Out of Character:: I think that maybe you should post some actions, it is role playing and at times people will do things that the groups does not agree with.
How long since we posted anything ? If two of us decide to have a look that is at least a third of the group which I feel is enough. It could be posted that the two of us decided to look and not the others, a bit of friction is good role playing >
Out of Character:: You're right dude. I'm thinking like you can post for us. You haven't done it yet and I'm like doing it already in super heroes. Just be like totally specific with what we're going to do cause that's what the GM likes to see and I'm not really good with that.
In Character:: Looks at cargo itching to open it up.
Well yes it just confirms what we thought.
I guess we should expect to perhaps be attacked as it seems we are a decoy ship sent to see what will happen.
We should use the empty storage crates to create a defensive position in case we are attacked.
"We already have a defensive position but what use is that if they're just big empty crates."
Out of Character: Kntoran did your character hack that laptop for info yet? Would binoculars help us to see if its another ship you're seeing?
Out of Character:; Oh man what did I say this all like one big fraud. Now we like have to figure out why us and what we're supposed to do to get off this thing.
I will come down and advise you all that I think I see a ship heading our way. This way you all can get ready for an attack as I try to hack into the captains computer. Maybe I can find some information out that way. What do you guys think?