My Book of Remembrance is not all that I actually started it some few years ago, today I had the opportunity to show it to some sisters in the Church in the Family History Class since they were encouraged to start one.
I have to work on it again, there is so much to write and I have to add more pictures, but I like the idea of keeping all your memories in one place, where your descendants can read it and learn from your experiences.
I don't have a book of rememberance. Not an actual binder. It sounds like a book of remembrance is like a scrapbook or a journal, in which case, I have lots of info. I like showing things like that. I guess I would be pleased to show it to anyone. However I am working on the geneological part of it.
Looking over this Thread reminds me of two things:
1. It has been a long time since I paid my ancestors any attention
2. I need to update my Book of Remembrance
With all the digital technology I wonder if Blogs would replace these valuable physical tools that can be displayed for generations to come?