Utah Women Behind In Higher Education

Utah Women Higher Education - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 13th Nov, 2010 - 1:11pm

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Anything to do with Mormon beliefs?
Post Date: 10th Nov, 2009 - 5:29pm / Post ID: #

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Utah Women Behind In Higher Education

Utah women lag behind nation in higher education

Madsen is leading a group of women educators and researchers in the Women in Education Project, a study commissioned by the Utah System of Higher Education, to examine why fewer women in the state tend to pursue higher education than their peers in other states. Ref. Source 1

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12th Nov, 2009 - 12:35am / Post ID: #

Education Higher In Women Utah

Hello? I mean this cant possibly be serious, with the amount of kiddos Utah families have (average 3) how in the world these women would have time to study anything else than take care of their children?

23rd Nov, 2009 - 11:48pm / Post ID: #

Utah Women Behind In Higher Education Studies Doctrine Mormon

It is because most women in our state are raising families and their husbands are the breadwinners as it is supposed to be and because they're raising families obtaining a higher education while the kids are young is very hard.

Post Date: 13th Nov, 2010 - 1:11pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Education Higher In Women Utah

For many Utah women, family trumps college, study shows

But Utah lags behind all other states in attainment of college degrees by women. The percentage attending college started to decrease in the early 1990s and dipped below the national average about 10 years ago. Ref. Source 8

> TOPIC: Utah Women Behind In Higher Education


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