I'm Mormon & My Job Requires That I...

I' M Mormon Job Requires I - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 14th Sep, 2005 - 3:48am

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Hypothetical Question - When are you accountable...
10th Mar, 2005 - 5:16pm / Post ID: #

I'm Mormon & My Job Requires That I...

Consider the following scenario...

You are a Bodyguard for a very reputable firm. For years you have been appointed to guard famous and infamous persons and you have been found to be very effective at what you do. You work by a code of ethics that dictates you should not leave the person you guard unattended at anytime. One day you are assigned to 'John Doe' for 24 hours and after some routine business meetings he enters a n-de bar where there a lot of naked women and men... What do you do keeping in mind your responsibilities?

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Post Date: 10th Mar, 2005 - 5:59pm / Post ID: #

I'm Mormon & My Job Requires That I...
A Friend

I Requires Job and Mormon Im

Well, my answer might not be right for everyone, but here's what I think I would do. My decision would be based off of a couple of things. First, I have accepted this job of my own free will and choice. I have agreed and committed myself to stay with this person at all times, never leaving them alone. Second, I also know that this is a temporary assignment, for 24 hours. With that in mind, I would feel that I should go into the establishment to perform my duties. I feel that I would be irresponsible if I didn't stay with that person because I set no limitations previous (I think) to accepting the job on any conditions that I would not be able to stay with him. Because of my ethics, however, I would do my best not to pay attention to the environment that I would be in. This would include doing my best not to look at the nude people (though I would still need to be observant in order to do my job) in any sort of inappropriate way, though it is hard not to be affected in that sort of environment. I would just try to do my best not to let the environment affect me. If this was a long standing client that I was working for, I would still do my job if that situation came up, at least in the initial situation. After something like that happened (either with a temporary assignment or a permanent one) I would explain my position to the company I worked for that I don't want to and won't go into an environment like that with a client again, one that is against my ethics to go into. If that was unacceptable to the company, I would have to find myself a new career.

10th Mar, 2005 - 9:23pm / Post ID: #

I'm Mormon & My Job Requires That I... Studies Doctrine Mormon

I wouldn't go in a nude bar. I would go in a regular bar, but not a nude bar. I would tell the client before he entered that I wasn't willing to go in with him. Then it is up to him to decide if he wants to risk going in alone or not. I don't believe I will have let him down or put him at risk in this case, because he can choose to go in without me and my protection, or wait until he has replaced me with a body guard that is willing to go in with him.

10th Mar, 2005 - 10:24pm / Post ID: #

I Requires Job and Mormon Im

I agree with Tena. In my opinion, it does not matter whether I have to be with the guy 24hs or 5 minutes or if the guy is even the President, I will not lower my standards for a job, I rather they fired me. Of course, I will try to reason with the person to choose someone for the job but since it is not a situation of life or death and this guy is obviously going to have some fun, I do not want to be part of it. It takes few seconds for a person to record the image of a naked woman from the internet and become a porn addict, can you imagine if we see the real thing?. I cannot enter to a nude bar and "not see" the naked people around me, that's very naive. If my job is to protect the person then obviously I have to see the surroundings and the people on it...yes...the people who are naked and that goes against everything I believe in.

Post Date: 17th Mar, 2005 - 7:53pm / Post ID: #

I'm Mormon & My Job Requires That I...
A Friend

I Requires Job and Mormon Im

This is a tough question. I think I would rationalize the situation and convince myself that I'm not going into a nude bar because I want to, but because I have to. Somehow, the thought of going in out of a sense of duty rather than for entertainment may make it OK. But there is no way I would be able to enter without it affecting me. If it was a matter of keeping my job, I would do it.

I wonder what my Bishop and Stake President would say if I said I have to frequent nudie bars on occasion as part of my job? What if you are a state inspector and have to enter on a regular basis to inspect the cleanliness and sanitation of the establishment? What if you are a Paramedic and you get an emergency call to a nude bar? I don't think you refuse to go in, so there are times when it would be appropriate for a Latter day Saint to enter one in the line of duty.

Post Date: 2nd Apr, 2005 - 9:14pm / Post ID: #

I'm Mormon & My Job Requires That I...
A Friend

I'm Mormon & My Job Requires That I...

Police have to deal with this and more all the time. The rationalisation above seems to be a fair answer. you have committed yourself to a job and honour dictates that you should fulfil your commitments. Once the job is done then let you employers know your religious position(though you should have done this before the situation occured)!

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11th Sep, 2005 - 1:55pm / Post ID: #

I'm Mormon & Job Requires I...

Here is a quote that adds perspective to this topic:

"While standards generally may totter, we of the Church are without excuse if we drift in the same manner. We have standards--sure, tested, and effective. To the extent that we observe them, we shall go forward. To the extent that we neglect them, we shall hinder our own progress and bring embarrassment to the work of the Lord."

-- "Pursue the Steady Course," Ensign, Jan. 2005, 4)

Post Date: 14th Sep, 2005 - 3:48am / Post ID: #

I'm Mormon & My Job Requires That I...
A Friend

I'm Mormon & Job Requires I... Mormon Doctrine Studies

Excellent question! I would have to say I would go into the nude bar. I would feel obligated too since I accepted the job.

I have worked in a hospital and have had to draw blood from nude females. Given the environment is not the same, the result is the same. I am required (in order to draw the blood) to look at a nude female that is not my spouse. So, the dilemma in a since is simular.

Would it be appropriate to state maybe the state of mind of the guard and mormon may play a role in this? I for one would not like to be put into temptation under a regular basis. I would say that if the event was unforseen then you could be forgiven easily assuming if you had impure thoughts. However, the next time is another story. If you continue putting yourself into the same position on a regular basis then I would say forgiveness would be more difficult due to the choice of career and the probability that you would be tempted eventually. The more you do it, the weaker spiritually you become.

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