The Venture Brothers
What is your review for the entertainment value of the animated TV series called, "The Venture Brothers"?
The Venture Bros. Is an action-adventure-comedy animated series that airs as part of Cartoon Network's late night programming block called Adult Swim.
The show follows the adventures of the inquisitive and accident-prone twin Venture brothers, Hank and Dean. Their lives are constantly in danger from the foes of their father, the inept scientist Dr. Thaddeus S. "Rusty" Venture. Due to his position in the realm of superscience, Rusty has a become a super-villain magnet attracting the likes of men in butterfly suits, deep-voiced Jackie Os and pedophile soldiers. Keeping the family alive (most of the time) is their overly brutal bodyguard Brock Samson.
The Venture Brothers (Hover)
Alternative movie poster for "Venture Brothers: Season 2":
The Venture Brothers (Hover)