RPG: Medieval
Alias: Elda
Role: Thief
Level: 0
Body: 12
Mind: 8
Soul: 10
Special Skills: Body Guard, Blacksmith
Equipment: Bow, Long 1, Arrow 24 (2 sets of 12), Arrow Holder w/ Strap 1, Dagger 1, Dry Rations 10 days, Cloak 1
Total: 32 gold for all items
Symbol: Unicorn3
Drizzychick, your character is created, but currently an adventure is already engagaed, so you will have to wait til they get back to the Village or die before you can join the camp. If you wish you can take a personal adventure for a donation (see Personal Adventures Board).
RPG: Medieval
Alias: Ice
Role: Warrior
Level: 0
Body: 12
Mind: 9
Soul: 8
Special Skills: Teamster, Body Guard
Please show your equipment and next to it the amount of that item in this sample format:
3 torches 3
2 flints 2
1 leather backpack 13
1 blanket 5
1 knife, fork & spoon 1
7 dry rations 7
2 skin water 2
1 arrow holder w/strap 2
1 ointment for insects 1
1 healers pouch 2
1 herbs for healing 1
1 leather armour 22
1 leather boots 5
1 helmet 20
1 pick 3
2 arrows (12 each) 2
1 short bow 6
1 short sword 10
1Shield, small 30
total 137
Edited: tenaheff on 26th Feb, 2004 - 5:14pm
RPG: Medieval
Alias: Althea
Role: Thief
Level: 0
Body: 9
Mind: 12
Soul: 9
Special Skills: Cook, Fisher
(starting with 90 GP)
Leather boots (5)
Leather armor (22)
Short Bow (6)
Arrows, 24 (2)
Arrow holder with strap (2)
Leather back pack (13)
Dagger (6)
Hammer (1)
Spikes, 5 (1)
Clothes (1)
Cloak (1)
Torch, 2 (2)
Flint (1)
Rope (8)
Grappling hook (2)
Rations, 5 (5)
Water, 5 (5)
Total 83, 7 left
Farseer... Ummm... 'starting with 90gp'? How did that happen?
Did you think that GPs are transferable from character to character? They are not, sorry, but you can convert FP first if you wish to do so. Send me an Email about it. Thanks.
RPG: Medieval
Alias: Sokei
Role: Warrior (Ranger)
Level: 0
Body: 13
Mind: 10
Soul: 7
Special Skills: Navigator, Body Guard
1 Short Sword 10g
2 Skin Flasks 2g
3 Dry Rations 3g
1 Clothes 1g
1 Cloak 2g
1 Leather Boots 5g
1 Spear 6g
1 Pouch Belt
Edited: FunXueYei on 3rd Mar, 2004 - 8:15pm