I agree lets get on with things.
We have tried to get info on the cargo that is not forthcoming so lets press on and face any issues, being aware that we may have to deal with pirates.
But they could be a smokescreen and perhaps they are not the main issue we will face.
Not wanting the woman to hear Roger whispers to Darkwing,
"Correct about the main issue. This actually looks like one of those black market kind of deals where they want to transport something illegally and just have us as the guinea pigs to face whatever might be coming."
Well this is it. We need to check out this ship thoroughly. Should we check out their cargo even though she said not to?
Yes I feel we should give all the ship a good once over.
I'm guessing the flyers in the group should have a look at the flying aspects, we can also look to see what defences the ship has.
But yes it might be a good idea to see what the cargo is, if it is possible to do so.
"Does this thing have any windows?"
Omega suddenly thinks about the idea of being in a coffin flying to Mars.
"If we open the cargo though they'll know when we get there."