JB wrote:
Yeah, I imagine it was like being on the Mount of Transfiguration. The Lord must of transfigured himself and then ascended into heaven. Those who were standing could not help but be affected by this display of power. Feelings of weakness and fatigue come natural to all who are under the influence of the Spirit to a degree of transfiguration. Once the Spirit or His power has departed us we are left to ourselves, and feel weak only because His power has left us.
Jesus would have shinned brighter than the sun at noon day. If you have ever had this experience you would know that one can not look upon such glory without having the same glory.
I can also imagine angels signing as He ascended into the clouds. The voice of God again bearing witness to His Only Begotten Son, and the fear of God falling upon the ungodly. Many who were standing by became blind as did Paul because their natural eyes could not endure the brightness of His glory. Men fell to their knees and worshiped Him as His glory began to depart from before their eyes.
This is what I could imagine took place during the Lord's ascension.