700th Member!
Yesterday we reached 700 members. We appreciate your participation in our forum.
More RPG Updates
At present our main keep back is a money/reward system that allows members to use their points to buy either real items (non RPG participants) or character equipment (RPG participants). There are some alternatives that we can use, but we want to hold out for the better stuff.
What is left....
Graphics, character skill matrix, and opening story line for the first adventure.
New Quiz
We now have an RPG quiz to see how much people know about playing Medieval online. Also from the past there are two quizzes yet to be taken advantage of... 'Human Nature: Comprehension' and ' Religion: New Testament'
We updated the Rules and Explanation thread of the RPG board. It is so detailed with step by step procedures that you can't miss a beat.
New Updates
We now have a 'Bye-Bye' script installed, so when you logout you will be taken to our personal site to meet Tracy
We recently started our 'Market' for the RPG mod. Check it out via: https://www.bordeglobal.com/boad/medieval and use the obvious link.
This is more for cosmetics, but it will help...
1. MessageIndex (the page that shows all the threads within a board) will now have the sticky posts seperaed from the normal board topics. One will be 'Important Topics' and the other 'Board Topics'
2. People who like consecutive line breaks in their posts will see that their posts will now have a more economical amount of space.
More Preparation for Medieval
1. Character Types thread was updated with a lot more information, especially where stats and special abilities are concerned. Be sure to read them and be familiar with what your character can do and cannot do.
2. The official start date for Medieval is 20th February, 2003. All characters should be created, and the party organized by the 19th February, 2003. Players coming AFTER the 19th will have to wait for Scenario II. To create a character follow directions in the Medieval board. Everything is clearly drafted out for you.
3. Point system and market. We are waiting on a system for this, but until then we will go ahead with a manual system runned by the GM unless otherwise stated.
Cosmetic Changes
Instead of having RPG stats to the left of your posts we put it under your message. This helps to reduce space, especially when someone only posts a few lines. People who will most see the benefit will be those that belong to the RPG group.
MORE Preparation for Medieval
We just updated the market. If you created a character already then you need to go to the market and buy items to equip your character. Each new character starts off with 40 gold pieces. Prices of equipment are listed.
Users also have the opportunity to change their symbol for something more 'cool', but they have to pay (nothing comes free in Medieval).