Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs - Page 5 of 8

Whenever one asks for "proof" I - Page 5 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 26th Oct, 2009 - 4:50am

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19th Oct, 2009 - 1:18am / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs - Page 5

I think the idea is that the gods took raw materials like whatever was in the ground from other planets and formed this one. We sorta get an idea from the temple but with no real details. As for the ressurection of our dino friends maybe that comes later.

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19th Oct, 2009 - 4:58pm / Post ID: #

Dinosaurs Beliefs Mormon

I don't know much about the topic so I would like to know where is the source for the claim that dinosaurs arent going to resurrect?

19th Oct, 2009 - 8:12pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs Studies Doctrine Mormon

Hi SuzieSu, maybe I didn't explain myself properly.

It is my understanding that with the fall, all living things would die and procreate, before the fall everything was immortal.

Kay, then with the Atonement and Christ's sacrifice, every living thing will be resurrected and have become immortal again.

So, what I am saying; referring to the God created this world from other worlds that happened to have dino remains within them, is that to me this makes no sense.

I would assume...maybe that' is where I'm going wrong....that if God was borrowing matter from another world that included dino, wouldn't that world have been destroyed or in other words already reached its "second coming of Christ," and the inhabbitants would have been resurrected....why not the dinos....that's not fair...their bodies get to go to another world?

Which does not make sense to me either....because isn't all worlds suppose to be resurrected as well? To me that kicks out the borrowing from another world idea. Maybe gathering from the universe matter flying around to create the world....that sits better with me; stars moons; but not a living planet.

I don't buy the dinos being part of another world brought is unnecessary and does not fit into the "Plan of Salvation," to me.

I think that the Giants described in the bible are the dinosaurs....and yes everyone in my family thinks I'm a nut-case.

Thanks for your two-cents....I love this topic!

20th Oct, 2009 - 4:24pm / Post ID: #

Page 5 Dinosaurs Beliefs Mormon

I think it makes sense. I dont think I believe in that same theory of other elements brought to this earth to create a matter of fact I believe the Earth is much older than what the church leaders say it is I mean if we take evidence like the dinosaurs remains it explains in itself you know what am I saying? I dont know why the church emphasized in the past that the earth isnt that old.

Post Date: 26th Oct, 2009 - 12:03am / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs
A Friend

Dinosaurs Beliefs Mormon

Okay, this is what I think, and it makes perfect sense to me. The world was created over billions of years, scientists have unequivicable proof of this. God created the plants and animals in his due time. And finally, he created man and the Garden Of Eden. At this time it would be safe to say that God most likely postponed the dying process and made lion lay with lamb, as will happen after the second coming and all that. Adam and Eve lived in a perfect terrestrial earth with no death or strife for who knows how long. Then they finally ate the fruit, offended God by disobeying his one rule and began the fall. And as for the dinosaurs, everything that lived, lives or will live on earth has a spirit and a purpose in the afterlife. Dinosaurs were obviously to large and dangerous to coexist with mankind and thus were appropriated a time long before man, so that all their spirits could obtain bodies without interfering with God's plan. And since the plan of salvation revolves around mankind, and will end after mankind ends, the dinosaurs obviously had to come before us and not after.

Post Date: 26th Oct, 2009 - 2:55am / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs
A Friend

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs

In his book "Mormon Doctrine" Elder Bruce R McConkie mentions "Pre-Flood Dinosaurs". Many other LDS either share this belief or disagree with it. I refer you to the Creation Museum in Glen Rose, Texas which is a christian organization with strong evidence to concur with Elder McConkie.

When Noah exited the Ark, the animals - youthful to be certain - left to re-populate the known world prior to it being "divided" as mentioned in Genesis during the days of Peleg, an ancestor of Abraham. The different species underwent "microevolution" leading to different breeds of animals in their respective classes. A Tiger is different from a housecat, but they are still cats. Same with dogs & wolves.

My opinion is that many "dinosaurs" were on the Ark and as animals do today, went extinct over time due to climate changes, hunting, or other reasons. Remember, Noah was over 400 years old prior to the cataclysm and lived an additional 400 years afterwards. The generations to follow slowly starting aging downwards as shown by Abraham living to 175, Jacob to 130, and down to our current mortality standard. Animals and humans grew to large proportions prior to the flood as mentioned by Enoch's account of Giants who went to war against them.

Today many "dinosaurs" still exist in the form of Elephants, Rhinos, Hippos, Crocodiles, Giraffes, Ostriches, and so forth. The giant Behemoth mentioned by Job certainly could not have been an Elephant because their tails are tiny compared to the rest of their body. The Behemoth had a tail the size of a cedar of Lebanon! They are not a small tree. All this will be revealed to us in due time. Be patient and have faith.

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26th Oct, 2009 - 3:46am / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs Dinosaurs - Page 5

If such large creatures were around after Noah's time why isn't there more historical proof of this?

Post Date: 26th Oct, 2009 - 4:50am / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs
A Friend

Mormon Beliefs Dinosaurs Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 5

Whenever one asks for "proof" I am always reminded of a debate I had with a group of protestant ministers in California 30 years ago as they were denying all things LDS! I learned that debates are not a forum for religious discussion and usually lead to contention, which is not of God. By no means do I infer you are debating me.

Proof is in the eye of the beholder. How often is it today we find remains of bears, hippos, or even birds? Many animal bones are devoured by carnivores who chew the marrow for nutrition. The reason why there is an abundance of "dinosaurs" on the fossil record is that they were all buried in one catastrophic event - ending the antediluvian period as it were - when the fountains of the great deep broke forth and encircled the earth like the seam of a baseball - in a matter of days. Over time the mud they were buried in hardened into rock. An example is the petrified forests in Arizona and Utah. In fact, a petrified finger is at the Creation Museum in Texas.

Some years after the flood the earth was divided in the days of Peleg. This can be easily seen with the mid-Atlantic ridge and other areas of the Indian & Pacific. All over the world evidence like this is manifest, only to be counter explained by evolutionists, scientists, and "the learned".

Getting back to your question...there are several incidences mentioned by other well written posts on this thread with proof of this type, but it is either unreported by the media or discounted as a hoax. Sadly, this happens all too often. As others have spoken here, all things will be 'revealed from the housetops' and light will dispel the darkness as the veil is lifted from our minds. Keep the faith!

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