OK I thought I'd seen this topic somewhere, but I looked for it and couldn't find anything. So, I was actually wondering more about the signs than the tokens, as I think I'm clear on where to show the tokens. I thought that you couln't show either outside the temple. But, I've read in a couple of different places where people said they show the signs of the priesthood for various reasons. Like in the wandering spirits thread, where RCollester3 talks about dedicating homes. So what I was wondering is, can anyone shed some light on the subject with references.
This is one of those areas where doctrine and practice have changed drastically.
Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball told stories about how they used all aspects of the endowment in personal prayer, outside the Temple, in order to get revelation. Up until 1978, almost all, if not all, chapels had a room where members could go to enter into a prayer circle, exactly as in the Temple. In 1978, the First Presidency issued a letter that halted this practice. It was also not uncommon for individuals to pray as in the Temple in their own homes.
Now, if you are found to be doing this in your own home, you could easily face a disciplinary council. Yet I know that some members have prayer altars in their homes where they perform these prayers for themselves.
As far as I know, this is the only situation that really justifies the use of the signs and tokens (and possibly penalties, if you know them).
When you think about it the acting of raising your hand to the square as you do with the ordinance of baptism brings some familiarity for other places it is done. My Mission President claimed that if you have exhausted testimony with an investigator the last best thing you could do would be to raise your arm to the square and seal what you said to the home as a sign to the unseen.
I have often thought about that. I have also read where people have claimed that when we "vote" to sustain a calling we should raise our arm to the square. There are other times when this action is taken. I think that they are all related to the endowment.
With regards to the call to sustain the words are something like "By the uplifted hand". It used to be "Uplifted right hand" but I remember that was removed some years ago with the policy of any hand could be used. Also the action is often not to the square.
As in other Topics I find that the familiarity between the Masons' rituals and the Church's rituals have a lot of unanswered questions, especially the constant changes to the same, but we Discuss that in another Thread here.
Didn't Joseph say that once these things are changed then it means the church has fallen out of sync with what the Lord wants?