This is an area that I have been studying for sometime, there is no way to prove or disprove the BOM using DNA for one simple (and I mean very simple reason). Let's take a Hebrew and marry him to a Russian, let's repeat the process for say 1,000 yrs, then let's look at the DNA of the newest descendant of the original Hebrew and you can not find it, it's has if it doesn't exist and no one is the wiser.
This type of research is so fascinating to me. I served a mission in Guatemala where some Book of Mormon sites may be. WE may not Know that yet but we do know that civilzations did flourish there for a time nad the geography seems to match. By the way Tikal, located in Northern Guatemala by Belize, which I first saw over 20 years ago was impressive.
Going around the cape of Africa makes little sense. There is a cold water ocean current that runs from right off the coast of the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula all the way to Central America around Panama. I see little reason they would make it harder on themselves than necessary. I havent seen this explanation given officially anywhere but I know it is thought they landed on the West Coast. That would be impossible going around Africa unless you go all the way around south of South America for no real reason.