Parents Kind and Dear...

Parents Kind Dear - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 26th Oct, 2009 - 9:45pm

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30th Aug, 2003 - 8:48pm / Post ID: #

Parents Kind and Dear...

Parents Kind and Dear...

I am sure you are familiar with the hymn called, 'I Am A Child Of God' that is often sung by primary children and also adults. Part of the words gives thanks for parents kind and dear... The reason I posted this is here is to ask the question...

Have you been born of goodly parents?

Strange question? Not really. I once was watching some children in primary signing this song, I am sure they were not aware of its' total meaning, but they sung with vigor anyway. However, each child came from homes that were 'good' and not so 'good' - broken families, fathers they never knew and yet some even did not know who their parents were. At the least some may have come from abusive families. I often wonder if there is a child that sings this song, knowing that at home is no one 'kind and dear'. Sad enough the culture in the Caribbean is one of being very stern with children. Sometimes it is very hard for them to express love because of it.

international QUOTE
"I wish at this time to pay tribute and express gratitude . . . For having been born of goodly parents and raised in a goodly home. . . . I'm grateful to have been associated with good people. Good people influence your life and help in molding your own personality and character and help you to mingle out in society and live the way that you should live. They help you carry on worthwhile enterprises and they lift you onto a higher plane."

(David B. Haight, "Were There Not Ten Cleansed?" Ensign, Nov. 2002, 24)

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31st Aug, 2003 - 12:04am / Post ID: #

Dear Kind Parents

international QUOTE
Have you been born of goodly parents?

No, I haven't. I don't know what is to have a Mom and a Dad since I was raised by my grandmother (who I call 'mom') and my two uncles. Sometimes I wish I could be born of goodly parents who cared enough about me, I wish I could have the same opportunities other children had of being raised by a mother and a father. I think that's why I feel so attached to my son who I love dearly, I want him remembering every minute he has with his mom and that he can feel how much I love him and how much I am willing to sacrifice for him and his happiness. I'm happy that he will be able to have normal home where Mom and Dad love him and care about him. I'm very grateful for this. I am also grateful to God who put in my way to my grandmother and two uncles who sacrificed so much for me, I'm so grateful to them for their love and all the things they did for me.
When I hear 'I am a child of God' in Primary I cannot avoid to think about me...I also like JB mentioned I think about all those kids who do not have 'Parents kind and dear' I am not very sure if it's good actually that those words can be in the song, because not everybody has a Mom and a Dad in the first place and other have them but they don't love the child and abuse him maybe songs like that should be changed by other words to suit everybody, don't you all think?

31st Aug, 2003 - 12:56pm / Post ID: #

Parents Kind and Dear... Studies Doctrine Mormon

international QUOTE
When I hear 'I am a child of God' in Primary I cannot avoid to think about me...I also like JB mentioned I think about all those kids who do not have 'Parents kind and dear'  I am not very sure if it's good actually that those words can be in the song, because not everybody has a Mom and a Dad in the first place and other have them but they don't love the child and abuse him sad.gif maybe songs like that should be changed by other words to suit everybody, don't you all think?

I totally agree with you how you stick close to your son, as I do the same thing with my kids.  My parents were quite "strict" and we were beaten for things like coughing or vomiting.  How do little children not do that?!?  My mother says now she regrets it, and it was just how she was raised.

I was raised by my mother and step-father (although they did not marry until I was a teenager).  He is an alcoholic and mom followed him into that lifestyle.  Neither one of them drink now, but it was hard growing up.  How mom managed to get all of us girls baptized is a mystery!

I don't know about changing the song.  I know it isn't scripture or anything that serious.  But we do have "regular" families out there with kind and dear parents (you two, for example!).  The kids who don't...  well, we can't change the world.  That may sound a little harsh, but isn't it something they are going to have to deal with?

It's always been hard for me to imagine a "kind, wise, loving father" to associate with the image of my Heavenly Father.  I've never experienced that.

"Love at Home" always gets me teary-eyed, too.

In my opinion.


