Well made character Tonatha. Please update your Profile with your stats and character avatars.
You now have two choices:
1. I include you in the current Scenario with a penalty to be known only after you accept.
2. Wait until there is a new Scenario in which case you can use the World Of Medieval Players In Waiting Thread to role-play while you wait.
Which do you choose?
RPG: World of Medieval
Alias: Cagliostro
Role / Class: Magician
Level: 0
Body: 6
Mind: 13
Soul: 13
Special Skills: +10% to primary skills
Herbalist, Beverage Maker
Backpack 1
Blanket 1
Scroll, Ink, Feather, Case 1
Knife, Fork, Cup, Plate & Spoon 1
Skin, Water, 1 day (2) 1
Dry Rations, 1 day 2
Flask, Small (2) 1
Healer's Pouch 1
Herbs for Healing 2
Clothes 1
Cloak 1
Leather Boots 1
Staff 1
Sling 1
Total 40 gold
Welcome back to the World of Medieval. 50FP has been deducted from your Profile for the new character which you may now role-play in the Waiting Thread until a new Scenario is available. Please update your character.
RPG: World of Medieval
Alias: Aose
Role: Warrior
Level: 0
Body: 15
Mind: 5
Soul: 12
Special Skills: Trapper and Leather Worker
Axe, Hand 1
Leather Armor 1
Cloak 1
Pouch, belt 1
Skin, Water 2
Dry, Ration 3
Torch 1
Flint 1
Clothes 1
Total: 39 gold for all items
Symbol: Rhino
Edited: sgtlee on 8th Jan, 2013 - 12:23pm
Sgtlee, your character is ready for role-playing in the World of Medieval. Please update the fields with the information you provided. You will need to present him in the Players in Waiting Thread until there is a Scenario available for Aose to participate him.
RPG: World of Medieval
Alias: Grouth
Role / Class: Warrior
Level: 0
Body: 16
Mind: 5
Soul: 9
Special Skills: trapper/fisher
Long sword 1
Bow short 1
Arrow 24
Leather boots 1
Cloak 1
Clothes 1
Dry rations 4 days
Water skin 2
Gold 2
Edited: KNtoran on 11th Mar, 2013 - 3:17pm
By selecting the fighting class you get a +2 to Body, so either you use it there or assume your Body was 14 and you add 2 points to either Body or Mind.
You also have this option: "Exchange FP" from the World of Medieval main Board menu. The rest of the party are very well equipped with horses and armor so you may wish to purchase this for your character before you join to them.
Please Post your updated Character here with the adjustments.