Smudge, your character is created, however that symbol we do not have, choose the correct symbol by the name we have given underneath it and then Email me the name via the contact page - do not reply here. Thanks. You may now proceed to the camp where you can introduce your character.
RPG: Medieval
Alias: Kron
Role: Warrior
Level: 0
Body: 15
Mind: 8
Soul: 7
Special Skills: Blacksmith, Cook
Long sword (1)
Clothes (1)
Leather boots (1)
Dry Rations (7)
Water skin (7)
Flint (1)
Club (1)
Cloak (1)
Total: 40 gold for all items
Symbol: Dragon
Maicman, your character is created. I am going to update the story to include your character. Read the story and then introduce your character in the camp thread to begin play.
RPG: Medieval
Alias: Atiyana
Role: Magician
Level: 0
Body: 8
Mind: 11
Soul: 11
Special Skills: Animal Trainer
Book Keeper
Staff - 1
Cloak - 1
Bow, Long - 1
Arrow - 2
Dagger - 1
Torch - 1
Dry Rations - 3
Arrow Holder with Strap - 1
Healer's Pouch - 1
Herbs for Healing - 3
Stray Dog - 1
Total: 32 Gold
Symbol: Wolf
RPG: Medieval
Medieval Alias: Kiana
Role: Thief
Level: 0
Body: 16
Mind: 10
Soul: 4
Special Skills: Jeweler, Swimming/Diving
Short sword: 1
Dagger: 1
Cloak: 1
Dry Rations: 5
Small Flask: 1
Healer's Pouch: 1
Herbs for healing: 3
Herbs for Disease: 1
Small sack: 1
Total used: 31
Symbol: Cat
Edited: Ambria on 27th Nov, 2004 - 3:59pm
RPG: Medieval
Alias: Jango 8
Role: Warrior
Level: 0
Body: 18
Mind: 9
Soul: 3
Special Skills: Blacksmith, Bodyguard
Sword, Long 1
Herbs for healing 5
Dry Rations 7 Days
Bow, Long 1
12 Arrows 3
Total: 40 gold for all items
Symbol: Dragon