More Boards are Back
In the past we deleted boards to conserve space, but now that we have figured a way to make it look more compressed, we have added two new boards; Genealogical Research and Recipes and Homemaking
Users sometimes like to quote ALL of what the person above says only to add three or four words. To stop this we have added a reminder when you click on the quote link. We have also emphasized the reply link.
Contribute Page Updated
We added the chest, To show how many people have donated towards the forum. Right now it looks pretty dry.
Even More Boards...
You may be thinking there is so much already! Well the site is growing and a lot of posts go unnoticed because some subjects drown certain posts. To prevent this we have created smaller boards or 'sub boards' to make posts more specific. you can see the new ones via the board index or jump menu.
The idea of your post count going up shows that you have contributed, 'x' number of quality posts and can therefore claim certain features on the forum or even group status. However, this may not be true for more lightminded boards such as the joke board. So to make it fair I have disabled post count in the Joke board. In other words if you post in the joke board the number of posts you make will not be added to your post count.
Frequently Asked Questions
The new board will help members to better find their answers instead of emailing admin. Moderators can also answer questions that members may post here.
The welcome board is more of a celebration/welcome board now.
There is a new board for all environment survival. This deals with camping, emergency preparedness, etc.
Updates to the Boards
1. In an effort to make the forum have more specific boards but at the same time not cause a crowd we have merged links of boards to current boards in the board index. this way you can access a board without having to actually see a specific row for it.
2. Beware of Mr.Smith, he is here to enforce rules.
If you got an error while we were updating then sorry, we do apologise.
Two New Boards
The music threads seem to be drowned out by the movies and television, so now music has it's own board. Also, there is a new board - 'Downloads', this enables members and the administrator to place links to FREEWARE programs only.
RPG Promotion
We are inviting other RPGers to join in the current World of Medieval and Future Earth games from other 'special' sites. The 30 post requirement will temporarily be waved if these players state the site where they saw the promo. This is to help boost the player count so there is more interaction.