Do you think there is sufficient information available from Church leaders about current issues in the world?
An example of this would be how the Catholic Pope recently took a stand on entering Iraq for war. What is the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints point of view on this?
I know that 'Utah' members seem to be more privy on doctrinal issues because all the GAs seem to 'hang' around there, but there never seems to be a general statement given.
One good point - in the Old Testament and Book of Mormon days many a king and leader went to ask the Prophet what to do and the Prophet was advised by the Lord the outcome of going/ not going to war by the Lord and thus he (the prophet) was an excellent counselor of war for any king or leader of the time.
Do you think there is sufficient information available from Church leaders about current issues in the world? |
Do you think there is sufficient information available from Church leaders about current issues in the world? |
I have had opportunities to be in 'relaxed' situations with the Brethren while eating breakfast or awaiting someone else and the discussion has been around some of the current events. Yes, they most definitely have a view and I have even seen where they compared it to some prophecies in the scriptures - yet would they express this view publicly... I doubt it... simply because of two things:
1. The member zealots that will run and change their own position without the elements of prayer, etc.
2. It is simply their personal opinion and not a declaration by the Church, but people are so likely to take everything said as 'Thus saith the Lord'.
Lastly, I believe you will only hear the Church make a statement on the issue when it bothers the membership enough to do so with a for instance being the War in Iraq.
I think as a general rule, church leaders only comment on world issues that affect our religion and beliefs. For example, they have come out against gay marriage, pornography, abortion, gambling etc. It's really risky to come out in support of most issues because there may be church members on both sides of some issues and that would make it seem like the Lord has chosen sides.
Now you won't hear Pres. Hinckley making a statement on prescription medication programs, healthcare, or taking sides with a specific nation who is in conflict with another. Now he did say we support Pres. Bush in his fight against terrorism, but he did not say we support the U.S. against Iraq, or any other country.
Name: Lakerfan
Comments: Wow this topic was started in 2002 and after 8 years its still a valid question today. I wish the church would give a definite answer on some things like gay marriage, death penalty, Mountain Meadows, internet, etc.
Actually they did give a verbal response to the Mountain Meadows Massacre. I can't post the link, but just search "LDS Church issues apology over Mountain Meadows" & you'll see Elder Eyring taking responsibility for what happened & takes the blame off of the Paiute people.