How many children?
How many children do you have and how many children did you hope to have when you first started? This is a different Thread to: Mormons : Pregnant Again Or Not? which focuses on prevention and not intention.
I would love 7 but can settle with 6. Less than that is way too little. Need to find a husband first though.
Well you both have me beat, I didn't want ANY! Now I have 5! There was some emotional situations and fear that went into that decision and the Lord helped remove the doubt after I got pregnant the first time. So, WOW if you start out wanting 4, 5, 6, or 7 (Or more) kids--I wonder how that works? Just Kidding~ Your desires are just more correct than mine were at the time.
You are blessed AlaskanLDS! I would like to have seven beautiful kids but I think hubby think is a bit too much so just like Sariah_Gift, I think six may be the right number for us. I have two, one on the way so three or four more to go after this one!
Name: Samuel
Comments: More is better, my wife is very good at raising them. I play with them when they are small. When they get older I make them work
Funny Samuel. I am sure your wife doesn't check online to read what you post.
Just a couple of thoughts to open debate:
1. Do you think you have to be able to "afford" children in order to have them? Now before you answer with the obvious reply, I want you to think where is Faith in all this?
2. What happens if the wife or husband wants more kids but the other doesn't?