Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs - Page 2 of 8

Buggeyes, I could reply to your thread once - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 4th Apr, 2004 - 4:49pm

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Mormon Beliefs View Dinosaurs
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30th Mar, 2004 - 11:51pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs - Page 2

I understand what you're saying but really it doesn't matter whether these people know how a dinosaur looks like or not, what I'm saying is that stories like that are everywhere, specially in places like Papua New Guinea, by the way, have you seen the fauna of that country? my goodness, the most weird animals I have ever seen in a documental on TV were found in there. That's why I'm not surprised of the story itself, I know how islanders are and their stories and as I said before I am also aware of how wide the animal kingdom is. But from there to assure that dinosaurs exist there is a HUGE difference. In Argentina for instance there is a very famous lake in the South where people swear have seen a HUGE beast swimming, they even capture some 'pictures'. If you see the pics, you cannot really see much. This story of the dinosaur in Papua New Guinea is not much difference from the story of Big Foot. People swear seeing Big Foot and describe it to perfection! have anybody captured him? or took a picture?.

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Post Date: 31st Mar, 2004 - 3:13am / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs
A Friend

Dinosaurs Beliefs Mormon

Virtually every major lake on Earth has had sightings of lake monsters, creatures that for all intents and purposes appear to be plesiosaurs. Nahuelito, named after Nahuel Huapi Lake in Argentina where the creature has been sighted, is the thing you are referring to. The problem is that both tourists and locals see these things. Are to the tourists superstitious, too?

Some lake monsters are captured on camera and film, but most are only seen for moments or minutes and then duck below the surface again. Usually the pictures are not very good, as you've pointed out. However, as Latter-day Saints, we are taught that there is a law of witnesses. That in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall all things be established. (Not in the clear and detailed photographic evidence of two or three photographers, mind you, but in their word.) We have a Testimony of Three Witnesses that claims to have seen an angel come down with a table full of plates and other items, but we easily accept that. What is more fantastic, though? -- Hundreds of tourists and natives around the world at these lakes who year by year accumulate a body of testimony that plesiosaurs are seen in these lakes, or three Americans who say they were shown some plates by an angel, plates that are forbidden to be seen by anyone else?

Which is the harder to believe?

If it were any other animal shape, say a horse-like creature, or anything that appeared to be similar to modern mammals, although we didn't have a specimen, we'd say, well, there is something out there that has until now remained elusive but the body of witnesses attests that it exists and hopefully one day we'll capture the thing. The problem, though, is that all the descriptions fit only one thing: a plesiosaur, which is supposed to be extinct. So modern man, and Latter-day Saint man who has been schooled by modern man, says, it can't be that, they must all be delusional.

Anything that contradicts our revealed gospel knowledge we can readily discount, such as the account you mentioned of people turning into animals and then back again. But sightings and descriptions of animals (dinosaurs) that are supposed to be extinct is entirely within the realm of possibility. Our dating of the dinosaurs comes from the scientists. Do we really believe that this dating is correct?

The living coelacanth that was found back in 1938 ought to have taught us all a lesson about scientific "facts." This fish was supposed to have become extinct 65 million years ago! We Latter-day Saints are the first to exclaim that the Lord is able to lead His children away from the general populace from time to time and hide them from everyone else for long periods of time, but we choke when considering that He can do the same with an entire species of animals. Do not the scriptures say that all things bear witness of Him, both on, in and under the Earth? We live on the Earth, but have we never thought of in and under the Earth?

When the dinosaurs are again allowed by the Lord to come out of their hiding places, they also will bear witness to the power of the Creator, just as Job says about Behemoth, "the chief of the ways of God."

1st Apr, 2004 - 8:44pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs Studies Doctrine Mormon

Nahuelito, named after Nahuel Huapi Lake in Argentina where the creature has been sighted, is the thing you are referring to. The problem is that both tourists and locals see these things. Are to the tourists superstitious, too?

Oh yes definetly. It becomes almost like a 'fever'. I was in the Nahuel Huapi lake long years ago in a study trip in high school. Everybody knew the story since it is so popular and everybody was going crazy about 'seeing something' in the water. (students, teachers and tourists). Personally I spend long hours there and I never saw anything. Now, I'm not saying they are lying, I think people may see some kind of animal but from there to conect it to a pre-historic creature, its a bit too much for me.

We have a Testimony of Three Witnesses that claims to have seen an angel come down with a table full of plates and other items, but we easily accept that. What is more fantastic, though? -- Hundreds of tourists and natives around the world at these lakes who year by year accumulate a body of testimony that plesiosaurs are seen in these lakes, or three Americans who say they were shown some plates by an angel, plates that are forbidden to be seen by anyone else?

