Ark of the Covenant

Ark Covenant - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 11th Feb, 2003 - 5:48pm

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8th Feb, 2003 - 8:49pm / Post ID: #

Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant was a specially designed chest (if I may call it that) made to house the original stone tablets that contained the ten commandments written by the Hand of the Lord.

The Ark was seen not only as a house for the tablets, but as a symbol of God's power on earth. The Armies of Israel were always confident when they had the Ark among them. There was a time that the Ark fell into the hands of the Palestinians and it caused a great curse to come on them.

One of the last recordings we have about the Ark is where in 2 Macabbees chapter 2, there is the story of Jeremiah hiding The Ark and other temple stuff:

" he went forth into the mountain, where Moses climbed up, and saw the heritage of God. And when Jeremy came there, he found an hollow cave, in which he placed the tabernacle, and the ark, and the altar of incense, and so closed up the opening."

Some scholars believe that this 'mountain' is Mt. Nebo because Abraham, Moses, and Jesus saw land of Israel from here.

"And some of those that followed him came to mark the way, but they could not find it. When Jeremy realized this, he criticised them, saying, As for that place, it shall be unknown until the time that God gather his people again together.."

Other people guess that the Ark must be under the Temple Mount, the famous place of both the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Exploring this area has been halted because of contentions, but everyone thinks there are 'hidden treasures' in this place.

The most popular instance of the Ark being featured was the movie with Harrison Ford: 'Indiana Jones'. In one of these movies the Nazi army was busy looking for the Ark because they believed it had power. (This is another topic, but many do not know that Hitler's companions had many fantasies of obtaining what they believed to be 'objects of power' that could help them to dominate the world, but that is another thread).

To show the seriousness of God's position with regards to the Ark he commanded that no one should touch the Ark save Moses. The Ark was therefore moved via some rods that fit through some rings on the side of the Ark. There is the account of Uzzah, a bearer of the Ark who felt it necessary to steady the Ark one day because he thought it would fall, Uzzah was immediately struck dead because he did not heed the warning, 'No one shall touch the Ark save Moses'.

In modern times the Lord has referenced to this same account of Uzzah by talking about leaders who try to 'Steady the Ark' and in effect really end up doing something contrary to what the Lord has instructed (but that is another thread also).

What do you know about the Ark and its mysteries. Where do you think it is today?

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Post Date: 9th Feb, 2003 - 2:26am / Post ID: #

Ark of the Covenant
A Friend

Covenant the Ark

These are old questions that I believe Ron Wyatt has put to rest. The Ark rests directly under the crucifixion site in Jerusalem. This is an amazing story - but true as the sky is blue. Thank you Ron Wyatt!
For those interested in learning more about this, I recommend you go to or

I've studied other theories about where the Ark is located but none come even close to Wyatt's finds.  

Whatsmore, Wyatt was a Nurse Anesthetist and managed to scrape some of the dried blood of Christ off of the mercy seat where it had dripped through the massive crack in the earth (after the earthquake) during his crucifixion. He submitted the blood sample to independent dna labs and the results will astound you: The normal human has 48 chromosones in their DNA - 24 X chromosones from the mother and 24 Y Chromosones from the father. This blood had 24 X Chromosones but only 1 Y Chromosone. Some scientist call this a 'diploid' or some such thing.  The implications are great. This blood is being stored in the US and will be released for further studies in the not too distant future - although no date has been given.  
I recommend getting the videos on his other discoveries as well. Ron Wyatt was certainly blessed to  serve the Lord's purpose.  
If you study his extensive site, you will also learn why the world at large has not become fully aware of his findings yet.

Yes, the Ark remains in Israel just where Jeremiah left it. No one has ben allowed to remove it from its resting place - not even the Israelite Antiquities Authorities who consider this find a political hot potato (they tried once to remove it). It's a fascinating story and one that I feel everyone who is interested in the Ark of the Covenant should know about.

10th Feb, 2003 - 8:47pm / Post ID: #

Ark of the Covenant Studies Doctrine Mormon

There is an interesting theory about the ark of the covenant in this web site
In this theory, Lehi took the ark of covenant with him when he came to the Americas. How they know this?. Well, the scholars Lisa and Ross Boren give this information in the web site I gave before, a guy called Dean Mansfield says that he believes Lehi brought it to the americas for the following reasons:
There are several places which indicate to me a possible connection. We know that, as plainly stated, that he took with him the Brass Plates of the Torah and other scriptures. Was there anything else? It seems there is no indication that he took anything else until we come to Third Nephi. Here we read at the beginning of 3rd Nephi a curious entry:
"And Nephi, the son of Helaman, had departed out of the land of Zarahemla, giving charge unto his son, Nephi, who was the eldest son, concerning the plates of brass, and all the records which had been kept, AND ALL THOSE THINGS WHICH HAD BEEN KEPT SACRED from the departure of Lehi out of Jerusalem." (chap 1, verse 2)
All those things? What things? Graham Hancock, in his book, points out the connection between having the Ark and the
need to house it in a sacred place. One of the main reasons for building the Temple of Solomon was to house the Ark. The Temple built in Egypt, Hancock rightly supposes, must have had this idea in mind. It was built with the same dimensions as Solomon's. Likewise, one of the very first things the Nephites did was to build a Temple "after the manner of Solomon." It appears, too, it was an urgent matter. Animal sacrifices could be done in the open, as was done by Lehi during the  journey. But having the Ark in one's possession would make it much more urgent for them to build a Temple like Solomon's.
Furthermore, there are the names of two individuals in the line of succession with the names, "Amaron," and "Ammaron." The first name is Hebrew for "people of the Ark." (The Aramaic has a dagesh, a little dot in the MEM, which doubles it in transliteration). Amm, Am = People (Aramaic, Hebrew) Aron = Ark (Aramaic, Hebrew)
There are no individuals in the Tenach (Bible) with these names. How is it these names show up in the Book of Mormon?
There is plenty info about this subject in that web site and others, this one particularly even though it seems kind of crazy it's very very interesting in my point of view. They have also also other theories that says where the ark of the covenant it's today. In the theory I shared in here, they say it's in Utah.

Post Date: 10th Feb, 2003 - 10:36pm / Post ID: #

Ark of the Covenant
A Friend

Covenant the Ark

"And Nephi, the son of Helaman, had departed out of the land of Zarahemla, giving charge unto his son, Nephi, who was the eldest son, concerning the plates of brass, and all the records which had been kept, AND ALL THOSE THINGS WHICH HAD BEEN KEPT SACRED from the departure of Lehi out of Jerusalem." (chap 1, verse 2)
All those things? What things?

How about The Breastplate that contains the Urim and Thummim, Laban's sword?

Thanks for the site, I'll be checking it out more thoroughly.

11th Feb, 2003 - 10:26am / Post ID: #

Covenant the Ark

[quote]How about The Breastplate that contains the Urim and Thummim, Laban's sword? [/quote]

Oh yeah, definetly. Also those things that have been kept sacred may be the ark itself?...who knows. Cool, hope you have some new insights about this topic, I will research more to add some new theories in here.

11th Feb, 2003 - 12:01pm / Post ID: #

Ark of the Covenant

The ark of the covenant is an extremely important symbol also in the Masonic rituals. Since  the LDS temple rituals are somewhat associate with masonic rituals and since many of our early members and prophets of our Church had been masons themselves, I thought I would add  some info I found about the ark of the covenant in the masonic point of view.
The later history of this ark is buried in obscurity.  It is supposed that, upon the destruction of the first Temple by the Chaldeans, it was carried to Babylon among the other sacred utensils which became the spoil of the conquerors.  But of its subsequent fate all traces have been lost.
However, it is certain that it was not brought back to Jerusalem by Zerubbabel.  The Talmudists say that there were five things which were the glory of the first Temple that were wanting in the second; namely, THE ARK OF THE COVENANT, the Shekinah or Divine Presence, THE URIM AND THUMMIM, the holy fire upon the altar, and the spirit of prophecy.  The Rev. Salem Towne, it is true, has endeavored to prove by a very ingenious argument, that the original Ark of the Covenant was concealed by Josiah, or by others, at some time previous to the destruction of Jerusalem, and that it was afterward, at the building of the second Temple, discovered and brought to light. But such a theory is entirely at variance with all the legends of the Degree of Select Master and of Royal Arch Freemasonry.
To admit it would lead to endless confusion and contradictions in the traditions of the Order.  Besides, it is in conflict with the
opinions of the Rabbinical writers and every Hebrew scholar.  Josephus and the Rabbis allege that in the second Temple the Holy of Holies was empty, or contained only the Stone of Foundation which marked the place which the ark should have occupied.

The covering of the ark was called ????, a Hebrew word pronounced kap-po-reth, from the word ???, pronounced kaw-far and meaning to blot out or pardon, and hence its English name of mercy-seat, as being the place where the intercession for sin was made.
   The researches of archeologists in the last few years have thrown much light on the Egyptian mysteries.  Among the
ceremonies of that ancient people was one called the Procession of Shrines, which is mentioned in the Rosetta stone, and depicted on the Temple walls.  One of these shrines was an ark, which was carried in procession by the priests, who supported it on their shoulders by staves passing through metal rings.  This ark was thus brought into the Temple and deposited on a stand or altar, that the ceremonies prescribed in the ritual might be performed before it.  The contents of these arks were various, but always of a mystical character.  Sometimes the ark would contain symbols of Life and Stability; sometimes the sacred beetle, the symbol of
the Sun; and there was always a representation of two figures of the goddess Theme or Truth and Justice, [Maat?] which overshadowed the ark with their wings.  These coincidences of the Egyptian and Hebrew arks must have been more than accidental."  (Robert Ingham Clegg 33 Degree, Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)

There is a tradition in Freemasonry (most likely not historical) of a duplicate ark made in case the first ark was lost.

"Ark, Substitute--The chest or coffer which constitutes a part of the furniture, and is used in the ceremonies of a Chapter of
Royal Arch Masons, and in a Council of Select Masters according to the American system, is called by Freemasons the Substitute Ark, to distinguish it from the other ark, that which was constructed in the wilderness under the direction of Moses, and which is known as the Ark of the Covenant.  This the Substitute Ark was made to represent under circumstances that are recorded in the
Masonic traditions, and especially those of the Select Degree."

By the other hand John have a vision of the ark in HEAVEN. "And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ARK OF HIS TESTAMENT : and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail".

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 11th Feb, 2003 - 12:41pm / Post ID: #

Ark of the Covenant
A Friend

Ark the Covenant

I've reviewed the site you recommended re. the Ark of the Covenant and found it rather disappointing. The music "Raiders of the Lost Ark" seems appropriate in this case. Nothing has been found - only 'hints' from Gematria. I don't believe anything will come of this 'concocted' wishful thinking on the part of some very 'fringe' people.  Interesting speculation though.

To my knowledge, the Urim,Thummim, breastplate, piles of records on engraven plates and other 'sacred' objects was located in the Hill Cumorah in Western New York. That's how Joseph Smith translated the BOM - with the Urim and Thummim. So how did these sacred objects get moved to Utah?  I haven't read the recently released book of their story so I shouldn't judge too harshly but until they demonstrate actual evidence or have corroborating witnesses or evidence, I will consider it merely a remote possibility.

In the meantime, Ron Wyatt's site brings you a detailed believable story with corroborating witnesses, blood evidence and solid research that is hard to refute.
He has much much more than an interesting story.

Post Date: 11th Feb, 2003 - 5:48pm / Post ID: #

Ark of the Covenant
A Friend

Ark the Covenant Mormon Doctrine Studies

I just want to add this excerpt from the ron wyatt site updates section:

Ark of the Covenant Update
May 16, 2000
by Bill Fry
Approximately 6 weeks after I began to write this update in June 1999, Ron Wyatt died in a Memphis hospital from colon cancer. I had promised Ron that I would not post this update until he had a chance to review it for accuracy. To insure that accuracy, Ron allowed me to record our phone conversation as he told me the story and as I asked specific questions.

I must say now that I will not be making this tape available publicly. So please, don't ask. The reason is that this conversation was taped during the last weeks of Ron Wyatt's life and it is very apparent that he was in quite a bit of pain during portions of our conversation. Because of that I don't like listening to the tape, even to this day. Therefore, out of respect for Ron, I will not be making the tape available to anyone. There are no details on the tape that are not covered in the update.

Unfortunately, before I was able to finish writing the update Ron became very sick and was never able to review what I had written. However, the audio tape testifies to the accuracy of this update; that I wrote only those things that Ron passed on to me. I have added a few minor details to the story from information that Ron has passed on publicly at various times and places but the main points of the story comes directly from our taped conversation.

