Establishment losing their grip
The tribe has spoken - voters are revolting not just against Democrats, but establishment politicians in general. And they still don't get it - Christine O'Donnell is now being attacked from all angles, while virtually no one has paid any attention to her general election opponent. Ref. Source 2
Establishment still freaking out
It's really quite something to see what happens when the establishment doesn't get their way. Christine O'Donnell is now feeling the full brunt of relentless attacks - with the slightest misstep by O'Donnell passing for evidence she is unelectable. Yet no one has brought up the fact that her opponent is a Marxist. Ref. Source 6
Christine O'Donnell (Hover)
This is what I was saying before. The Tea party is not being taken seriously and I believe that many long time senators are going to find themselves out of a job real soon. We need to get these boss hogs out of office and get in fresh people who will do as the taxpayers wish they were doing now. I find it funny that everyone is attacking her because she came out of nowhere and won against a old stuck in the rut senator.
She's a witch!
Establishment guns are still blazing trying to do anything to take down Christine O'Donnell. The latest attack is a video clip (so secretive it was originally aired on a national television program) where she talked about how she dated one of these witch freaks in high school. This of course means she's crazy and has cries of "She's a witch!" coming from the media. Glenn responds to the latest O'Donnell attack. Ref. Source 9
I love the fact that she took on Castle/Rove and sent the Republican Party a wake up call that the Tea Party is not just in the bag for you. However, she is a horrible candidate that Castle and Rove didn't take seriously and it will end up in a win for the Democrat Cooms... Look at her ad denying that she is a witch:
Source 5 you aren't a witch. But in the spirit of not being a which, what color dress should you have probably picked for this ad? BLACK...FAIL! Now let's talk about the erie blue haze behind you that looks like it might be the light off a boiling cauldron for your spells or at least the midnight mist under a full moon. Were you going for a joke? If so you needed to go a lot further because it actually looked like you were serious. This was totally ripe for a SNL takeover.
Source 2
Now SNL did a great job of totally submarining Palin. Did she learn anything? She either had a to kick out a message that talked about the ridiculous nature of the issue to the point anyone would be ashamed to bring it up again. OR She needed to make fun of it to the point where no one could use it against her anymore. She did neither with this ad. Make it funny but with a message..something like:
I am not a witch. But if I were a witch, I would cast a spell that would make congress stop spending our country and our children's country into bankruptcy. Now I cant cast a spell, because I am not a witch, but I could cast a vote if you elect me as your next senator. I am Christine O'Donnell. And while I find this a total waste of money and time, like much of what goes on in Washington, I approve this message. So please vote O'Donnell and let's make some magic this Novemeber! (smile...close camera)
Again, I am very much a supporter of the Tea Party movement, but she is just not a good candidate. If you go into a law campus expecting to talk a little law, wouldn't you brush up a bit on some of your key points?
Source 5
I really thought she had it for a brief second when she asked where "separation of church and state" was in the first amendment. It isn't there. It is a interpretation. I thought she was going to challenge the current accepted perversion of the interpretation of the first amendment, but she just kept asking where it was and wouldn't let it go...all the time making her opponent look all the much better. I have to tip my hat to the guy as he didn't just go in for the kill as she was in way over her head at this point and he could have done it easily.
I am for the Tea Party platform, but she is just a really poor candidate. Rove and Co. Should be ashamed that they didn't vet and take her seriously in the primaries as this will not be a win for the democrats...the republicans just gave it away.
Edited: Vincenzo on 27th Oct, 2010 - 3:37am
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Looks like the negativity got the best of voters:
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3232 100%
I guess I wouldnt call it negativity. I watch another of her debates before the election with Coons and she just looks bad. When she is in a friendly environment, she coughs up the Tea Party platform very well and I do believe she is sincere. However, her personal attacks against Coons looked pretty petty and he actually came out of the debate looking pretty good and really didn't have to defend his record that much...she had lots of opportunity to hammer him intelligently...but didn't.
To top it off, she has gone through 5 treasureres during this campaign. Treasurer is a pretty cushy job and they get taken care of when the person wins. To go through 5 of them says only one thing to me...she has done some questionable things with campaign money (trust me the IRS probably notices this too) and they don't want their names on it should she get called on it. This is the person who is going to force a balanced budget and take on the debt?
She was just a bad candidate and the republicans blew it that they didn't take her seriously in the primary.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%