About Future Earth
The year is 2090, location: Earth. Future Earth is set in a time where galatic travel is now beginning to become common. Costs of such travel is too expensive to be undertaken by private enterprise, so it is done by governments using bilateral agreements.
Interplanetary travel is common place, but still very costly for individuals, mostly the military and large corporations undertake the expense. Other planets have bases, but there is still a lot of unexplored territory.
There are many high skilled classes (types of jobs) around the globe, but the earth has not changed much compared to how it is now in that there are many countries and governments, primative cultures and those that are very advanced.
You are from one of FIVE roles such as... Flyer class, mercenary class and researcher class. To see all available Character Types: Source 4
To help assist with dice rolls for games you may be asked to 'roll' for your character. How is that done? Via your profile at the top of the page you will see 'Go to Dice' or you can go to the RPG page. Click on it and then roll!' Your score will be shown and recorded along with other RPGers. The GM will then use this for game play.
Now, please understand that this Forum Dice Roll) is only for certain instances as directed by the GM, mainly most of the rolls are done via a computer program offline.
Multiple IPs and RPGing
To prevent multiple characters from entering into an RPG game please take the following into consideration:
1. No more than 2 (two) users can play from one IP in any RPG game. This caters only for family memebers within the same home.
2. To increase more players you can make a donation for each new player from the same IP.
3. One player can only play in one RPG at the same time. If you wish to play in more, make a donation.
4. If 2 (two) users from the same IP wish to play an RPG, then it must be within the same game and not two different RPGs.
Within the Future Earth Board there are certain threads that are used as info databases for you and the GM. These threads are ALL the ones with the sticky images. DO NOT POST MESSAGES in those threads as it will just be deleted. You may post messages in:
[Future Earth] Brain Storm
[Future Earth] Related and Unrelated
[Future Earth] Create Your Character Here
[Future Earth] Squad Order
For example using the Biowarfare Role-playing Game :
Only I Post here but it is where the story updates so it is good that you subscribed to it:
Future Earth - Jungle Biowarfare Role-playing Game
Players Post here using In Character: and Out of Character: as they see fit. You can also loosely discuss plans or movements:
Jungle Biowarfare Role-playing Game Brainstorm
When ready you put only your Specific Action: here (I only read this one):
Jungle Biowarfare Role-playing Game Squad ACTIONS
If you ever have questions feel free to use the Support Thread for that Role-playing Game :
Future Earth Support & Questions
Make sure to read the FIRST post of each board so you know what you are doing. Always check FAQ for questions and answers.
First of all everything, especially the text used in the creation of Future Earth is copyrighted - BORDE GLOBAL IMPACT DESIGNS® Source 5w We did not copy this from anyone so we expect that you will not copy it from us. Surely, if you want to start your own Role-playing Game site you will get ideas here, but you should not copy the same system, characters, etc. Of our game.
First of all this is all FICTION. It may seem 'real' and as though there really is a world called, 'Future Earth' BUT THERE IS NOT! The text, characters, spells, etc are all part of a grand scenario that members of this forum (Who want to be) may participate in. It is similar to reading a novel, but you actually determine the outcome!
1. The character you create for this game is not you - neither are you the character, but the character is ONLY 'managed' by you.
2. To play in Future Earth you must be a member in good standing and posted at least 30 posts in the other boards in the forum. Why so many posts? This weeds out the serious from the wannabes. We do not want to start with a group of people and then have some drop out just because they did not feel like posting anymore. We figure if someone was willing to post 30 serious messages and contribute to this forum then they are also serious enough to play in the world of Future Earth.
3. At all times you must remember that ADMIN is GM (Game master) and his word is final. Arguing with the GM will just get you minus points and even being banned.
4. Please take notes where necessary so that you can play within this 'world' effectively. It may mean keeping a small slip of paper near your computer so you do not have to keep referring to these rules. It is permissible to print out these rules ONLY for the purpose of reference to this game.
5. As needed these rules will be updated based on the need. Please keep a watchful eye on this thread.
Just Leaving a Game
This has been expressed elsewhere in this board, but I thought it deserved mentioning again...
It takes a lot of work to prepare an adventure, make the story line, decide the personalities and stats of all the characters that you will meet and battle as well as treasure that you might find, not to mention that the GM has to remember all your characters, know their personalities and positions in the game, etc. Hours are spent doing this! Really, you could not pay the GM to have an adventure created, it is done simply because the GM likes doing it for you, but this does not mean that he will do it just because he has time to waste. So please note the following:
1. If you join a game... stay UNTIL your character dies or returns to the Village
2. If you must leave and cannot come back to the forum for a few days then DO contact the GM with an explanation including who will run your character, etc.
3. If you fail to inform the GM that you will not be around for more than a week then the following happens:
a. Your character is taken over by the GM
b. You loose RPGer status
c. You will need to make a donation to come back and play (to show you are serious)
Q. Why so harsh?
A. Like I said, you cannot pay me to do this, it is free, but because it is free doesn't mean you have to take likely the time of the GM or players who get bored waiting for you to show up anytime you like.
Q. But I had an emergency!
A. You have a whole WEEK to send an Email. That cannot be so difficult.
Q. I am back, can I have my character back?
A. Depends... on what was done with your character in the story and also you need to make a donation.
Q. I think the donation is just an excuse to get money from us!
A. If that were through then it would not be free in the first place. The donation is the only way I can 'see' that you are serious since I do not know you personally.
EASY 1-2-3 Steps to get STARTED!
Follow the steps to get started playing:
1. Join this Community: Register Here
2. Post your Introduction after validating your Email address.
3. Make 30 Constructive Posts anywhere in the Community
4. After making your 30 Posts go to your Introduction Thread (the first post you made when you joined) and ask for RPGer status to be given you.
5. When PGer status is given return here and look over the Character Types available.
6. Proceed to Create Character following the instructions.