Since his death, I have not known exactly how to proceed in sharing this information. I counseled with a number of people about this and finally decided that I would not share it until I was impressed that the time was right. It is for that reason that I now share with you the experience that Ron Wyatt had in the Ark of the Covenant chamber.

Over the last couple of years there have been stories circulating about an encounter that Ron Wyatt was supposed to have had with an angel. According to the stories he was given instructions about the Ark of the Covenant, when it would be revealed, and exactly how he was to proceed with his work on the discovery. I have personally had several different versions of these stories sent to me with requests that we confirm or deny them. These people go onto to insist that if they are true that we post them so that all can have access to this information. To date none of the stories that have been sent to me are complete or accurate.

After I explained the situation to Ron in June of 1999 he made the decision to have me write out the actual event as he had twice related it to me and then post it on our web site so that the inaccuracies of the other versions could be corrected. He felt that it was better to tell the story himself rather than allow different versions to circulate with none of them being completely accurate.

As you read this account of Ron's encounter inside the chamber where the Ark of the Covenant is located, please remember that what is being related is an event that has a number of supernatural aspects to it. We understand that this may create an opportunity for some people to mock and ridicule, but we feel that this is better than allowing bad information to continue to circulate and confuse people.

When Ron originally began his excavation at the Calvary escarpment in 1979 he began at the place his hand had pointed to during his encounter with the Israeli Antiquities representative. It is important to understand that Ron was searching only for the Ark of the Covenant. Searching for and finding the crucifixion site was not in his thoughts until it became apparent from the evidence at hand that this was what they had found.

From that point they did months of digging and tunneling along the escarpment wall looking for an opening into some type of cave or tunnel. After praying about the matter Ron was impressed to break through the escarpment wall at a spot near the crucifixion site and thus enter the tunnel system that honeycombs that portion of Mt. Moriah. When he did this he found himself in a series of tunnels that it took many months to explore. During that process he finally found his way into the chamber where the Ark of the Covenant was hidden.

When Ron first entered the chamber it contained a number of items including some of the furnishings from the first temple which were covered with animal skins, wood and then stones stacked on top of them to about 18 inches from the ceiling. For this reason the only way he could move around within the chamber was to crawl on either his back or his stomach. At the far end of the chamber was a stone case with a broken lid whose top was only a few inches from the ceiling. This prevented him from seeing the Ark on his first visit to the chamber but it helped him notice the crack in the ceiling and the brown substance (the blood) which was directly above the stone case. He assumed and later confirmed that this stone case contained the Ark.

On his later visits to the chamber he tried with several different types of still and video cameras to get a clear picture of the Ark. But each time the pictures came out either "whited out" or blurred beyond use. This was a source of great frustration and embarrassment for Ron; to not be able to produce one clear picture of this wonderful discovery. On his fourth visit into the chamber he took with him an 8mm video camera and tripod, determined to finally get a clear shot of the Ark.

As he entered through the same opening he had always used to access the chamber, he immediately recognized that something was very different. The rocks that were always there inhibiting his path were no longer in place. In fact he was able to enter the chamber and drop all the way to the floor. At this point a light came on in the chamber, the source of which he cannot fully explain. Ron then saw that the chamber had been completely cleared of all the rocks and debris, a task Ron had known would need to be done but which would take a long time to accomplish. But now the job was already completed! The chamber was completely clean with no sign of the any of the debris and the Ark of the Covenant was out of the stone case.

As you can imagine Ron was stunned by what he saw. The Ark had been placed against the eastern wall of the chamber directly underneath the crack in the ceiling where Christ's blood had flowed onto the Mercy Seat. The other temple furnishings were set in their proper place relative to the Ark. The rest of the items were set off to one side.

Although he cannot explain how, the wall directly behind the Ark had the appearance of crystal and was glowing with the color pattern of a rainbow. It appeared to Ron that the rest of this crystalline wall was the source of the light which was illuminating the chamber. As he was taking in the sight he suddenly realized that he was not alone in the chamber. Ron stated that he could "feel in his body that he was in the presence of angels".

He saw that there were four young men in the chamber with him. They did not look like angels but appeared as young men dressed in normal "street clothing". But Ron knew that they were angels. He stood there frozen for a few moments unable to move or even speak. He wanted to ask them what they were doing in there but he was not able to do so.

