[Medieval] Living Night - Page 3 of 5

The party feels that they have reached a hurdle - Page 3 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 24th Oct, 2003 - 11:08am

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18th Oct, 2003 - 11:32am / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Living Night - Page 3

The Game Master says...

A beautiful orange sunset has come, Liete is very tired. Indecision in this group may cost you life since you have no plan. The farmer has since left your group to go about his own chores seeing he cannot get an answer.

GM: If your current leader cannot post party order then a new leader must be selected.

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18th Oct, 2003 - 11:53pm / Post ID: #

Night Living Medieval

The Game Master says...

Omega notices the lack of decision making on Jonas' part and it irritates his intelligence and so he opens his mouth and says, "I have a plan, this is it. Liete sleeps on the left side of the left barn in between the chickens and the barn.  If attacked she will run to the barn entrance waking us up then prepare to defend."

"Eneyla will sleep on the North west corner of the left barn.  About 15 feet away from Liete.  If Liete is attacked, she will help her out.  If Eneyla is attacked she will run back to the barn entrance.  Leirsgrios and Liete will try and intercept the animal, so she can shoot her arrows...  While the others are up top attacking it."

"Leirsgrios will sleep on the north side of the Barn, closer to the North East corner.  He is about 20 feet away from Eneyla.  If he is attacked he will run back a bit and prepare to defend while the others wake up and assist.  Leirsgrios will also remain awake to watch over the Lambs, when he is decides he needs sleep he will wake up Eneyla for her turn to watch that side."

"Jonas will sleep up in the hayloft overlooking the field.  He will stay awake to watch the field then switch off with Omega later on.  While in battle, Jonas will shoot the animal from the hayloft."

"Omega will also sleep up in the hayloft and when Jonas needs a rest he will be a lookout over the chickens and that part of the field.  Omega will get his dog to stay by Eneyla.  If he won't stay, they will tie him to the NE part of the chicken fence using Lietes rope."

Not seeing much coming from Jonas everyone agrees with the plan and goes outside to their spots.  Everyone puts their non-combat supplies in the corner of the barn so they can have better mobility.

They all go to their positions. Liete uses some hay as a pillow and after a few turns is quickly off to sleep with heavy bags under her eyes. It is likely she will not be easy to wake for the next couple of hours.

Omega tries to get his dog to stay by Eneyla, but finds it a difficult task having only known the dog for a few hours. He takes Lietes rope and ties him to NE part of the chicken fence.

Eneyla covers herself with her cloak and goes to sleep with her bow in hand.
Leirsgrios at his position and covers himself with his cloak so he would be harder to see but made it so he can still see.  Jonas sits up top, looking out the window over the field.  He covers himself with his cloak, giving enough space for his eyes to see.

You feel assured in your plan, but who knows what the night can bring or breathed? Looking around you see that the wind is calm and the light of two moons is already casting their glow unto the ground now that the sun has hid itself behind the horizon. The animals are calm.

As the night progresses you can hear howls in the distance. They sound like that of a wolf pack. This is normal, especially when the moons show themselves so brightly. You do look around to see if anything seems unusual, but everything appears to be fine. You can see that the Smiths have retired for the night and you are now on your own.

GM: As the night progresses say if you wish to do something different or continue with your current plan, then the story will continue. Please note: Use character names and not usernames (Use Omega instead of 'Gabriel')

20th Oct, 2003 - 9:13pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Living Night RPG PBP Medieval World

The Game Master says...

The animals within the farm start to get uncomfortable and move up and down as though they are seeing some kind of ghost. The noise awakens everyone in the dead of the night save for Liete who is still sleeping soundly.

GM: Since no party order or leader is apparent for this group the next post here will  be based on the original plan.

21st Oct, 2003 - 10:40am / Post ID: #

Page 3 Night Living Medieval

The Game Master says...

After a short sleep Omega feels a bit edgy and awakens.

Omega calls to Leirsgrios below and tells him that its not safe for Liete out there.  He tells Leirsgrios and Eneyla to pick up Liete and move her into the barn. They do so and Liete mummbles and grummbles about the whole affair, but then quickly returns to sleep. If trouble comes Omega will go in and wake her up.  

Once Liete is in the barn Omega puts his cloak around to her hide her from anything peering into the barn.  

Eneyla realizes that she doesn't have a melee weapon and remembers Liete telling her she could borrow her short sword, leaving the 2 handed sword for Liete.  Eneyla sees that Omega has no weapon so she loans him her bow and arrows.

During this transition Jonas is intently looking for movement from up in the hayloft.

Omega goes up and joins Jonas in staring at the field.  He then puts all his herbs and ointments in the corner of the hayloft so he can shoot better.  Omega is listening also watching for any early warning signs from his dog.  

Eneyla and Leirsgrios sit by eachother at the NW corner of the barn.  Eneyla watching W and NW while Leirsgrios is watching North and Northeast and East.  Everyone gets their weapons ready incase of attack.