You're mixing something really sacred as the appearance of an Angelical visitor with something that has no gerat relevance in our lives.
Like I said before, I'm NOT saying these people are lying, I do believe them when they say they see something what I'm not totally sure if its from a pre-historical source. I am open for the challenge if you can find more articles related to the subject., I would gladly read it. Just because hundreds of people see something it doesn't make it 'real'. Hundreds of people see UFO's and they say are aliensl, others swear they have been 'kidnapped' by aliens and have even visited their spaceships. We as latter day Saints know that's not possible. Are they lying when they say they see an UFO for instance? No, they are not. Are they confused when they say they are aliens? Of course!. So really, just because many people swear they have seen something, doesn't make it real.

1st Apr, 2004 - 11:17pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Dinosaurs Beliefs Mormon

I believe that dinosaurs were used as fossil fuel to create the earth most likely or that the scientists have incorrectly assumed how long ago they were here. They claim dinosaurs occupied the earth BEFORE humans and that humans and dinosaurs never co-existed. My scriptures tell me there was no death on the earth before the fall in the garden of eden. So, how could dinosaurs have been here as a part of THIS earthly creation and died before the fall?

This thought process is not original to me. I got it from Book of Mormon Answerman and have just summarized it here.

Reconcile Edited: tenaheff on 1st Apr, 2004 - 11:17pm

Post Date: 2nd Apr, 2004 - 11:30am / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs
A Friend

Dinosaurs Beliefs Mormon

QUOTE (tenaheff @ 1-Apr 04, 11:17 PM)
I believe that...the scientists have incorrectly assumed how long ago they were here.  They claim dinosaurs occupied the earth BEFORE humans and that humans and dinosaurs never co-existed.  My scriptures tell me there was no death on the earth before the fall in the garden of eden.  So, how could dinosaurs have been here as a part of THIS earthly creation and died before the fall?

Exactly. The scriptures teach that there was no death prior to the fall. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that dinosaurs were created by God on the same day He created all the other animal life. When Adam was created, he named the dinosaurs as well as everything else. Dinosaurs, then, must have co-existed with man.

There is actually an abundance of evidence of this co-existence. Starting with the Bible, there are mentionings of dinosaur-like creatures. Then there are ancient paintings of man, beast and dinosaurs, such as the Ica Stones. There are clay figures, metal figures, jewelry and pottery from various ancient civilizations around the globe that depict creatures of which we can't find a match except in the pages of a dinosaur book.

We can also add to all the physical evidence of "artworks" left behind by ancient civilizations the written records of some of these ancient societies. Many of these written records in which are now translated as "dragons" or monsters, etc., when we take the descriptions of these beasts, they match a written description of certain dinosaurs. Then you take all the eyewitnesses, as mentioned above, of all the people who have seen lake monsters IN EVERY MAJOR LAKE IN THE WORLD, including right here in the USA, as well as all the other eyewitness accounts, and we get a huge body of testimony, all of which match only one species: the dinosaurs.

And not just one type of dinosaur, either. The descriptions, artworks or eyewitness accounts describe sauropods, triceratops, stegosaurus, apatosaurus, pterodactyls, plesiosaurs, tyrannosaurus, pterosaurs, etc. Some of the descriptions of eyewitnesses are not of the animals themselves, but of their tracks, have told of measurements that are unbelievable large. The sauropod dinosaur that has been seen in the Congo was described by some French monk as having a track of three feet in diameter! By measuring the distance between each footprint and the depth of impression, we get a really good idea of the incredible size of these animals.

Not only, though, have these massive dinosaurs been apparently spotted from time to time, but other creatures, also large, have been spotted by lots of witnesses. For example, back in October of '02 in Alaska, a gigantic bird was spotted, the size of a small plane.Here's a link to one of the news reports of this bird. Of course, scientists believe the people saw what they saw, but they doubt that the reported size was an accurate description. It's just too big. As the article says, "I'm certainly not aware of anything with a 14-foot wingspan that's been alive for the last 100,000 years," the paper quoted raptor specialist Phil Schemf as saying.

I can go on and on. There were two stegodons sighted in Nepal by a biologist. He actually reported seeing these creatures on a mountain-top. Stegodons are supposedly the pre-cursors of elephants. When he came down and told his colleagues, the only conclusion was that these two specimens must have been mutations, somehow. This was a fairly recent discovery (1996) and these animals have now been photographed. They are HUGE. 3.7 meters tall. Although they look like the same prehistoric creatures whose bones we've found, why is it so hard to believe that they never did go extinct?

