[Medieval] Equipping Characters

[medieval] Equipping Characters - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 27th Nov, 2004 - 7:35pm

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Please buy the correct equipment in the first place so you don't have to beg other players for equipment and basic things like food!
27th Jan, 2003 - 8:34pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Equipping Characters

The Game Master says...


MARKET: Village Market

1. If you are making a character for the first time then you would go to the thread called, '[Medieval] Create Your Character Here' and follow the instructions after reading all the sticky threads, especially the Rules and Explanation thread. Now, when you are in the process of creating your character you will come to a part that asks for your equipment. Go to step 2.

2. You now proceed to the market. The link will be at the top and called, 'Market'. On this page it will tell you the amount of gold pieces (Medieval money) you start with in the game. Write this figure down. For illustration we will use '40 gps'. Go to step 3.

3. You will now look at the various tables, 'Weapons', 'Armor', etc. Each of these have a description and cost. The cost is always to the far right of each table. Buy items and list them using the gps you have. So if you wanted to buy a mace and the mace costs 8 gps then you would subtract 8 gps from 40 gps and your remainder is now 32 gps. Write down what you buy and then add it to the post message while creating your character. The GM will add these items to your profile at the start of play. Go to step 4.

4. Continue buying everything that you want and make sure it is within 40 gps (or the set gps you have). Add all the items you bought to the same list you will post in the create your character here thread. Make sure you do your maths right because the GM will check! You are now done!

   user posted image

Here are some of the types of weapons and equipment and their probable uses. Remember these are the basics, surely you can 'buy' anything that existed in a medieval or iron age setting. Check the market for the items you can select (buy).

W E A P O N S  
Axe, Two Handed - No Shield
Sword, Short - Good for Corridors
Sword, Long
Sword, Two Handed - No Shield - real damage
Bow, Short
Bow, Long - far away objects
Dagger - easy to conceal, favorite of thieves
Spear - good for prodding for traps                          
Staff - easy to carry, favorite of magicians

See the full list at the market.

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4th Feb, 2003 - 8:07pm / Post ID: #

Characters Equipping Medieval

The Game Master says...

What should I buy?

Buying the right equipment is very important. Imaging going on an adventure and forgetting to take a tent, or a sack to put suff you find. Your imagination begins with your purchases at the local market. Think about what you would need if you were going on an adventure. How would you see at night? A torch and some flint would be good. Will I get hungry? How about some food and a few skins for water in case we are not around fresh water.

Going into battle with a pen knife?

Make sure to equip your characters properly. Make sure to keep these rules in mind when equiping your character:

1. In Medieval any character can use any weapon, but some classes are better off using certain weapons for obvious reasons. An example of this would be a thief trying to carry a huge two handed battle axe on his back while trying to balance a beam. Maybe a small dagger around his waist would be best?

2. Warriors can handle any weapon well, but are better off with larger weapons that do not restrict them.

3. Thieves are better with daggers, and bows. They can also use clubs, maces, and hammers quite effectively.

4. Magicians really do not handle weapons, but if they do, they prefer to go with a simple dagger, staff, or crossbow.

How do I know if I will need something?

When its time to play read the upcoming scenario and then equip your character to suit. For example, if you are going to a cold region, get warm clothes! If you are going to be climbing mountains then get some rope and a grappling hook!


Be careful with carrying too much, if you do you will tire your character or you may be too heavy to cross that old wooden bridge. Thieves should not have much weight on them if they are to move with stealth.

7th Feb, 2003 - 4:26pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Equipping Characters RPG PBP Medieval World

The Game Master says...


wink.gif There are many items that can be found in Medieval, but only some are able to be purchased in the Village. We just added a page that shows some of the items and the description. This page has to go through lots of updating, but it is a great referrence, especially at the start of your character's career.

Go here: https://www.bordeglobal.com/board/medieval/market.shtml

14th Feb, 2003 - 1:19am / Post ID: #

Characters Equipping Medieval

The Game Master says...


user posted image


Of all the things that you will need in this world, the prime one is gold. Gold talks! If you do not have gold you really cannot survive within a community. Those who choose to live without gold tend to go into the forests and mountains as monks or loners.

The more gold you have the more you can buy, the more you will be respected, the more you will be able to get what you need for your next adventure and the more you will feel like you are your own king. However, beware, gold also brings a price with it... there are the thieves, bandits and tax collectors, not to mention finding a place to store it!

If you are going on an adventure to find gold then remember it is heavy, make sure you know how you are going to carry it home once you find it!

Q. How can I get gold without 'finding' it in an adventure?
A. There are several ways...

1. Be a constructive poster and earn forum coins which you can then convert through the forum bank. To do this see the forum bank page.

2. Try to steal it (high risk and if you get caught, well, you do not want to know). If you still wish to do this then you need to state so in party order.

3. Earn it through using your secondary skill, however, this process is very long and may not bring you much. In addition to this other players may not want to wait on your character. Depending on the secondary skills of your character you may or may not get a job and the pay may not be much, for example if you are a blacksmith then you will need a place of work, the necessary materials, etc. The Village is not a place where jobs are readily available, hence you are an adventurer in the first place. If you do decide to earn gold through the game then the following apply:
a. Everyone must be doing the same or willing to wait.
b. Everyone must agree that their characters will be dormant during the period. You then post a party order message about how everyone will look for work.
c. The GM will let you know in the game if you are successful.