The plan that is agreed on is this... with Liete in the barn, if attacked Leirsgrios and Eneyla will retreat to the barn.  Omega will climb down into the barn area and wake Liete so she can help out.  Then Omega will climb back up the ladder while Jonas shoots the creature or thing with his bow and Omega will join in shooting.

If Omega's dog shows signs of something stirring Jonas will yell to Leirsgrios and Eneyla letting them know.

If an enemy is sighted for sure in the field, or if his dog shows definate sign of an attack Omega will immediately wake up Liete while Jonas yells to Leirsgrios and Eneyla, letting them know how many and what.  Leirsgrios and Eneyla will ready their weapons and prepare to strike at the enemy/enemies.

If nothing comes for a while and the animals calm down, Eneyla and Omega will take watch while Leirsgrios and Jonas get some rest.

That is the plan, and everyone agrees. Time passes and most are dozed.

Suddenly the dog tied near the chickens starts to bark in a manner so as to ward off an enemy, then the bark turns into a plea for help as the pitch of his tone goes from hoarse to squeal. You look to see what the dog is making all the commotion about, but see nothing in the darkness. Without much notice you only just make out that something is upon your dog. The dog squeals more and then is silenced as a great wolf nips its neck. The dog slumps. This alarms you and Jonas begins shouting to everyone... "Wolf! Wolf!"

Omega climbs down to warn Liete. Everyone gets up to face the wolf, but as they squint their eyes they realize it is a small pack of three and not one. The wolves exhibit eyes of terror and mouths of dripping sliva and blood. You have never seen anything like this and makes your blood crawl.

Jonas quickly takes his bow and shoots an arrow at one of the animals causing a significant blow, but the wolf still moves for an attack!

On the ground Enelya is nearest to a wolf and the wolf leaps at her causing some damage to Enelya. Enelya is furious that the creature caused her to bleed and with one back slash levels the wolf to the ground.

Leirsgri is fast and attacks the third wolf before it even decides what it should do. The wolf is cut in half and falls in two pieces in such a way as to make Omega cover his face. Having done this so quickly, Leirsgri attacks the last wolf wounded by Omega, but misses and the wolf manages to flinch away. The wolf tries to spring back as an attack, but misses Leirsgri.

This gives Liete a chance now as she yells a cry and swings at the wolf... the wolf is now dead. Enelya looks at her wounds not pleased that she should have blood on her garments. The rest of you are glad it was not a bear. Looking around you realize Mr. Smith heard the commotion and was looking on. He has an amazed face at how you terminated the animals. He comes over to examine one of the wolves. He looks it over and then says...

"This wolf has some sort of maddening disease, so do the others."

He then points to show you the red eyes and pale tongue. He also shows a strange bite on the nose of one of the wolves and comments...

"Strange, I wonder where that bite came from..."

Mr. Smith then looks towards the forest and says, "Good job lads, let's hope no more come tonight. I reckon that whatever is affecting these creatures is out there." he then points towards the darkness of the forest.

The rest of the night passes without much advent. In the morning Mr. Smith hands Liete 40 gold pieces and says, "This is for your work thus far." I hope it is enough. his children then bring you a hot breakfast.

GM: Say what your response to Mr. Smith will be as well as what you wish to do during the day.

22nd Oct, 2003 - 11:18am / Post ID: #

Night Living Medieval

The Game Master says...

Leirsgrios says to Mr. Smith, "We are going to scout into the forest before we go back to town.  Is it alright if Jonas and Eneyla stay here?  Jonas needs to tend to her wounds while Omega, Liete and I scout the forest. We are planning to be back in two hours."

Mr. Smith assures you that whatever you wish to do in order to stop this terror on his farm is okay with him.

Liete goes to get her rope from Omega's dog.  Omega goes to give Eneyla her bow and arrows back.  Liete tells Eneyla to give the short sword she borrowed to Omega.  Liete gives Omega cloak back to him, Omega puts the cloak on.  Liete decides to split the 40 gold 5 ways for everyone, this means everyone gets 8 gold. Everyone is happy to have more gold in their possession. Jonas tends Eneyla's wound with his herbs.

Leirsgrios, Omega and Liete go into the forest and scout for a couple of hours.  They use a borrowed shovel from the farm to bury Omega's dog. After some pitiful words by Omega you look for animal tracks, traces of animals fighting or any odd signs in the forest.  You travel in single file, Liete at the front, Omega in the middle and Leirsgrios at the back.  

You see nothing unusual save for drips of blood here and there, some of it dried others are fresh (maybe a day or so). You find some bones of what seems to be a chicken. The manner in which it is crushed you guess that it was one of Mr. Smith's taken by an animal. Travelling some more you do not see anything unusual save for what seems to be a small cave set on a hill. It is covered by large overgrowth, torns, weeds and a few trees which make it hard to see. This is about a mile from Mr. Smith's home. You approach the cave with caution, however you do not have anything to shed light with so you cannot see inside the darkness.

