Angels Mating with Humans? - Page 3 of 5

Oh, very interesting... But unpleasant indeed.... - Page 3 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 23rd Sep, 2009 - 4:05pm

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Post Date: 26th Dec, 2007 - 3:35am / Post ID: #

Angels Mating with Humans? - Page 3

Name: Mike

Comments: Why is it hard for us to open our minds and think that maybe the bible is correct when it states that fallen angels did lust after the daughters of man and took them.... we can rearrange things to satisfy our own logic, but we should keep an open mind to all...sure, if we think of angels as just spirit form and not capable of physical manifestation... but the birth of JESUS through a woman touched by the HOLY SPIRIT and not man should make us think that the fallen angels story may be plausible.

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27th Dec, 2007 - 2:17am / Post ID: #

Humans Mating Angels

Mike, I suppose we are wondering (based on your opinion) whether angels have the ability to feel carnal desires as we do. If so, heaven would most likely be quite an "active" place if you ask me.

Post Date: 19th Mar, 2008 - 6:09am / Post ID: #

Angels Mating with Humans?
A Friend

Angels Mating with Humans? Studies Doctrine Mormon

As far as heaven being "an active place," it's not gonna happen in the way you're joking about. If these angels felt carnal feelings in heaven, then they would immediately fall from there, which may be what is implied.

I want to look into this topic more. It seems to me that Hugh Nibley did quote this subject rather thoroughly without stating that it applied to preisthood holders marrying outside of the church, though I have heard that argument too, being the mainstream. In my experience, the mainstream argument often represents "the milk."

OK, OK, I should be sleeping but here...

Moses 8:13-15- Noah and his sons were righteous and had the priesthood- thus they were the sons of God (Job 38:7.)
But their daughters married unrighteous men. In doing this, they "sold themselves" because the "sons of men" didn't have the blessings.

Gen. 6:2- This reverses the Moses account which is the JST, yet still suggests that the problem is that of marrying an unrighteous spouse.
Yet, the fact of giants is mentioned in vs. 4, and need not be related to to the bad marriages of the previous verses. Then it says, "after that (when there were giants), the bad marriages produced "mighty men of renown."

What is a mighty man of renown?

Gen. 10:8-9-

"And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.  He was a mighty hunter before the Lord..."

It seems Nimrod could have been one of the world's wickedest men. His name comes from the word "marad," which means "(he) rebelled." The Targum of Jerusalem states, "He was powerful in the hunt and in sin before God, because he was a hunter of the children of men, capturing them with his words saying, 'leave the religions of Shem and come to the institutions of Nimrod." (See Institute Manual). Thus as Melchizedek established Zion, Nimrod established Babylon, the prototype of the Kingdom of Satan.

It IS worth noting however, that in Gen. 15:20, it speaks of the Rephaims. Gesenius, in his Hebrew lexicon defines this word saying, "Giants of the Land. Related words are manes (ghosts), medicines, healings. Also hero or champion. Children of Raphah, a famous giant." See reference #7496-7500. It is interesting to see the relation to the word for ghosts.

Also, the Book of Enoch certainly does teach that there were fallen angels that had intercourse with daughters of men.

Book of Enoch 12:1-" Before these things Enoch was hidden." Enoch just happens to have been translated by this time, back in Gen. 5:24.
He was then commanded to, "go declare the Watchers of the heaven who have left the high heaven,... and have defiled themselves with women,... and have taken unto themselves wives: 'Ye have wrought destruction upon the earth." Enoch must tell them that their children will all be destroyed and that they are bound in the earth for all the days of the world. (Enoch 14:5)
Enoch 15:3-
"Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and eternal heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and done like the children of earth, and begotten giants (as your) sons."

And now, very telling:

Enoch 15:8-
"And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth,..."

So, the Book of Enoch tells the story of Lucifer's fall from the Pre-existence with followers, with the suggestion that at least part of it happened a little after Adam's fall.

So, what of the Book of Enoch? Is it authoritative? John Pratt writes:

The Book of Enoch. The Lord has stated that the vision of
Adam of the entire history of the world was written in the Book
of Enoch and prophesied that it is "to be testified of in due time"
(D.C. 107:57). Are we still awaiting that testimony about a book
yet to be restored?
A book called The Book of Enoch, which had formerly been in
some versions of the Bible, was discovered, translated from
Ethiopic, and first published in 1821 in England.[10] It was
apparently unknown to the latter-day saints until the apostle
Parley P. Pratt declared to them that "this book carries with it
indisputable evidence of being an ancient production....
It seems
plainly to predict the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and
the mission of the Elders ... and the complete triumph of the
saints."[11] In spite of this glowing endorsement, the book
remained almost unknown among the latter-day saints until a
second witness appeared on the scene a century later.
Hugh Nibley has testified brilliantly that we now have the book
of Enoch and hence need not await a future restoration: "...we
do have at last, in newly discovered documents, a book which is
the book of Enoch if there ever was one."[12] Even stronger
than his witness is that of the Savior and his followers, who
accepted the book now called 1 Enoch as scripture and quoted
it as authentic. The fact that the Savior and his apostles
accepted it as genuine and actually written by Enoch, should be
a regarded as a strong testimony in its favor. The entire Book of
Enoch is easily found on the internet.[13]
Does the Book of Enoch contain a prophecy of the history of the
world, as mentioned in the Doctrine and Covenants? It does.
So just who were these Watchers who became fallen angels
when they lusted after women on earth and lay with them? And
why would they come to Enoch to plead their case to the Lord?
The only answer that has occurred to me is that this episode
occurred after Enoch and his city had been translated. The
Watchers were angels from his city.
That would explain why they
were angels, how they could fall, why they would importune
Enoch for help, and why Enoch was assigned to deliver the
judgment to them. He was their priesthood leader.

