Such a great lesson... such a sad reality. I thought I would start a thread about it.
"As recorded in Luke, one day the Savior entered a village where there were
10 lepers. . . . These 10 lepers came to the Savior and said, 'Master, have
mercy upon us. . . .' And He said to the 10 lepers, 'Go visit your priest,
and he will take care of you'--which they did. . . . A short time later,
one of them returned to the Savior and fell on his knees, thanking the
Savior for blessing him and making him well from that terrible disease. And
the Savior said to that one man: 'Weren't there 10? What has happened to
the other nine? Where are they?' (See Luke 17:11-19.) As I've read that
story again and again, it's made a great impression upon me. How would
you like to be part of the 'nine society'? Wouldn't that be something--to be
numbered among those who failed to return and acknowledge the Savior
for blessings He had given them? Only one returned."
(David B. Haight, "Were There Not Ten Cleansed?" Ensign, Nov. 2002, 24)
[quote]Wouldn't that be something--to be
numbered among those who failed to return and acknowledge the Savior
for blessings He had given them? Only one returned." [/quote]
Wow, what a great quote!. I pondered so many times where the nine lepers went after being healed....I want to think they were so excited about being 'clean' that they forgot to give thanks, how many times we do the same thing! we ask a blessing to Heavenly Father and we wait and wait and wair and when we obtain it, we enjoy that blessing so much that we are quick to forget to thank him for his blessing, don't we do that sometimes?, it may not be in a big way like the lepers story but this story shows how Heavenly Father feels about ingratitute, that's why it is so important to acknowledge his hand in all things...I believe we are like the 9 lepers sometimes when we don't thank him for the things he does for us...
Yes, and it is one thing to thank Him, but he has constantly shown that His acceptance of us is when we do what he says. So to show our thanks we must keep His commandments and reciprocrate His mercy by helping the poor, healing the sick, visiting the weary, etc. Now you can see why the 'Nine Society' has such a strong membership.