Sometimes, we reach a moment where things are just not going our way, it may be financial, emotional, or other issues, but when the going gets 'tough' should you get going and ask for a release? Or should you just not say anything and hope that someone 'realises' that is time for your release?
:stop: Hmmm let me make a good decision.
oh boy. I don't know really!. I do know, people do not change just like that. If you're under stress and the leaders are not helping you to make your burden lighter or they simply do not care about it, then the first thing I would think about it's a release for your own sanity. Anyhow, I see your point.
I am in this situation right now, and I really need a break from everything...having nobody really around to be helpful it makes things tougher than they should be...
I recenttly found this quote which I will add hear for 'flavor' ;)
"In the recesses of my mind, over and over again I hear the guiding
direction President John Taylor gave to the brethren of the priesthood: 'If
you do not magnify your callings, God will hold you responsible for those
you might have saved, had you done your duty.'"
(Thomas S. Monson, "Peace, Be Still," Ensign, Nov. 2002, 55)
[quote]Sometimes, we reach a moment where things are just not going our way, it may be financial, emotional, or other issues, but when the going gets 'tough' should you get going and ask for a release? Or should you just not say anything and hope that someone 'realises' that is time for your release? Hmmm let me make a good decision.[/quote]
My first reaction is to ask for help from counselors, etc. If that doesn't help the situation after a month or so, ask to be released. If we know we are unable to fulfill or magnify the calling because of stress or other issues, we truly should be released and allow someone else the blessing of service. There's no shame in that.