Hey guys, while we're going thru the motions of everyone getting started and stuff, I would like to also suggest that during times of needing to make a quick decision for the scenario, we might use the chat room when it's open. That way some of that can all be planned out together and then the leader could work up the party order like that as well. You can let me know about having like a 'camp meeting' in the chat and i'll see that we can have it there. ;)
Kitana walks up to every and says 'Hiyas everyone! Need another adventurer? I'm unemployed and i need somethin to do. She pulls out her two daggers and flips them around a bit then hides them again. My name is Kitana by the way.'
Leirsgrios says, "Alright, heres how it can go. Eneyla and Kitana don't need torches because they have bows which require two hands. I believe we have all the people we need, 3 torches. How many rations do ya think we will need to take each? 3 days? Omega, you only have two days rations, i can supply you for now and you can pay me back after our adventure. Do you guys need to do anything in town? I'm all set and ready to go."
Liete says, 'I think I'm gonna be ok. I've got 7 days worth of dry rations for myself. I believe that we can reuse the skin water flasks by refilling them. I noticed on the map that there were a couple of drinking water places in the dungeon, so water shouldn't be a problem.'
Liete turns to Kitana and says, 'My name is Liete by the way. I believe that we could use your skills of a thief to disable traps that we might come upon in the dungeon as well as your use of your daggers.'
Leirsgrios says, "Yo Liete, how many rations do ya think we should take with us. We don't wanna take all our supplies, just what we need. It will hinder our combat. We should get going though."
[offtopic]Once i'm done my homework i will post party order so post what ya want your character to do. [/offtopic]