Name: Hade
Comments: Is a necromancer a title or special position in Paganism? Someone told me that being a necromancer meant that you were superior in the mystic arts.
Necromancy is the Art of gaining Spiritual Guidance directly from those that have passed - the dead. The stereotype is the medium that gains knowledge of hidden treasure by contacting a spirit. The Fantasy is that of a Magician raising the corpses of the dead to do his will. I suppose you could call using a Qui-Ja board Necromancy.
Name: Hade
Comments: I know what it means with the dead but I was asking if only certain people have the power to do it like a rank or title in Paganism.
I don't believe "Necromancer" is a title given to anyone in the Real world.
But if using the influence of past souls for spiritual guidance counts, then yes there are countless numbers of these people in every Pagan community, even mine.
In our Circle we would never use the word, the Archetype is too strong. It has a conception of Evil Sorcerers and Fantasy characters. I suppose there are people who use the Title, along with "Warlock" or "Incubus" but I have never met any.
Those Mediums I know are Good People who serve others with good intent.
Name: Hade
Comments: I understand where you're coming from. I've always wondered about this speaking with the dead idea. I mean how does one verify they're really speaking with the actual dead person and not someone that might have known that person before?