31st Aug, 2003 - 4:19pm / Post ID: #

Dear Kind Parents

international QUOTE
I don't know about changing the song.  I know it isn't scripture or anything that serious.  But we do have "regular" families out there with kind and dear parents (you two, for example!).  The kids who don't...  well, we can't change the world.  That may sound a little harsh, but isn't it something they are going to have to deal with?

Yes, I know it's something they have to deal with but it doesn't make the journey easier. I know how it feels to be a small child and see everybody having a Dad and a Mom and you're just there without knowing what to say when they ask you what's your father's name?. You know what I mean?. I know we cannot change the world but definitely can make it easier for them. I will give you an example, in my country Argentina when is Mother's Day or Father's Day we do not celebrate it at the schools making cards for our moms and dads. Instead we have a day call 'Family Day' and we stick the two days (Mother and Father's Day) together so every child will be able to feel that they fit in, we make cards and things like that for the 'family', the kids seems happier and I think is a terrific idea.

1st Sep, 2003 - 3:12am / Post ID: #

Dear Kind Parents

international QUOTE
I know how it feels to be a small child and see everybody having a Dad and a Mom and you're just there without knowing what to say when they ask you what's your father's name?. You know what I mean?

Yes.  I do...  I know what it's like to miss every single "daddy daughter" activity (whether at school or at church) ...  And I know what it's like to watch my daughter, watching other kids with their dads..  the look on her face is heartbreaking.

international QUOTE
I know we cannot change the world but definitely can make it easier for them. I will give you an example, in my country Argentina when is Mother's Day or Father's Day we do not celebrate it at the schools making cards for our moms and dads. Instead we have a day call 'Family Day' and we stick the two days (Mother and Father's Day) together so every child will be able to feel that they fit in, we make cards and things like that for the 'family', the kids seems happier and I think is a terrific idea.

My little girl, when the first time at school came to "celebrate" Father's Day, she made up a name, and a picture that she drew.  She had seen him only once before, and it had been about a year (she was now 3).  The teacher asked me after school what kind of work he did to be bitten by a dog, and was his real name Lucky? (neither one was true)

Maybe I reacted negatively at first because I feel so helpless when it comes to my daughter's situation.  Perhaps you're right, and if we can make life a little bit easier for young children, we should.


1st Sep, 2003 - 3:10pm / Post ID: #

Parents Kind and Dear...

international QUOTE
The teacher asked me after school what kind of work he did to be bitten by a dog, and was his real name Lucky? (neither one was true)

Maybe I reacted negatively at first because I feel so helpless when it comes to my daughter's situation.

I perfectly understand your pain Roz, actually I see that very few teachers are really concern in getting to know their students. Your daughter's teacher instead of making an activity like that should first know the particular situation of each child! that's common sense in my opinion. But so few people know what empathy is all about and everybody just assume that every child have a home with a Mom and a Dad and they're so wrong in assuming such a thing. We are living in a world right now where mothers are mothers and fathers also or where fathers are fathers and mothers too. This is a very common thing now and teachers at school should be sensitive about the whole thing.
I can imagine the little face of your daughter and the mix feelings she felt. I know because I went through the same thing. I remember that when they used to ask us to draw our dads at school I always use to draw my two uncles in the paper and the kids always used to ask me why and I used to tell them because I have two dads and some of them laughed at me and say 'Nobody has two dads' and I used to defend myself saying 'Well, I do'. It's amazing that now at 28 years old, I still remember that like it was yesterday...

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9th Oct, 2009 - 2:31pm / Post ID: #

Parents Kind Dear...

international QUOTE (JB @ 30-Aug 03, 8:48 PM)
Have you been born of goodly parentts?(sic)

Many years ago I would have said yes, after all my father was a Bishopd and nobody knew the kind of emotional abuse he put my mother and my sisters through. In public he was the most humble and loving man willing to help others, but at home he was another person. I don't judge him, I'm just sharing whether I had parents kind and dear. The short answer is no, unfortunately.