Another biologist, on one of the latest expeditions to the Congo, actually saw the sauropod dinosaur and to this day he testifies that it appeared to be in every way, shape or form a sauropod. Isn't a biologist the best person to make that assessment?

Anyway, the evidence is overwhelming. The only conclusion, given the body of evidence, is that the Lord has the bulk of these creatures in hiding, to be revealed anew in all their glory. I suppose it is all part of the "turning upside-down" of all things in the Last Days. All our cherished, erroneous beliefs are going to thrown down in a very in-your-face way.

One last thing, the theory that this earth was created piece-meal from other planets that had dinosaurs upon them, and thus these dino-bones (and petrol) are now here doesn't add up with what the scriptures say. No death before the fall, all things created as new creatures, including a new and living earth. The dating of bones measures how long a thing has been DEAD, therefore, the dating must be erroneous (as well as many other 'scientific facts') and the dinosaurs were created with the animals ON THIS EARTH, co-existed with man, are are currently inhabiting hidden places on or in this planet.

3rd Apr, 2004 - 3:01pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs

I believe that dinosaurs were used as fossil fuel to create the earth most likely or that the scientists have incorrectly assumed how long ago they were here. They claim dinosaurs occupied the earth BEFORE humans and that humans and dinosaurs never co-existed. My scriptures tell me there was no death on the earth before the fall in the garden of eden. So, how could dinosaurs have been here as a part of THIS earthly creation and died before the fall?

In my opinion God used UNORGANIZED MATERIAL from other planets to create this one, yes, including the creation of dinosaurs and that's why the fossils that the scientists find often are millions and millions of years old. I am not sure if they co-existed with humans or not but if they did may be God destroyed them in the process when he changed it from terrestial to telestial state knowing that because of their size and power it would be too much for the men to handle.
The following article does not support my theory per say but it is an interesting article regards to death prior to Adam's fall.

I also found this interesting information:

"Now let us examine what science and the scriptures each mean by "death". For science, death implies a cessation of regeneration and chemical activity of a physical organism. Although some may wish to challenge the scientific methods of dating fossils, coal deposits, and so on, to me it is clear that this kind of death occurred many millions of years ago. There is no need to deny or ignore the fossil evidence.

But death in the scriptures has a different meaning than used generally in science, meaning a separation of the spirit from the body rather than a cessation of chemical impulses. [Matthew 27:50; Alma 11:42.] Science has nothing to say about the pre- mortal existence of spirits and their placement into physical bodies, since this discussion goes beyond what can be seen. And religion affirms that this is the way things should be during earth-life: we must walk by faith. For those of us who accept the scriptural truth that each person's spirit is a child of God, and that a major reason for coming to earth is to obtain a body, then the idea that death is a temporary separation of spirit from body is understandable and consistent. "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy" is one of the beautiful scriptures translated by the prophet, Joseph Smith. [2 Nephi 2:25]

Consistent with this definition of death, LDS scriptures define the soul as the combination of spirit and body: "the spirit and the body are the soul of man." [Doctrine and Covenants 88:15.]

Now we are ready to think about the Adam as the first "soul" or the first "man" on earth: "And the Gods formed man from the dust of the ground, and took his spirit (that is, the man's spirit), and put it into him; and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." (Abraham 5:7) "And I, the Lord God, formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul, the first flesh upon the earth, the first man also; nevertheless, all things were before created." (Moses 3:7)

We see that a body had been prepared -- we are not told in any detail how this was done -- and that Adam's spirit was placed into this body which had been prepared, so that Adam was in the scriptural sense the first soul or man on the earth.

But what does the scripture mean, "nevertheless, all things were before created"? [Moses 3:7] It sounds contradictory. What I am now suggesting, is that the bodies for man and other living things were indeed created or organized from the dust of the earth over eons of time before Adam, but that independent spirits were not placed into the bodies until Adam. Thus, Adam was in fact the first living soul on the earth, and his transgression brought death into the world, that is, a separation of spirit from body. [Moses 6:48] Christ's atonement was then needed to overcome the effects of the fall, so that the body could be restored to the spirit, "and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fullness of joy; and when separated, man cannot receive a fullness of joy." [D&C 93: 33-34.]

The whole article:

Reconcile Edited: LDS_forever on 3rd Apr, 2004 - 5:09pm

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Post Date: 3rd Apr, 2004 - 9:19pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs About Dinosaurs
A Friend

Mormon Beliefs Dinosaurs - Page 2

I am tempted to use FRENCH and just say afterwards, "Pardon my French," but this is an LDS forum so I'll try to keep it less frank than it should be.

