After standing there trying to decide on how to proceed, Leirsgrios suggests that the group slip thru the opening to the side, trying to avoid stepping thru the center of the doorway. He feels it maybe a pressure sensitive trap. All agree to walk cautiously thru the doorway to the left side. If we cannot walk cautiously to the left side, we would like to each try and jump thru the door and hope not to set off any traps. If we can jump thru the doorway into the room, we are going to walk along the right side of the room to the corridor.
Once inside the room, Chapolin would like move further to the back and switch places with Leirsgrios. Kitana would like to move to the back as well and switch places with Excavon.
So the formation will now be:
Leirsgrios, Liete, Excavon, Omega, Eneyla, Chapolin, and Kitana.
Hearing voices and sounds other than of ourselves, we will be prepared to attack once inside the room. If people start coming from the back excavon can go help them out. If enemies start coming from the behind the group, Excavon will go help them out. Omega will crouch inbetween the warriors and the archers to try and be protected. Kitana will put away her bow and pull out her knives if she needs to attack quickly.
The group will proceed into the corridor using the formation that has been stated above. We will then proceed into the room marked #2 on the map.
Edited: msslmshdy30 on 11th Dec, 2003 - 3:53am
After much discussion the group decides that Chapolin and Excavon shall push ahead to room #1 while the rest of the group stays in room #2. They will go with a unlit torch and flint and slowly make their way down the corridor along the wall til they reach room #1. Chapolin wants to use his cloak to sorta slip into room #1 undetected and check to see how many zealots are in the room. He will then slip back out into the corridor where Excavon has been waiting patiently, but watchful for any signs of trouble. If Chapolin gets caught, Excavon will shout out for help and move to fight to help Chapolin escape. If Excavon has to call out for help, the rest of the group will rush down the corridor to help in the fight. If Chapolin does manage to slip in and out of room #1, undetected, Excavon and Chapolin will then light the torch and make noises to try and lure the zealots out of the room and have them follow them down the corridor to room #2.
Omega and Liete will run her rope along the floor infront of the doorway and after Excavon and Chapolin enter the room, they will pull the rope tightly and off the floor enough to trip the zealots as they enter the room. Once Liete and Omega successfully trip the zealots coming into room #2, they will move into an attack formation to surround the zealots and move in to attack them.
Enelya and Kitana will be standing in the center of the room and they have their bows to shoot and attack. Excavon will fight with one sword in each hand and Chapolin will attack with his dagger. Liete will draw her two-handed sword and begin to attack and Omega will attack with his short sword as well.
The group decides to count how many beds are in the room to figure out how many zealots they may be getting ready to deal with. Once they get a number of how many beds, they move back thru the corridor to room #2. With the sounds of chanting growing near, the group will ready themselves for attack.
Once reaching room #2, they will search the room for any iron rations. What they find they will divide evening amongst each other and then they will leave room #2 and move back into the corridor as they appear to head back to room #3. They will keep the formation of:
Chapolin makes an observation that the cavern may collapse after we take the gold. He then says, 'It might be best to take what rations we can carry, refill our skin waters and move on to the armory and check out if they've got any cool weapons we can lift.'
The majority of the group agrees with Chapolin's thought of taking rations, refill our skin waters and move onto room #4 to check and see if they have any cool weapons they can lift. They move thru the corridor til they reach to opening into the next part of the corridor and move to the crossway and then head to room #4. They move cautiously and ready to attack at the first sign of trouble.
Omega will inspect the body and see if he has any gold, useful weapons or armor on him. Anything useful Omega will pick up and we will go thru it later.
The groups decides to head east to room #4 to check and see if there are any weapons or armor they might find of use to them. They will proceed cautiously to room #4 and check to make sure there are no zealots in the room. If there is, the group will attack. While checking out room #4 and we enter the room unchallenged, the group will look thru the items in the room and see what kind of weapons and armor there might be.
Liete will stand guard and alert the group of anyone approaching and attack if necessary, at the door that they came thru to enter the room. Once the group has picked thru, Liete would like to look and see if there is any armor that might suit her as well. Which means, Excavon will guard the door while she looks thru the equipment when he is thru looking.
