ID: #

It Is OK For Mormons To Drink Tea?
A Friend

It Is OK For Mormons To Drink Tea? Studies Doctrine Mormon

QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 19-Dec 03, 9:31 AM)
I notice some members have this cocky and self-righteous attitude that I cannot stand.

Oh dear, I reread my post and I failed to tell you that he is not a member. He is catholic. He had never heard of the LDS faith until I met him through my job at the hardware store. He contacted the missionaries and has had the lessons at least twice. The I moved next to him, and I really enjoyed my friendship with him. I've never had a platonic friendship with a man before. The first incident about tea came about when we were thriftstore hopping. We stopped at an Espresso Stand, I had quite a time getting a simple hot chocolate and he finally said, why don't you just get an Ice Tea. So the discussion on tea happened.

Later that same day we stopped at a grocery store and I bought some herbal teas. That was 2 1/2 years ago, and the battle rages on. Why have I battled this long? All I can think of is that coming out of an abusive and manipulative marriage it is really difficult for me to see the abuse and manipulation until I am worn down by it.

I love you for the help you are giving me, the strength I feel from you ~ both you JD and LDS ~ I know I have to end this 'friendship', I just don't know how. Do I shut the door and never speak to him again? Do I explain to him why I am ending the friendship? Or do I write it on "Stone" the conditions of any continueing friendship ~ such as you leave my Faith alone. Never to speak of it, degrade me, etc.???

I am calling and making an appointment with my Branch President, and I am calling my Home Teachers. Oh Boy do I need a blessing and Priesthood guidence. Thank you so much for your help and your support.

Geez, this is so off topic, but I don't know much about these boards/forums. Whether I should have gone to email or not?

20th Dec, 2003 - 6:40pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Tea Drink Mormons OK It

Agene, I sent you a private message with my e-mail address so we can discuss this issue more in private if you wish, or you may want to add a new thread where people can share their views. All the best smile.gif

1st Aug, 2007 - 1:24pm / Post ID: #

Tea Drink Mormons OK It

Monkey (from another thread):

Are you saying that Yerba Mate is in no way related to "tea", hot or cold, and therefore not in anyway prohibited by the Word of Wisdom (though there are many similarities in composition)?

One of the definitions of the word "tea" is: any of various infusions prepared from the leaves, flowers, etc., of other plants, and used as beverages or medicines. When you use the word "tea" what do you mean? Are you strictly referring to the most widely used definition of "tea" which is - the dried and prepared leaves of a shrub, Camellia sinensis, from which a somewhat bitter, aromatic beverage is prepared by infusion in hot water? Just curious, because I am believe I am beginning to see, very clearly, that your interpretation of the Word of Wisdom is - no Camellia sinensis, no coffee, no alcohol, no tobacco. Is this correct?

First of all, Yerba Mate is not prohibited by the Word of Wisdom. Yerba means "herbs" in English, and as far as I know (based on my experience living in Argentina almost all my life and seeing Stakes President, Mission Presidents as well as a couple of General Authorities tasting it) the prohibition has not been interpreted as herbal teas, for it states that "all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the Constitution, nature, and use of man" (D&C 89:10). Heavenly Father never "officially" explained the reasons for the coffee and tea prohibitions (WE interpret it is because of caffeine).

Nevertheless, the Prophets have counseled against Cola drinks as well as other drinks that contain caffeine, so drinking these substances would be a violation (to me) to the "Spirit of the Word of Wisdom" but NOT to the Word of Wisdom. If that was the case, then we will have questions in the Temple Recommend Interview such as "Do you drink Coke, eat chocolate, drink soft drinks, etc..." (all these things contain caffeine or similar composition) but not, we are asked for tea and coffee.

Depending on the mission, missionaries are allowed or not to drink yerba mate. The interesting though is that in some missions they are not allowed to drink it NOT because of the composition of Yerba Mate but because Mate is a drink that people use it as a form of socialization, meaning they sit, talk and drink mate together for very long periods of time. A missionary would be wasting his mission time if he is part of it. Another reason is hygiene. Mate is shared with the same straw.

I personally never liked Yerba Mate, it has a very funny taste but I do know is not in violation to the Word of Wisdom.

I found the following quotes:

"The best course is to completely avoid the substances that the Lord prohibits in the Word of Wisdom."

But to clarifty, herbal tea is not against the word of wisdom, although we have been cautioned: "Some people enjoy herbal teas, but even these should not replace more nutritious drinks in the diet" (Lora Beth Larson, "The Do's in the Word of Wisdom," Ensign, Apr 1977, 46.)

It is also recorded in early pioneers journals the use of what was called as "Mormon tea", they used the infusion daily from a plant related to E. Cinica.
Yerba mate as well as E. Cinica do not come from the tea plant.

Another quote on the subject:

"The Word of Wisdom counsels against drinking "hot drinks," which have been identified by early Church leaders as coffee and tea. "Tea" refers to the standard tea derived from the tea plant, sometimes called black tea or green tea. The Word of Wisdom has not been interpreted as proscribing herbal teas, stating that "all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man (D&C 89:10)" (Victor L. Ludlow, Principles and Practices of the Restored Gospel, p.434).

Hope that this answer your questions,

Post Date: 5th Apr, 2008 - 6:50pm / Post ID: #

It Is OK For Mormons To Drink Tea?
A Friend

It Is OK For Mormons To Drink Tea?

