Part Of A Team Even If You End Up A Loser?
Consider the following poster, what are your thoughts about it?
Part Of A Team Even If You End Up A Loser? (Hover)
That is so totally nasty I feel to puke right now. I can relate though I've been in a group before where one of my girlfriends made a stupid mistake and we all had to pay for it.
Well if you commit to being part of a team you are there for the good and bad.
The important thing about humans is that even though they are part of a team they get to have input to the actions of that team. So you can help to try and control the teams actions.
I do not mind being part of a team with a disclaimer that says something to the effect of "I will be part of this team so long as the consensus shows logical productive thinking for the betterment of all". In other words I will not follow a team that seeks the destruction of its members, what is the point of that?