Upload Attachments
This feature is available to registered members only
It allows you to upload a jpg or gif image along with your topic or reply
This helps to emphasize your point in posting
Images should not be larger than 10kb
Do not upload copyrighted images - they will be deleted
Please do not abuse this feature
This particular message is an example. See the paperclip?
Approval Required
To make life simple I installed a script to basically let Admin view all attachments before they are made 'public'. In this way the board is kept safe.
We have been doing some little cosmetic changes which you may or may not notice. Either way I hope you enjoy your time here. We know we have been adding a lot of boards recently, this helps us to have a place for everyone.
New Features
We have added the following;
1. Now you can place a user status at the bottom of your post with 'Available', 'Busy', etc. So that if people see you online they can know in what mode you are in. Of course this is just a feature and is not a have to. You can adjust it via your profile. if you do not see a status indicator for your name now its because you have to go to your profile and activate it (probably by just clicking save).
2. Now important links appear at the top of message indexes rather than just the main boards. In this way you can stay in touch with the link that is related to the board you are in.
New Updates
Some of the updates are back end, meaning they give admin more control over the board and some are front end, meaning they help you enjoy your time here.
1. Back end stuff - I can now search specific info about any member at any time. This will allow me to find something about anyone without having to read profiles.
2. Back end stuff - all personal images will be of a controlled size.
3. Front End - we moved the IM icons that appeared at the top of your post. It did not work well - you can see it on the left under your profile.
4. Now you can see the top updated threads and not just the top posts. This feature was insalled before but not working.
What's New!
1. A new section and board has been added - Religions of the World. We really did not want to add any other boards but had many requests for it. So here it is. Please no bashing of other religious groups.
2. To be member of the day the required postings is 10 for the day. We are experimenting with this number since we had a lower number and more people seemed to be member of the day than usual.