First of all, Yerba Mate is not prohibited by the Word of Wisdom. Yerba means "herbs" in English, and as far as I know (based on my experience living in Argentina almost all my life and seeing Stakes President, Mission Presidents as well as a couple of General Authorities tasting it) the prohibition has not been interpreted as herbal teas, for it states that "all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the Constitution, nature, and use of man" (D&C 89:10). Heavenly Father never "officially" explained the reasons for the coffee and tea prohibitions (WE interpret it is because of caffeine).

I am confused why you stated that Yerba Mate is not prohibited by the Word of Wisdom and yet it contains "CAFFEINE" also?

Caffeine is found in varying quantities in the beans, leaves, and fruit of over 60 plants, where it acts as a natural pesticide that paralyzes and kills certain insects feeding on the plants. It is most commonly consumed by humans in infusions extracted from the beans of the coffee plant and the leaves of the tea bush, as well as from various foods and drinks containing products derived from the kola nut or from cacao. Other sources include yerba mate, guarana berries, and the Yaupon Holly.

And also you said that
Heavenly Father never "officially" explained the reasons for the coffee and tea prohibitions
That makes sense! but. . .

(WE interpret it is because of caffeine).
So is it caffeine that we should not partake and since WE not GOD intrepret it?

Are we really interpreting it clearly by just considering because on that time "hot drinks" was referred to as Coffee and Tea yet?(How about Hot Choco/Milk and other Hot soups nowadays?) Or I think we should be more focused on what God really means to those "hot drinks".

Sorry guys I have a lot of questions that's why I am confused, last questions I want you guys to ask for yourselves "Do we really need to prohibit partaking anything that contains "Caffeine" only or we need also to prohibit anything that are "hot drinks" generally? so, is Hot Milo considered a "hot drink" or not?

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5th Apr, 2008 - 10:53pm / Post ID: #

It OK Mormons Drink Tea - Page 4

kenzeiakiro, I am not sure what exactly are you confused about.

I am confused why you stated that Yerba Mate is not prohibited by the Word of Wisdom and yet it contains "CAFFEINE" also?

Yerba Mate is an infusion (herbal tea) does not come from the tea plant. It comes from the leaves of the South American holly tree (Ilex paraguariensis).

My point about the caffeine is quite simple: Where does it say in Doctrine and Covenant that the reason for the prohibition of tea and coffee is because of "caffeine"? I would be glad if you could show me where it says that in the Scriptures. Do you partake of soft drinks? Are you aware that MOST of them contain caffeine? Do you eat chocolate? Are you aware that contain caffeine? Does all this stop you from getting a Temple Recommend? I think my point is quite clear.

Are we really interpreting it clearly by just considering because on that time "hot drinks" was referred to as Coffee and Tea yet?(How about Hot Choco/Milk and other Hot soups nowadays?) Or I think we should be more focused on what God really means to those "hot drinks".

After the revelation was given, Hyrum Smith who was at that time the Assistant President said:

And again "hot drinks are not for the body, or belly;" there are many who wonder what this can mean; whether it refers to tea, or coffee, or not. I say it does refer to tea, and coffee. (Hyrum Smith, "The Word of Wisdom", Times and Seasons, 1842-06-01, vol. 3, p. 800.)

Later on, the Prophet himself confirmed his brother's statements:

I understand that some of the people are excusing themselves in using tea and coffee, because the Lord only said "hot drinks" in the revelation of the Word of Wisdom .... Tea and coffee ... are what the Lord meant when He said "hot drinks. (In Joel H. Johnson (1881). Voice from the Moutains (Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office) p. 12; cited in Church Educational System (2001). Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual: Religion 324 and 325 (Salt Lake City: LDS Church) p. 209.)

Did he mention hot chocolate or other "hot" drinks?. It is more than clear and specifically taught in these statements that hot drinks mean tea and coffee.

Post Date: 6th Apr, 2008 - 8:35am / Post ID: #

It Is OK For Mormons To Drink Tea?
A Friend

It OK Mormons Drink Tea Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 4

it's very simple that I am confused regarding this matter :

First of all, Yerba Mate is not prohibited by the Word of Wisdom. Yerba means "herbs" in English, and as far as I know (based on my experience living in Argentina almost all my life and seeing Stakes President, Mission Presidents as well as a couple of General Authorities tasting it)

If you said that Yerba Mate is not prohibited by the WoW? Yes it is true! and also the Coke or Soda but I am still confused why does Our Heavenly Father commands or warns us not to partake "hot drinks" and so Hyrum Smith interprets it that God is pertaining to Coffee and Tea only by what circumstances does the Coffee and Tea was the only considered "hot drinks"? Is it because they are served hot? or Is it because of the Caffeine? If you can answer me clearly what from these 2 questions I am asking is the most appropriate reason why Hyrum Smith says that. I couldn't get the point what characteristics of the Coffee and Tea became prohibited and the others not.

If the reason is because of Caffeine? And We all know that that is really harmful to our body because of its side effects, so why consider Coffee and Tea only since Yerba Mate, Sodas, chocolates as you mentioned has a Caffeine content also? So I can see that we should avoid those if that is the case.

If the reason is because "hot drinks" are pertaining to really "hot" liquids that can burn and can be harmful to our body, so I guess It will show that on the time of our Prophet JS and HS was interpreting it is because Coffee and Tea were the only popular drinks served hot on those days, so the question may arise to How about the other "hot" drinks?

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