User RaulDrake your character cannot be created now because the current Medieval game is engaged. You are welcomed to continue to post in other Boards until the game is ready for new players and gain FP that can be later used as GPs in the Medieval game.
RPG: Medieval
Alias: Thamas
Role: Warrior
Level: 0
Body: 15
Mind: 9
Soul: 6
Special Skills: Blacksmith, trapper
Leather Armor 1
Axe, Hand 1
Sack, Large 1
Rations 3 days
water 3 days
Total: 35 gold for all items
Edited: Ramer on 5th Jun, 2005 - 4:43am
Ramer, your character has been created and you may now present him in the camp. If you are unsure what to do in the game you may also ask questions with in the camp thread.
User Kiro - how did you come up with 43 GPs? You only are allowed 40 to start. Email me the correct purchase and items in the same format. Do not reply here.
UPDATE: Email received. Your character is created and you may now present him in the camp.
User Wyldehorse, your character has been created, you may now present him in the current camp thread within the Medieval Extension Board located here: