LDS Perspective: War in Iraq - Page 9 of 10

Some things that the Lord has taught us about - Page 9 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 1st Aug, 2010 - 6:08pm

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Post Date: 20th May, 2008 - 11:00am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: War in Iraq - Page 9

Name: KJ

Comments: Hi all. I love reading the posts on here and never post myself but recently my views on this subject have changed and I would just like to put them to you...(sorry if it's already been said)

At first I agreed with the war, when initially ridding irag of Saddam Hussein, so to speak. However as time went on I thought there were many underlying things that I couldn't get my head around and my views began to change and I didn't agree with it. However, the more I have thought about this from an LDS angle I have thought that although the cause of the war wasn't righteous and I'm not saying Heavenly Father made it happen but maybe Heavenly Father will use this to his advantage and maybe this is a way in which Christianity can be introduced to people who wouldn't get the opportunity in that country.

Just a thought...

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Post Date: 25th Aug, 2008 - 6:29am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: War in Iraq
A Friend

Iraq War Perspective LDS

Did you know that Hitler burned his own palace and blamed it on the russians so that he could have the people's support for his Russian war campaign. Old tactics.

Hmmmmm...9-11. Our economy is bust and we are still at it. Our dollar is going down.

What did Iraq have to do with 9-11? What about all those weapons of mass destruction.

27th Aug, 2008 - 12:03am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: War in Iraq Studies Doctrine Mormon

At this point in the history of the world, can we really expect there not to be wars. We can fight to reduce War in general, but there will be Wars and Rumours of Wars until the end. There will not not be peace regardless if liberals or conservatives are running the country.

This being said I have no idea what God thinks about the Iraq War and I am pretty sure that no one really has any idea if God thinks this is a moral or immoral War. It would be somewhat presumptuous of me to try to explain God's views on a particular conflict, but I can express my own spiritual views. There are righteous people on both sides have insisted that they know that God either supports one side or the other or thinks that everyone involved is pure evil.

I think there are some very good individuals within the Church that have taken both sides, and that is why I am not sure that we can know if this is one of those wars that Moroni spoke of for defence of freedom


Alma 46: 12, 16, 35
  12 And it came to pass that he rent his coat; and he took a piece thereof, and wrote upon it-In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children-and he fastened it upon the end of a pole.

or a war that is steeped in iniquity


Alma 35:15 Now Alma, being grieved for the iniquity of his people, yea for the wars, and the bloodsheds, and the contentions which were among them; and having been to declare the word, or sent to declare the word, among all the people in every city; and seeing that the hearts of the people began to wax hard, and that they began to be offended because of the strictness of the word, his heart was exceedingly sorrowful.

I am leaning toward to first one, but I may be wrong.

Post Date: 27th Aug, 2008 - 12:54am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: War in Iraq
A Friend

Page 9 Iraq War Perspective LDS

Joe public do you think that invading a country and forcing christianity down peoples' throats is the christ like thing to do?

Just like the spanish inquisition here in this hemisphere. Remember the great Apostacy. Where the Roman catholic church ran down and destroyed the original saints.

That is not the way to spread christianity. It is not christianity and nothing good will come of it.

I supported it when it first started. I feel like I have been tricked and manipulated.

Reconcile Edited: Quasar on 27th Aug, 2008 - 5:27am

Post Date: 26th Apr, 2009 - 7:13pm / Post ID: #

Iraq War Perspective LDS

QUOTE (dbackers @ 26-Aug 08, 8:03 PM)
At this point in the history of the world, can we really expect there not to be wars. We can fight to reduce War in general, but there will be Wars and Rumours of Wars until the end. There will not not be peace regardless if liberals or conservatives are running the country.

Name: Alex

Comments: Dear dbackers,

Please allow me to clarify something in responce to what I've read.

As we know that the Constitution (and the Bill of Rights)(when it was written)is as much from God as the 10 Commandments, we can safely assume, that is God's word. Moreover, since our prophets told us to study the Constituion in the tradition of the Founding Fathers, their initial interpretation should be our guide. Hence, if government takes any action against the initial interpretation of the Constitution, it is against God's will.

I don't want to insult your intelligence, but for those who don't know, the Congress didn't vote to declare a war against Iraq as the Constitution demands, but instead it has committed an illegal act of giving Bush a carte-blanc to take whatever action was needed (which is called .

Hence, the members of the Congress (except for a few, like Ron Paul), betrayed their office and the Constitution.

