Your Religion
We have added a field to your profile so you can state your religion. We have quite a list of religions there, but if you do not see your religion, please let us know and we will be sure to add it.
The reason we decided to add this is because many posters have a view point based on their religious beliefs and post messages in the forum based on that. This helps other posters to understand why they replied the way they did.
At the same time, we know that users may say or act in a certain way that is not in relation with their religion, but please keep in mind that a user may be part of a religion's membership, but not active.
Either way, we hope you will use this feature wisely and not as a means to deceive. Any member found making fun, using sarcasm, or lying to another member of a religion or group will be banned.
Also: The link called 'members' shows all members' religion, title, and other stats.
More Updates
Added a new quiz under the Hollywood scene. The chatroom now has a 'tonight's topic' which also refers back to a thread for continued discussion. New avatars were added. You will have to discover those on your own
Data Problems
For sometime now I have been watching some probable data problems. If you have the time please run a small test:
1. Go to your profile and check the information surrounding time difference (the place where you add or minus the number of hours vs. the server time)
2. Save your profile.
3. If you look on the top left and it displays the time correctly then you may be ok. If it does not then please send me an email with the following:
Your username, if you are a part of any groups such as RPG, the number of hours minus or added. Thanks.
[edit]This problem has been corrected. Profile use is back to normal.[/edit]
Small Issues
1. Corrected all locations of the help link so that it points to the forum's help file and not an outside helpfile or board index. May I emphasize to members to use this, a lot of work has gone into this help section so that you do not need to contact us.
2. Tested a ticker in the chat, that was causing problems for some users with refreshing, so will not try that again.
3. Honor Club is highlighted and we are looking for votes for members in the month of May.
Updates to Rules and New Member of the Month
Recently we had the problem where two different users took 3 different boards and many threads to post multiple messages of what seemed to be the exact same message with variants in wording. Although we respect everyone's view point, we do not respect nor sustain views that promote causes that have nothing to do with the threads they are being posted in, name calling, imposing religious or political dogma because someone does not agree with your opinion, etc. As such we have specified this in the rules (updated). As sad as it may sound, if you cannot abide by the rules then there are many other unmoderated boards out there to broadcast your view.
The member of the month for May 2003 has been added to the Honor Club. Members are now open to vote for the Member of the Month of June via the thread:;num=1048963029