So, what's the deal?

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Post Date: 5th Feb, 2009 - 11:07am / Post ID: #

Page 3 Humans Mating Angels

Name: Adrian

Comments: Angels bred with man... Producing supernatural beings of these were Giants born and other abominations. Perhaps we should question what the Abominations were.

30th Jul, 2009 - 12:13am / Post ID: #

Humans Mating Angels

Isn't a necessary part of the procreative process, access to a resurrected or earthly body?

Joseph Smith stated that all angels that visit our Earth have, or will have come from this earth. Knowing that there were no resurrected beings on Earth before Christ's resurrection (as He was the first mortal to rise from the dead), then any angel existing before Christ would be a spirit (or at most a translated being).

I suppose translated beings could have "taken the daughters of eve", but I am sure that the state of a translated being would only remain as such, based strictly on faithfulness and living a Terrestrial law (translation being a purview of Terrestrial beings). Therefore I vehemently disagree that there are Nephilim, or beings who are a result of Angels and Humans mating.

Any "scripture" that indicates otherwise is most likely a mistranslation, in my opinion.

21st Sep, 2009 - 9:30pm / Post ID: #

Angels Mating with Humans?

This is such an intersting I have been investigating the last several weeks. I have a few of MY OWN can take them or leave them....they are just ideas.

I was able to read from the book of Enoch...which tells a story of the angles coming down and taking wives, because they thought they were beautiful, but in the Book of Enoch it describes that these angles came down and shared secrets with the sons of man and showed them how to murder, perform abortion, work with metal to create weapons of war, information that basically could cause one human to be greater than another....which will cause wars and slavery. It mentioned that they taught the women how to do "root cuttings," which was interesting to me.

Remember, and I cannot quote, but there is a story of a pioneer mother whose son's leg was badly injured and and she was instructed by the Lord to use a branch, or root, or wood, or something from a tree...this is intersting because it actually grew in the boy's leg, and his leg worked and grew as if it had not been so badly injured.

I would not think that angles with no bodies could come and "mate" with humans....but I wonder if they had some alternative ways of creating life....with these "root cuttings," thus creating a race of giants.

Yes, the giants had to come from somewhere....could they be an attempt by Satan to create his "own" with bodies....kind of like cloning. This would be a good reason to flood the earth and get rid of everybody, I think.

I wonder if the anti-christ will literally be the son-of-satan. Jesus is literally the son-of-God.

Not claiming to be an expert....these are just thoughts running around in my little head.

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Post Date: 23rd Sep, 2009 - 4:25am / Post ID: #

Angels Mating with Humans?
A Friend

Angels Mating Humans - Page 3

Drea said:

international QUOTE
Yes, the giants had to come from somewhere....could they be an attempt by Satan to create his "own" with bodies....kind of like cloning.

Some believe that Satan is cloning his own bodies. Abductees of UFOs claim that gray aliens opened large drawers full of unanimated gray alien bodies, which awaited a spirit. This is found in "Aliens, Messengers or Deceivers?"

She also said:
international QUOTE
I wonder if the anti-christ will literally be the son-of-satan.

There is a theory out there, (not necessarily mine), that the Kenites of the Old Testament are descendants of Cain, born to Eve as a result of eating the forbidden fruit, which in this story, was sex in some way with Satan. This story may be found online at a Bible Study site, plus it may be found essentially the same in the Kaballah.

Rather off topic, but...
It is a rather unpleasant theory, though, isn't it?

It would be nice if you could find a reference for the wood cutting, and the pioneer kid.

23rd Sep, 2009 - 4:05pm / Post ID: #

Angels Mating Humans Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 3

Oh, very interesting... But unpleasant indeed...laugh.gif. I will try and find that pioneer story, I don't think I read it, I think I heard it, and I asked my husband about the story, and he vaguely remembers it as we both heard it somewhere. When I get a chance I will look for that.

I'm sure none of this is important to our salvation....but it is nice to get the whole picture of things. Oh, and nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks of these off the wall issues...

I will say this over and over, everything points back to Christ, back to the gospel, and back to the temple.

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