RPG: Medieval
Alias: baberay
Role: magician
Level: 0
Body: 9
Mind: 14
Soul: 7
Special Skills: herbalist, jeweler
staff 1
clothes 1
cloak 1
boots 1
dish, etc. 1
food 4
water 4
writing kit 1
blanket 1
back pack 1
healing herbs 1
total 40
Symbol: dragon
Bwren, your character has been created. He is in the Medieval Extension Board and you can introduce him via the camp thread: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index....pic=13764&st=72
RPG: Medieval
Medieval Alias: Croff
Role: Warrior
Level: 0
Body: 18
Mind: 5
Soul: 7
Special Skills: Leather Worker , Black Smith
Heavy Hammer 1
Leather Armor 1
Cloak 1
Belt Pouch 1
Small Sack 1
Flint 1
Rations 3 days
Water Skin 2 day
Total: 40 gold for all items
Symbol: Lion
Edited: Kozak on 3rd Dec, 2005 - 10:11pm
Kozak, your character is created, you may now present him in the Camp thread located here: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index....pic=13764&st=72 You will also note that I gave you a better mind since you already have a +2 modifier to strength.
RPG: Medieval
Alias: Aliete
Role: Thief
Level: 0
Body: 13
Mind: 15
Soul: 2
Special Skills: Blacksmith, Artist
Dagger 1
Cloak 1
Sack - Small - 1
Scroll, ink, feather, case - 1
Flint - 1
Rations 7 days
Flask - 1
Total: 19 gold for all items
Symbol: Cat
NightVision, your character is created, you may now present him in the Camp thread located here: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index....pic=13764 Since the game is in progress you will need to read the current story line and decide how you will 'join' into the party since you are a stranger to them, you do this via the same thread referenced above.
RPG: Medieval
Alias: Astara
Role: Magician
Level: 0
Body: 7
Mind: 13
Soul: 10
Armor: 3
Health: (GM Defined)
Secondary skills: Husbandry, Herbalist
Auroris, your character is now created. You need to join the current camp thread in Medieval Extension immediately to catch up with current group. it will be up to you how you approach the characters.