Cali school orders student to remove American flag from bike
More news from the People's Republic of California - a middle school student was told he could no longer have the American flag on the bike he rides to school. The reason? Because the Hispanic students bring their flags in and the school doesn't want any conflict or 'anyone to get hurt'...whatever that means. Glenn plays the audio from the school involved, and it will melt your eyeballs. Ref. Source 3
Related Story: American Flag On Cinco De Mayo - Source 3
WOW, just WOW! Really what the heck is going on in the US? What is being done to avoid situations such as this? I really don't get it. So the Mexican kids can bring their flags to school without any problems but the US citizen kids CANNOT do that in their OWN country? *shaking head*
I know if I was there, I would probably say something! It's INSANE!
I think this is totally wrong. I feel that if a student in middle school and a USA citizen can not show pride for their country and display the American flag. Now if he can not do it then why can the mexicans? You have to have fairness in the schools or you will have serious other problems.