Post Date: 26th Oct, 2009 - 9:45pm / Post ID: #

Parents Kind and Dear...
A Friend

Parents Kind Dear... Mormon Doctrine Studies


international QUOTE
I think about all those kids who do not have 'Parents kind and dear' I am not very sure if it's good actually that those words can be in the song, because not everybody has a Mom and a Dad in the first place and other have them but they don't love the child and abuse him ( maybe songs like that should be changed by other words to suit everybody, don't you all think?

The church teaches what is doctrinally correct.
Proclamation of the Family, paragraph 6
international QUOTE
Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for their children. . . Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observed the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. 

It is sad that many, many children are not being raised by a loving mother and father. The church teaches what the family should include, and that is children being raised by both a father and a mother, with extended family support. Unfortunately, some parents do not step up to the plate and fulfill their responsibilities so other family members step in and help. Many children throughout the world do not know what a mother or father is as they have been abandoned, left to care for themselves, or put in orphanages or foster care. It is so, so very sad. It is unfortunate that not every child is being raised by a loving father and mother, while other arrangements can be made to help children in difficult situations, nothing can really take the place of a father and mother caring for a child. This is the ideal and divinely appointed plan that our Heavenly Father set for us.

Proclamation of the Family, paragraph 7
international QUOTE
Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation.  Extended families should lend support when needed.

I was raised by incredible parents, who were kind and dear. I was very, very lucky. My father was not raised by kind and dear parents. His parents were alcoholics and very abusive. My father was the oldest in his family and, therefore, supported the rest of his family, both physically and financially. He had to step up to the plate as a young child and care for his immediate family, as his parents were not fulfilling their sacred duties as parents. Because of his circumstances, when he married my mother and had children, he wanted to be the very best parent, and give his children what he did not receive as a child--loving and caring parents. My father was an amazing dad! I miss him to pieces--he died about 3 years ago. Out of my father's struggles with his parents, he became a better, stronger person. He did not want to be like his parents. I admire him for choosing to change and become better, rather than continuing the cycle of abuse. I am comforted to know that for those that did not have wonderful parents, that God will hold them accountable for neglecting their sacred responsibilities.

Proclamation of the Family, Paragraph 6&7
international QUOTE
. . .Husbands and wives--mothers and fathers--will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations. . .WE WARN that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God.

Our society's definition of what a family consists of is different than what the gospel teaches. This is the disintegration of the family as foretold of by ancient and modern prophets.
Proclamation of the Family, Paragraph 7
international QUOTE
Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.

international QUOTE
I don't know about changing the song.  I know it isn't scripture or anything that serious.

I believe the hymns are scripture, as our First Presidency approved them for singing in sacrament meeting. This is a meeting where we partake of the sacrament, learn of the doctrine of the church, feel the Spirit, and bring us closer to our Savior and our Heavenly Father. A hymn is sung just before we partake of the sacrament, the most important part of our meeting.
The First Presidency Preface of the Hymnbook
international QUOTE
Inspirational music is an essential part of our church meetings. The hymns invite the Spirit of the Lord, create a feeling of reverence, unify us as members, and provide a way for us to offer praises to the Lord.

Some of the greatest sermons are preached by the singing of hymns. Hymns move us to repentance and good works, build testimony and faith, comfort the weary, console the mourning, and inspire us to endure to the end.

Ours is a hymnbook for the home as well as for the meetinghouse. We hope the hymnbook will take a prominent place among the scriptures and other religious books in our homes. The hymns can bring families a spirit of beauty and peace and can inspire love and unity among family members.

I believe that the Hymns are scripture. I Am A Child of God is Hymn #301. My heart aches and goes out to any of you who did not have a loving father and mother, and I hope you can find peace and comfort knowing you do have a kind and loving Heavenly Father and Mother. I know that it must be very difficult, and because I had wonderful parents, I know what you have missed out on, and it breaks my heart. Perhaps, you can do as my dad did, and strive to become the very best parent that you can be so your children can have this great gift and blessing in their lives. I am so thankful and pray daily thanking my Heavenly Father for my wonderful parents.

Rather off topic, but...
I thread about debating if the hymns are scripture or how the hymns have affected your life, might be interesting. I know I would have a lot to say!

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