I don't know who wrote that article, but whoever he is, he doesn't know his scriptures, or doesn't believe them when he reads them, or doesn't care what they say because he'll interpret them and wrest them however he wants. The record is clear. No death before the Fall. The lengths in which some of us LDS go to harmonize the false doctrine of death before the fall with what the scriptures say is amazing to me. Must we fall in step to Babylon? Must we seek their approval?

The man's attempt to explain away the Fall's implications is banking on the inexperience and lack of knowledge of the general membership of the LDS Church. That he succeeds to a greater or lesser degree is both instructive of the state of the church and is frightening. He obviously knows that most members have never studied carbon dating techniques. They don't know the various ways of dating dead things. They don't know that there are variables which throw the dating off to the bizarre degree in which they are at (millions and millions of years off.) We LDS just blindly accept that the scientists are accurate in their false assessment (which has no basis in the scientific method) that these creatures have been dead for so very long. Then, in our mental laziness and laziness to search out the facts, we instead go to the scriptures and ignore what they are saying, take other parts out of context and voila!, science and religion now are harmonized and we are pals with Babylon again.

LDS, before quoting to us that article, you should have looked up the scriptures the writer referenced. A quick look would have quickly shown the man was taking the quotes out of context.

But what does the scripture mean, "nevertheless, all things were before created"? [Moses 3:7] It sounds contradictory. What I am now suggesting, is that the bodies for man and other living things were indeed created or organized from the dust of the earth over eons of time before Adam, but that independent spirits were not placed into the bodies until Adam.

Go and read Moses chapter 3, verses 5 through 7. It is obvious the Lord is referring to the spiritual creation of all things before they were created physically.

The dating of dead material measures the amount of time the dead material has been decaying, or dead. Death, or decay, began with the Fall. It did not exist prior, neither for the animals nor for anything else, including the Earth. Therefore, we've had about 6000 years of death on this planet. The attempt to define death in two ways to justify that the dinosaurs really did exist millions of years ago is absurd. It is a bit of sophistry that has no basis in logic. He's playing upon our ignorance.

I suggest that before you swallow--hook, line and sinker--the dating techniques of the dinosaurs or anything else of supposedly ancient orgin on this planet, that you do your own research and come to your own conclusions about whether such techniques are accurate. My own assessment is that they are so blatantly off that in order to get everyone to believe such nonsense, the general populace must be kept ignorant of the facts. And in general, we are kept very ignorant. But anyone who does a small amount of searching will learn for themselves that this is just another tool of the devil to get us to miss the mark and be deceived.

Think of Adam (and everything else) prior to the Fall as a lump of clay. Clay has been fashioned into the shape of a man. Now, this clay is very hard, but if you add water it will become malleable. As long as water is not added, though, this very hard clay will stay indefinitely in its perpetual condition. This was Adam's "unmortal" state prior to the Fall. When he fell, all things, including the planet itself underwent a change. Water (blood) was added which made the clay highly malleable. This is our mortal state. It is because of this mortal state that we have the unique ability to repent and change our ways and perfect ourselves, becoming sanctified and more like the Lord. Then, we die. The spirit leaves the clay, the water (blood) drains away and the clay starts to deteriorate. From this point on we can measure the death or deterioration. But prior to the Fall, although there was no blood, there was also no deterioration, which is the actual thing that is measurable.

So, the dating is wrong just looking at it logically, without actually seeing the techniques. But when the techiques are examined, they also don't hold up as being accurate.

I'll end this by saying that in the resurrection, we get our clay (bodies) back, but that the clay is then put into a kiln and it becomes hardened in whatever state it happens to be. Thus, it is impossible to repent after the resurrection. Mortality is the only time we really have. Once resurrected in our hardened clay bodies, we are what we are and cannot change.

4th Apr, 2004 - 4:49pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Beliefs Dinosaurs Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

Buggeyes, I could reply to your thread once again but it seems we are changing the subject of this thread plus it seems to me that we are not going to agree on this one. Sorry, but you talk like you are the owner of the Truth and really your theory is just one more, you cannot know for sure the things you have implied on this thread. Just the thought or belief that dinosaurs exist nowdays sounds completly insane in my humble opinion. You haven't make any mention of what I said about these animals have been created from matters from other planets, would justify the scientists theories on how long these animals lived on this Earth. Anyhow, I will not go further in this topic, I already explained my position and my personal thoughts. I respect yours even though I don't agree with it.

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