In the Cave
The group decides to eat one ration and drink one skin water and keep the empty skin to refill it later. Liete feeds the horse some oats before proceeding into the dungeon. The group proceeds with Chapolin, Liete, Kitana, Omega, Enelya, Excavon, and Leirsgrios moving in line fashion.
You move up to the oak first, it old bark makes many interesting twists and turns. It is probably at least a century old and stands maybe a little more than one hundred feet. You are now in front of what seems to be the cave's entrance. It is rocky and blocked by what seems to be a large bolder. Chapolin looks for any signs of a rock to press and notices a strange surface... he presses... nothing happens... then after a couple of seconds the bolder moves to the right to reveal that it is some sort of secret door. Chapolin examines the door and notes the sophistication of the rock surface cut just enough to act as a door and fool any werry traveller into thinking that it is a closed cave.
Chapolin sees that it is dark inside and asks for someone to hand him a lighted torch. Omega has flint and a torch and lights it. After handing it to Chapolin, Omega tries to stay out of the way behind Kitana. Chapolin looks inside he sees what is the appearance of a cave. Just as the map shows it goes off to the left then right and heads down.
Chapolin steps in, the next person steps in and so on until all are in the cave. After the last person is in you begin to wonder if your horse and cart will be safe, but right now you wonder if your own life will be safe.
Chapolin comes to the steps... the light of his torch shines into the darkness below. He looks for anything that seems readily apparent, but finds nothing unusual. Kitana tries to also keep an eye, but sees nothing. Chapolin braces himself and puts his foot on the first step and then the second and so on... until he is before the second flight of steps. Leirsgri now decides to follow down the first set of steps, when he does the door behind him closes. It becomes dark as daylight is taken away, you feel closure and glad to still be alive, but Leirsgri sees that being so far behind does not not help him to see with only one torch lit.
Chapolin goes down the next set of steps in similar fashion to the first set. When he gets to the ground after the last one he stops. Omega reminds Kitana and Chapolin that the map says to be carefull. Chapolin uses the torch to shine light over the room ahead (room #3). You see nothing unusual at all, just a typical cave with a tunnel to the North East of where you are standing. Everything so far seems to be just as the map describes. You wonder what to do next since you cannot see anything unusual.
GM: Say what you will do now, especially more specifically with what the first two characters will do and how they will do it since only they can readily move.
Chapolin keeps his position and looks up trying to see if there's anything in the ceiling that could fall on their heads. He sees nothing unusual, however he notes that from the ground to the top is about 12 feet. Chapolin looks for a trap with his eyes, but finds nothing unusual. Kitana decides to have a look next to Chapolin as well, but finds nothing unusual. She estimates the room to be about 20 x 20 square give or take the edges. Omega gives his opinion about the thieves lack of ability to 'find' a trap and concludes that the sophistication of the entrance might say something about the sophistication of the rest of the area including why nothing apparently can be seen.
GM: Say what you will do now.
In the distance you hear faint sounds of what seems to be either humming or singing, but you are not sure. You wonder if someone is coming or knows you are there. Either way standing in the same position for so long makes you feel on edge. Your torch burns hot in the narrow passageway.
GM: Time is....
Feeling that the trap mentioned on the map should not be taken likely you all decide to brace yourself against the left side of the cave room making sure to not be near the center. You are relieved to reach the northern part of the room with nothing happening, or at least nothing that you see happening.
You listen for the sounds, they seem to be more like chants being said by several people. You know now that you are not alone. Leirgri decides to stay back in cave room #3 as a backup in case anything tries to attack from this area or the entrance while the rest of you continue onward. Leirgri asks for a torch. You make your way into the passage way via the north part of the room.
As you move in the corridor towards cave room #2 you pass by an opening leading north into what seems to be another array of passage ways as revealed on the map. You approach cave room #2 with caution. This room seems to contain an array of iron rations, barrles of ale, sacks of flour and other items, there are plates, spoons, etc. By the amount of it all you would guess that there are about 30 or so people 'living' here. You are still very cautious and so you do not investigate the items very well.