Once everyone has looked thru the room, they will proceed thru the door to the north of the room to enter area #7.
After picking thru everything, everyone picks up what they want.
Leirsgrios takes a short sword and a backpack.
Liete takes a cloak and a sack.
Chapolin takes a dagger and the club.
Eneyla takes a sack.
Omega takes a backpack and says that he really needs the leather armor.
Excavon wants the leather armor as well, but says, 'That if someone needs it more than him, he will wait and buy some leather armor after we get the gold.'
Kitana also wants the leather armor, so she doesn't have to buy any, but Liete points out that since Excavon said that if someone needs it, that person should get it. So she decides that Omega will get the leather armor.
Now the group will move on to room #7 thru the door in room #4. Leirsgrios will open the door cautiously and will check to see if there are any zealots in the room. If there is, the group will storm the room and attack them. Omega will inspect the bodies afterwards to check for any weapons, armor, or gold pieces. After that, they will investigate the room and then refill our skin waters.
The group will then proceed cautiously to room #5 thru the door opposite the one we entered the room in. Liete will open the door cautiously and look as best as she can from the doorway to see if there are any zealots in the room. If there is, the group will storm into the room and attack any zealots that are in the room.
Liete takes two of the torches and puts them in her sack. Leirsgrios takes one torch, put it in his backpack(?) Enelya takes a torch and puts it in her sack, Excavon takes a torch, and Kitana takes the last torch. Omega will take the herb and the flints and put it in his backpack. He will check the herb later to see exactly what it is. Chapolin picks up a few of the candles and puts them into his backpack.
The group notices the chanting has stopped. Leirsgrios suggest they go and defend the crossing in the middle or the hallway that leads to #5 and #4.
Omega tells Leirsgrios that it a good plan, but but suggests that the group split up. Half of us go down to the hall by room #4 the other half stay in the hall by #5 and then we ambush them once they get to the crossing.
Liete listens to both plans and decides that it would probably be best if the group sticks together. She tells the group that it would be best to go with Leirsgrios' plan for she fears that the others may end up with more trouble. Now that the chanting has stopped, that means, the zealots may be moving about the area now. Safety in numbers.
Excavon, Kitana, Enelya, and Chapolin are in agreement with Leirsgrios' plan.
So the group will ready themselves to attack at a moments notice and proceed to exit room #5 in this formation:
They will proceed cautiously and attack any zealots they come across. Liete will draw her short sword and hold it in one hand and carry a lit torch in her other hand. Enelya will ready her bow to help aid Liete. Excavon and Leirsgrios will try to help defend Omega or help in any battle that may happen. Kitana will have her bow ready to turn and strike should they be attacked from behind. Chapolin will have his dagger ready in one hand, while he carries a lit torch in the other hand. Being watchful of the area behind them while they proceed.
They will keep this formation until they reach the crossway that leads to rooms #3, #6, & #4.
Offtopic but, Darkagent will be gone for 2 or 3 days and asked me to play his character until he comes back. Which I agreed to do so. |
Chapolin will move to the front of the formation and the group will proceed to the doorway of room #6. He will carry a lit torch and Kitana will also carry a lit torch. They will put out their torches as they near the bottom of the stairs to not be noticed as they approach. When the group reaches the doorway to room #6, Chapolin will try and slip inside to see how many zealots are within the room. Once he has counted how many are within the room, he will slip back out of the room and tell the others how many there are.
Excavon suggests that they take out their leader first. But Omega points out that he thinks the zealots may be a bit smarter and that they would try and protect their leader. He thinks that the group will have to fight their way to the leader the rest will either cower away or attack us for killing the leader.
If Chapolin gets caught the group will rush into the room and fight all the zealots. Liete will use her two-handed sword to fight with in the room. Chapolin will use his club and whack away at the zealots. Leirsgrios will use his sword to fight with. Omega will fight with his sword. Enelya will use her bow and arrows to attack. Kitana will use her bow and arrows to attack as well. Excavon will use his sword to attack.
If we run into any zealots while moving towards the doorway of room #6, Chapolin will use his club and Liete will use her short sword to attack and slay any zealots they come in contact with.
If Chapolin does not get caught while slipping in and out of the room, the room will then storm the room attacking the zealots.