To quote Ron Paul's address to the Congress

The fact that Congress is not permitted under the Constitution to transfer the war power to a president was ignored. Only Congress can declare war, if we were inclined to follow the rule of law.  To add insult to injury, HJ RES 114 cited United Nations resolutions as justifications for the war.  Ignoring the Constitution while using the UN to justify the war showed callous disregard for the restraints carefully written in the Constitution.  The authors deliberately wanted to make war difficult to enter without legislative debate, and they purposely kept the responsibility out of the hands of the executive branch.  Surely they never dreamed an international government would have influence over our foreign policy or tell us when we should enter into armed conflict.

I think there can be no other doubts as to the Lord's view of this illegal war.

3rd Jul, 2009 - 1:05am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: War in Iraq

QUOTE (FarSeer @ 7-Sep 03, 3:48 PM)
From Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. (1939) (and from the teaching manual "Teachings of Presidents of the Church":
"Peace on earth, and good will to men," is our slogan.  that is our principle.  That is the principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

And while I think it is wrong, wickedly wrong, to force war upon any nation, or upon any people, I believe it is righteous and just for every people to defend their own liberties, and their own homes, with the last drop of their blood.  I believe it is right, and I believe that the Lord will sustain any people in defending their own liberty to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience, any people trying to preserve their wives and children from the ravages of war.

But we do not want to be brought into the necessity of having to defend ourselves.


With what is written in the previous post and what I quoted, just proves to me, more then ever, that I will NEVER support the United States Government's war in Iraq, the government has lied from day one the reasons for the war, they said that it was because Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and then they said that Iraq had something to do with 9/11, now they say that Saddam was a terrorist, which is true, but besides the point.
The point that I"m making is that there is only one reason why the United States Government has attacked Iraq. I think this sums it up:
This was a name of the war that was considered, then dropped, once it was realized what the first letter of each word spells out O-I-L!
The reason for the war is staring right at us in our faces.
First if we went to war to Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction, and went there with guns blazing, then why aren't we in North Korea? They have been waving their arms up and down, shouting saying, "We HAVE weapons of mass destruction"
If Iraq helped with 9/11, and we are there BECAUSE they did help, then, why are we NOT in Saudi Arriba, where most of the hijackers came from?
If we are at war with Iraq since they help terrorists, or are themselves terrorists, then why is the government NOT in (name any country that has terrorists, supports terrorists, or just plain against the American Government).
These are just some of my questions that I NEED answered BEFORE I would go to war, yet these questions would have, and most likely will, get you branded as a traitor. That's another question I have, why would asking simple, rational questions, make you a traitor?
I think the days of fighting for our lives and rights, are over. The wars that are being fought today, more and more, is all about resources. Oil is the single most used, and abused, substance of finite amount, you are in denial if you say that we won't use up the world's oil supply. What would the would the world look like at that point?

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12th Jun, 2010 - 10:58pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective War Iraq - Page 9

Are we really asking what G-d thinks of the War in Iraq? My was a disgusting thing to do and even though I may understand their reasoning for doing it doesnt mean it was acceptable you know what am I saying? That scripture of Captain Moroni have a context and I don't think this particular case fit that story.

Post Date: 1st Aug, 2010 - 6:08pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: War in Iraq
A Friend

LDS Perspective War Iraq Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 9

Some things that the Lord has taught us about war:

international QUOTE
DC 98:16
Therefore, renounce war and proclaim peace , and seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children;

DC 98:33-38
33 And again, this is the law  that I gave unto mine ancients, that they should not go out unto battle against any nation, kindred, tongue, or people, save I, the Lord, commanded them.
34 And if any nation, tongue, or people should proclaim war against them, they should first lift a standard of peace unto that people, nation, or tongue;
35 And if that people did not accept the offering of peace, neither the second nor the third time, they should bring these testimonies before the Lord;
36 Then I, the Lord, would give unto them a commandment, and justify them in going out to battle against that nation, tongue, or people.
37 And I, the Lord, would fight their battles, and their children's battles, and their children's children's, until they had avenged themselves on all their enemies, to the third and fourth generation.
38 Behold, this is an ensample unto all people, saith the Lord your God, for justification before me.

Has the Lord Himself commanded us to go to war with Iraq? If so where is the revelation? When did we offer peace before starting the war in Iraq? Are we offering peace now to North Korea & Iran before we enter into war with them, then waiting upon the Lord to tell us what to do next? I think not. In my opinion, I cannot support a war without a revelation from the Lord to justify it.

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