To the south east there is a passage way that leads to what is cave room #1 on your map. You torch flickers and makes you think that anything in the dark can surely pick up your light source easily and know you are coming.
GM: Say what you will do now.
Chapolin and Excavon shall push ahead to room #1 while the rest of the group stays in room #2. They go with a unlit torch and flint and slowly make their way down the corridor along the wall til they reach room #1. It is pitched dark and only the group's torch gives them some speck of light for their way.
Chapolin has planned to use his cloak to slip into room #1 undetected. He does so, but cannot see anything as he is accustomed to working with shadows, which means there must be some light source, but being in total darkness requires nightvision, something he heard that cave dwellers have. Unfortunately, his human eyes cannot help him so he listens and feels around the room. Chapolin believes no one is there, or at least he hopes so because he probably would have been dead by now. He does not want to take a minute just to ignite a torch so he calls for the rest of the group to come forward and as they do the light of their torch shines into what seems to be some sort of room for sleep. There are beds and mats with blankets in piles in one corner.
You stand all congregated at the opening of room #1 which looks similar to room #2 but a bit bigger.
GM: Say what you will do now.
As you stand there you notice in the distance the chants getting louder and more ghoulish. The darkness mixed with the sound sends shivers through your spine. You fear that a lot of delay may make the darkness greater than it is...
GM: The game is moving at an average of a post every two days, it should be an average of one post in a day or less with two days being the exception and not the rule.
Leirsgri joins you in room #1. He reports there was no movement in room #3. A count is made of the beds in the room (#1), you count 12 small beds. All of you then backup to room #2. Everyone is on edge with the chants sounding in their frightened ears. A quick search is made of the room and what could be 100 iron rations is available, but it is not packaged and so you know it will take time to gather it all. You wonder if it is wise to do it now.
Chapolin makes an observation that the cavern may collapse after you take whatever gold might be there. He then says,
"It might be best to take what rations we can carry, refill our water skins and move on to the armory and check out if they've got any weapons we can lift."
The majority of the group agrees with Chapolin's thought of taking rations, refilling your water skins and moving onto room #4. For safety They will keep the formation of: Leirsgrios, Liete, Excavon, Omega, Eneyla, Chapolin, and Kitana.
Since Leirsgri is leading he carries a torch and Chapolin carries another from behind. You back out of room #2 make your way east and then north. You peer around the corner and then proceed south east after noticing that the chanting is coming from room #6.
You procced to room #4 cautiously. There is a torch on the wall to your left just before the entrance to the room and it is lit. You continue to move cautiously. Just as Leirsgri enters he surprised by a man dressed similar to a bandit, he immediately attacks in amost violent manner...
Leirsgri is amazed but reacts quickly from his experience and stealth and blocks the blow, but only just... then with one quick counter blow Leirsgri hits the man and he falls backwards into the room in a pool of blood (apparently the blow was tothe head).
Leirsgri quickly looks around and sees that the room has no one else within, at least no one that is visible. As the map shows there is a door north and what seems to be weapons and aromor on the floor to the east.
GM: Say what you will do now.
Omega inspects the body. He seems to be some kind of guard and wears ceremonial like robes draping over what seems to be some crude leather armor that has been well used and it is doubtful if it would fit Omega. He carries a short sword, Omega take that, a further search reveals no gold on the man who seems to be human.
The rest of the group is excited to see what is in the room. It seems to be some kind of equipping room here soldiers or the inhabitants get the necessary equipment for battle. This makes you think that the place is well organized, there seems to be a room for everything. You look through the items piled on the floor and find the following:
10 Short swords
1 Leather armor
2 Back packs
3 Cloaks
2 Daggers
1 Club
2 Large Sacks
The rest are broken or torn equipment that needs repairs and not of much use.
GM: You will need to say exactly who is taking what before you continue.