4. Of course the age old way is adventure!

5. See messages below about the new ways to earn gold.

13th Sep, 2003 - 2:51pm / Post ID: #

Characters Equipping Medieval

The Game Master says...

Armor, armor, armor

I cannot over emphasize the importance of armor. When you fight a battle there are two major factors that decide if you are hit or not:

1. How quick you are (high body level)
2. How well protected you are (good armor)

Every character should have boots, at least leather armor, a shield, and a helm for best protection. If you can afford it you can also add a cloak. You may say, 'I don't have enough gold!' Well when you buy you must ask yourself these questions...

What is more important to me? Attack (good weapons), Defense (good armor), or having 'maybe' items (items that you might need).

Have I chosen skills that allow me to be able to make up for something that I lack? For instance. You may not have much food because you chose to buy good armor, but you can always rely on your trapping or fishing skills to get food.

How does armor rating work?

Basically in the start there is a 50% chance of you being hit or hitting an enemy as a starting point. What lessens or increases this percentage is what you choose as your body level and the armor you have.

8th Mar, 2004 - 10:32pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Equipping Characters

The Game Master says...

Your Equipment and Generated Stats

A lot of users probably wonder how I come up with the figures that determine hits... well that is just it... I don't, I let a small program take care of that for me. Yes, it is very fair. On the right I select the dice modifier and on the left I see the result.

A Typical Example...

Let's say you have a short handed sword with normal strength and you are trying to hit a creature...

Let's say you start out with armor class (also known as AC) at 10 and the creature at AC 12. You need a 12 or above on the die roll to hit. This means that you have a 40% chance of hitting the creature. However the creature has a 50% chance of hitting you.

Let's say you swing your sword to try and hit the creature... I click the button at a ratio of 20 and get 14, this means you 'hit'.

Confused? 10 represents 50%. How did I work that out? Everything is done based on a multiplier of 20. So '0' on 20 would represent 0%, while '20' on 20 would represent 100%. Just multiply the AC by 5 and subtract that from 100%, you will then get the percentage at which you can be hit.

If you still do not understand... don't worry, I take care of that mess for you and let you know what happened in the scenario.

See the picture below of this wonderful program which I believe is still free for download.

[Medieval] Equipping Characters
[Medieval] Equipping Characters (Hover)

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
12th Apr, 2004 - 4:29am / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Equipping Characters

The Game Master says...

A New Way To Earn Gold!

Recently we added some new features that can help your character's pocket:

1. Try the quizzes, if you solve a certain percentage then you get FP!
2. There is a 'lottery' option in the shop/bank where you can win up to 500FP just for trying!
3. You can use all winnings of FP towards exchanging for Gold. Used the link called "Exchange FP" in the main Board of the World of Medieval.
4. Of course there is the sure way of posting constructive messages in the forum which give you anywhere from .10 to 2.20 FP per Post depending on where you center your messages.
5. Winning certain arcade games, check the description for each game and it tells you how much you need on the score board to win back FP!

27th Nov, 2004 - 7:35pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Equipping Characters World Medieval PBP RPG

The Game Master says...

Can We Call this 'Pooling'?

Sometimes in scenarios characters find themselves either ill equipped or over burden. Either way it can lead to the detriment of either the character or party. In most cases it can be a real hassle to deal with for the GM since it is his job to monitor which/what equippment everyone has on them at any one time.

Here are some ground rules to 'ensure' this does not happen:

1. Buy the right equipment from the START!
2. If you have a lot, sell it from the START!
3. Remember your character does not have metal for bones, make sure you buy sufficent rations and skins.
4. Ever heard of 'beasts of burden'? They carry lots of weight on your behalf, but do not do well in dungeons.
5. Some higher level characters hire trusted lackeys to carry equipment as needed.
6. Be careful to state what you are holding at any one time. For instance, you can be walking down a corridor with only a torch and not your magic sword (which is in your backpack) when suddenly you meet an iron clad goblin.

What do I do?

1. If you have lots of items then you may choose to leave it some place safe within the scenario.
2. Do not distribute items among other characters, either carry it or leave it behind. Why? Guess who has to record all of it when you distribute it? Yes, that is right, and I ain't going to do it - to put it politely.
3. If you want to carry new found items, but you are already encumbered then drop some of your items and carry the new ones. Some players like to play like if they are a used items shop where they carry mass items that do nothing to improve their game.
4. If you want silence then get items that are silent. Keys, metal, gold, and familiars tend to make noise beyond your control.

Yep, you are going to ask, so let me say...

1. Yes, characters can borrow from each other, but it should be just to perform an immediate task and not as a means to form a barter or cover faulty buying in the beginning.
2. Yes, characters can attempt to take items that belong to other characters and it is called, 'stealing' and that is covered in another thread.

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> TOPIC: [Medieval] Equipping Characters


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