Then one of the angels stepped forward (this is the only one of the four that would speak to him) and told Ron that they were the ones whose job it was to guard the Ark of the Covenant. They had done this since Moses had first placed the tables of stone in it. He told him that God wanted people to see all of these things at a particular point in time. He then instructed Ron to set up his tripod and video camera in a certain place and turn it on.

Once Ron had done this the four angels went over to the Ark, lifted off the Mercy Seat and placed it beside the Ark. The angel that had spoken to him beckoned him forward and told him to take out the tables of stone. Ron leaned over and picked up the ten commandment stones. He then backed away a few steps and the angels placed the Mercy Seat back on the Ark. After a few awkward moments the angel reached out and took the tables of stone from Ron, walked over to a niche in the chamber wall that looked like a shelf and placed them on it. This "shelf" was close to the original entrance that was used by those that had hidden the Ark there over 2500 years ago.

He then walked back over to Ron and told him two things. The first was that if Ron remained faithful, he would have a part in bringing out the tables of stone so that they might be put on display. The second was that the Ark was not to be revealed to the world or the tables of stone put on display until shortly after a law was passed that would attempt to enforce the mark of the beast upon people.

After that encounter Ron gathered up his camera equipment and left the chamber through the original entrance. By following this tunnel he was able to find his way out of the cave system and back onto the street. He immediately rushed to his hotel room where he played back the tape of the event. He had to see if the Ark, the angels and the tables of stone showed up clearly on the video. To his amazement everything showed up clearly. He was very excited. But suddenly his excitement turned to dread. He realized what he had in his hands, yet the angel had told him that these things were not to be revealed until the mark of the beast law was passed. What was he to do with this tape? It was undoubtedly the most important video ever recorded. Where would he put it? How would he keep it safe!?

Having no clear answer to these concerns, he finally decided that the best way to proceed was to go back to the chamber and ask the angel what he should do. He went back into the chamber and the four angels were there. The angel that spoke to him earlier stepped forward and asked him what he wanted. Ron told him that he did not have a safe place to keep the tape. Then the angel reached out and took the tape from Ron's hand. He walked over to the place where the tables of stone were still sitting on the niche in the chamber wall and placed the video tape on top of them. To the best of Ron's knowledge that is where everything remains to this day.

While this was the extent of what the angel told him, Ron said that he came away from this experience knowing more than he had been told in words. He was strongly impressed that while the video he recorded in the chamber would be shared with the world and that the tables of stone on which God Himself had written His Law would be put on display, the Ark of the Covenant would remain in the chamber where it is.

It is on the basis of this information, plus his agreement with the Israeli authorities, that he acted as he did in withholding certain information about the Ark and its location.

Ron also stated that as far as he knows no one else has been in the chamber except himself. However, because he is not always there, it is possible that someone else has or could enter the chamber and see the Ark IF the angels guarding it would allow it. Otherwise, the way the tunnel system is in that area, no one would be able to find their way.

On this last point I need to share an experience. I visited the entrance into the tunnel system recently and found a number of men furiously digging in an area where they thought the entrance into the tunnel system was. I went over to them and explained that not only were they digging in the wrong place, they were digging in an area that had caved in a number of times and that Ron had back filled to keep people out. Amazingly they told me that they had just recently prayed that God would send someone to tell them if they were doing the right thing or not. Because I showed up shortly after their prayer they took my counsel and stopped digging.

The point of my story is this. There are a number of people that think they know where the entrance into the tunnel system is. They are mistaken. The entrance does not require any digging or tunneling to get into today. Because of the sensitive nature of this information I cannot reveal where that location is but I can tell you that it is both dangerous and illegal to dig where these gentlemen were digging. They are fortunate that there was no accident or that they were not seen by the local authorities.

My appeal to everyone is that we allow God to do things on His timetable and not feel that we have a mandate to inject ourselves into the event. This is exactly what those six Jewish men who died in that tunnel were doing. I would hate to see a repeat of that.

God will deal with His things in His own time and in His own way. No one will miss this event. The time will come when all will be able to see the Ark, the blood and the tables of stone.

"And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance PATIENCE......" 2 Peter 1:5,6

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