Leirsgrios says, 'I say we try and fight our way back to the corridor where we can fight them 1 by 1. We stand a better chance. Just retreat back to the tunnel and fight from there. They to get to the crossing and get them as they come out if we fit. '
Enelya moves to grab a short sword and fight the zealots. She fights and defends herself and says, 'Leirs and Liete we should go ..we cant take them ALL!!!!'
Eneyla runs into the hallway leading to #6, Liete follows Eneyla and Leirsgrios is closely behind. They figure that if they fight in the hallway they will have a better chance because they can fight 1 on 1. Leirsgrios will fight until they reach the crossing. Liersgrios will stand in the entrance of the hall leading to #5 and Liete stand in the entrance way to #1, 2 and 3 (Right across from Leirsgrios on the other side of the doorway) and will hit them as they come out and Eneyla will stand in the hallway leading to #4 and shoot them with her bow and arrows, into the hall from #6 as the Zealots come out.
Leirsgrios says, 'We will have room to dodge once we get out of the tunnel into the crossing, while the zealots in the tunnel won't. Hopefully this plan will work.'
This is the diagram of what Leirsgrios's plan of where everyone's placement will be at the crossing:
__________________| ^#6 |_________________
Hall to #1,2,3 < Liete________Leirsgrios > Hall to #5