Only in America!
This was as Celtic as Sushi, fun though.
One worrying thing - the Lady with the Staff walked Counter-Clockwise around the Circle or Withershins, this is almost always taboo. It is done to close a circle not to open it and could be very Bad Luck.
I like the music and the whole thing looked pretty cool until I read about the bad luck going anticlockwise. I hope this marriage doesn't end in divorce. This means that the guy with the big book up front wasn't authentic then?
He could have been, Pagan Weddings are just as valid as any, Lawful in some countries. It looks like a proper wedding, it just had a theme. I suppose a Startrek or Biker wedding or Naked Skydiving Weddings are just as fun. Of course each one has a true meaning to those involved, spiritual or not.