Wine or Grape Juice? - Page 2 of 2

I still don't get why we make such - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 31st May, 2010 - 5:17pm

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13th Mar, 2010 - 4:27pm / Post ID: #

Wine or Grape Juice? - Page 2

I still don't see the issue on this you know what am I saying?. He drank WINE so what? He ate FISH so what? (for those vegetarians who give a longgg explanation about it). Jesus was a Jewish man living in Israel and did what was customary back then!

14th Mar, 2010 - 2:29am / Post ID: #

Juice Grape Wine

I actually brew beer and make wine on occasions. The process that they would have used in the times of Jesus to make grape juice would have resulted in fermentation fairly quickly with wild yeast (hands, feet and off of whatever you crushed the grape with). Without refrigeration, one would not be able to hold the fermentation process from proceeding.

Today wine-makers spend a lot of money to sterilize their equipment prior to crushing grapes, their containers, etc... Some even boil the byproduct of the crushing to ensure that all wild yeast has been killed.

All yeast needs is proper temperature (which they had in abundance) and sugar (which the juice was rich in) to grow. Wild yeast will produce alcohol as well. The alcohol content would be less than what wine-makers today achieve, because most wild yeast dies in a lower alcohol content setting.

So, I would agree with that the juice wasn't really grape juice (only in this form for a short short period) and it wasn't the same as what you can by retail now.

15th Mar, 2010 - 5:42pm / Post ID: #

Wine or Grape Juice? Studies Doctrine Mormon

I think the confusion is in the translation "wine", it should be some other word maybe not "juice" but something in between. In the D&C it is referred to as wine though.

Post Date: 20th Mar, 2010 - 11:23am / Post ID: #

Page 2 Juice Grape Wine

Name: Ldsctrlt

Comments: Think of Book of Mormon Nephites drank were making some wine for themselves than gave it to Lamanites to get drunk and run away from captivity.
Noah the prophet gets drunk from wine.
So why can people drink wine during the wedding. Also note the comment by the guy when he drinks the wine, he says "why you give a nice wine in the end and not in the beginning of the feast" as when people get drunk they don't care on quality of wine.
So here you are wine is bad don't drink it.
There might be some parts of bible when wine means unfermented wine but not during the first miracle.

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Persephone: Before submitting your comments please use good grammar - no net talk or slang, check your spelling and remember that names of places and people begin with an uppercase letter.

31st May, 2010 - 5:17pm / Post ID: #

Juice Grape Wine

I still don't get why we make such an issue of Jesus drinking wine and we make up the story of the grape juice? His miracles arent less, his power isnt less just because it happened that he drank wine.

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