GM: Say what you wish to do now. It is 8am. Please ease up on the 'borrowing' it is very confussing and hard to tract, not to mention that each character should have purchased the 'right' equipment from the beginning. If necessary I may impose some rules on this since it affects stats of each character. I do not mind one borrow, but you have it running like a cambio.

23rd Oct, 2003 - 8:30am / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Living Night

The Game Master says...

You return to the farm and inform Mr. Smith about what you have found. He says he is unaware of a cave in the area but guesses it must be some sort of bat cave. Upon saying this Omega thinks, maybe this cave has blood bats, bats that bite. You check on Eneyla's wounds to see if she is well enough to come along. She is 85%. A day of rest will take care of her, but she is worthy of any battle at the moment. However, all of you are very tired, after all you were up most of the time yesterday into the night.

Leirsgrios goes on to say, "We need to go into town and buy some stuff, then we have decided that we are going to explore the cave.  Is it alright if we leave the supplies we don't need with you?  We believe that whatever is causing these animals to go crazed is in the cave.  We are gonna go and try to destroy whatever is causing this.  We will be back through here one our way to the cave to drop off our stuff.  I think that even if we do find it and kill it we should stay for another night to make sure its safe."

Mr. Smith agrees and once again assures you to do whatever you think is best.

You journey to the Village's market place.  

Omega buys a short sword for six gold pieces. No one else buys anything else, but all this walking without sleep is very tiring.

You return to the Smith's home, gather the supplies you want and then move on to the cave yawning. After your mile walk you arrive at the cave. It is necessary for you to clear some of the vegetation around with your sword in order to get to the cave's entrance. At the hole of the cave you now shine your lit torches, but you do not see much. The cave is not really that big and it will be necessary for you to stoop about a foot down in order to enter. The passages and rock formations are limited so only one person can move at a time. Even so you will not be able to stand erect while in the cave. Leirsgri and Liete try to enter side by side, but soon see this is impossible and so Leirsgri enters first. Leirsgri realizes that his former plans for checking traps and spreading in a 'v' would not be possible here and spends more time dwelling on how interesting the cave is shaped(low soul and mind). In fact you can berely move comfortable, let alone have the whole party in the cave. Shining your torch into the cave you see that it seems to enter a small cove, but you are not sure if you should go further seeing that the environment is different from what you expected.

GM: Say what you will do now. It is 9:30am

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23rd Oct, 2003 - 12:46pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Living Night - Page 3

The Game Master says...

Back to the Farm

Everyone decides that entering the cave now would be unwise and decide to get a couple hours of sleep at the farm. You ask Mr. Smith to wake you when the sun is overhead, he agrees.

You are awoken at the expected time, Mr. Smith does not play much with time being a farmer. You on the other hand are lazy to get up, but the heat of the day helps you to get a move on. However, Enelya thinks that sleep being deprived is not good and wants to sleep more (low mind).

After a lot of persuasion and delay you get Enelya to move. You journey back to the cave one mile away. It is now about an hour after noon.

A new plan is formed. The party will relight the torches and enter single file.  Leirsgri, Liete, Omega, Eneyla then Jonas, in that order.  When they get to the cave, Leirsgrios will quickly enter and prepare to be attacked by anything. As he enters he soon sees that only a dagger could be used well at the opening until he gets in.

Suddenly there is a lot of fluttering and squeals... BATS! BATS! Three bats swoop down on Leirsgri, but he quickly jumps back. He raises his torch in hand and see hundreds of bats set above! Liete now enters... the others are still waiting to enter. Swords are not useful here and maybe only the torches will have some use.

Three bats swoop down on Liete but she also dodges. They seem to be in some sort of attack formation. You see more bats start to fly, they do not appreciate your flame. Looking at the rest of the cave you notice that there are no exits and if all of you entered you would not be able to do much because the base is small and the inside upper cieling is high and large, perfect for a large family of bats.

GM: Say what you ill do now.

24th Oct, 2003 - 11:08am / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Living Night World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 3

The Game Master says...

The party feels that they have reached a hurdle that they cannot cross. they venture back to the farm. Omega says, "Mr.  Smith, do you have any ideas on how we handle this situation?  What do you think about the whole thing?"

Mr. Smith listens and then asks for the location and description of the area, which you give him. Then he says... "Sounds pretty simple to me, treat the little vampires like you would the honey bees when you want the honey, but this time, make it hotter, real hot!"

He then pauses in thought, puts his hand to his chin while leaning on a pitch fork.

Then he says, "You think this is what has given the bite marks on the beasts?"

GM: Say what you will do now. It is 2:30pm.

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> TOPIC: [Medieval] Living Night


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