Zenobia has in hand her a long sword and next to her she has her bow and arrows. She is happy that she is well equipped for this present adventure. She looks around very carefully, listening to every noise, watching for any novement at every moment. She knows from experience there are lots of wolves around and she must be prepared. She thinks they should leave around 5:00am. She then says,
"I will first watch with Mystic and then after a couple of hours Lucia and Sky can watch for another couple of hours and so on, we will take turns until it's time to leave."
Lucia thinks for a moment and says,
"It is good that you have a tent, Zenobia. I also have a blanket to keep the night chill off of us. I think that setting up the tent by a tree is a good idea. It would help to keep some kind of shelter over the ones watching if it were to rain."
Mystic is not very convinced about making a fire but Lucia looks at Mystic and says,
"Yes the fire would attract attention, but without a fire may attract the wolves that I hear howling in the distance or even someone stumbling upon us in the dark."
Lucia then sits down and begins to check her sword. She sets beside her with her hand on it, ready to strike if it need be.
"I think we may need the fire because it will get really cold if we don't have it, not to mention the mosquitoes", Zenobia adds.
All the warriors have weapons so even though they're inexperienced Zenobia trusts they know well how to use their weapons.
Then Mystic adds...
"Isnt it better to just have one person at a time do it so we can get more rest? by the way are we just going to the south in whatever place or are we going to some specific location?"
Lucia looks at Mystic and says,
"It would be far easier for two people to watch at one time. That way, if something were to happen, like a pack of wolves, there would be more than one person to handle the situation. Plus, it would help to have someone to keep the other one awake"
"Also, we are going into uncharted territory to make a map of the southland. Is that right, Zenobia?" Lucia asks.
"Yes, we are going south to make a map, uncharted territory", says Zenobia.
During the night everyone eats more of their rations (one ration has been deducted from everyone's equipment) while looking around for trouble. The night passes without incident despite howls of wolves in the far distance.
Around 4:30am everyone prepares for a move ahead before the sun rises. By 5:00am everyone is packed and walking towards the South. There is apprehension about not having seen any 'kill' during the night but at the same time you are glad you are still in one piece.
As the sun rises Zenobia can see familiar mountains in the distance. She explains to the group about he last adventure there (see Scenario II). Everyone now becomes uneasy incase those that were the victim of Zenobia's sword return to haunt them at night in the form of wandering spirits. Such tales of ghosts at night are regularly told in the Village. You have never seen a spirit of the night, and frankly, you never hope to.
By noon you are upon the mountains. You stand in what is a minature valley. The ground is stony and there are few trees around. The mountains are both rock and unihabited as far as you can see. This is not an area for habitation you think. You can continue South via several ways;
1. Through the valley between the mountains
2. Around the mountains taking a different path, but this will make your journey twice as long.
3. Over the mountain, this will be difficult and you will have to abandon your cart.
You each discuss the matter. You look at Sky, she seems unusually quiet. You begin to wonder if something happened to her during the night or if she has fears of continuing. You begin eatting more rations. Mystic and Sky have no more and start to see from whom they will take.
GM: Decide how you will continue and who will actually begin mapping the area. While mapping it will be necessary for you to stop at certain points to give the person time to draw and make notes of the area.
Zenobia and the group discuss their options and decide on the path between the mountains leading into a desert like valley. Zenobia talks to Sky who seems rather quiet, this disturbs Zenobia as she has seen this kind of behavior before. Sky nods her 'attendance' in the group and everyone travels on.
You notice the rocky, jagged edges of the the two mountains and the way it seems so unhabitable. In your 'sight seeing' you feel a curious sense of being watched. You look around, but do not see anything unusual. The area does seem unusually quiet. Except for a light breeze there is nothing to be heard save for the creaking of the wagon wheels and the horse's trot.
GM: Awaiting another party order post to see if you want to do anything and then I will continue...
Lucia shudders and looks around at the mountain ledges. She also begins to think it to be odd that there isn't even a bird or hawk flying around in the sky. It's something about the breeze blowing that really sets things off. She looks at the others and says,
"Is it me, or does something just not seem right about this area? I do not think that we should dwell upon this area very long."
Lucia looks at Zenobia and says,
"Don't you think it might be best to keep moving? I did not even think about a possible attack from the mountain sides. It could be possible. Even if this is the easiest route to travel, time wise. It may not be the safest until we get away from this mountain area. What do you think?"
Then Mystic who was very quiet suddenly says "I am going to take out an arrow and have my bow ready so if anything happens I can shoot. Maybe someone can climb the mountain and see if they see anything? Who is going to share some food with me? Can we hunt for food?"
Zenobia looks at Mystic and says,
"Here, get some of my food, if you feel more hungry you can go around and see if you can hunt something".
She then looks at Lucia and says in a very serious tone,
"Yes, there is something wrong with this area, I heard that the spirits of the men I killed in the last adventure are looking for me for vengeance, but don't worry, all those are just made up stories by people from the village. I'm ready to attack anybody who thinks that can scare me. Nobody threatens me! Let's move on people. Let's see what's behind the mountains, get ready for a surprised attack, even though it doesn't seem possible we don't know with the kind of enemies we are dealing with."
Everyone looks at the forward bravery of Zenobia as a form of indestructable naivety or pride. This does not make the group feel more secure necessarily so they hold fast to their weapons. With Zenobia's last words the creaks of wagon wheels are once again heard as everyone begins moving again. Sky having looked around again, especially at the sky determines that there is no life around because there is not vegetation. She then motions with her hand to show the sides of the mountain's rocky surface as proof of her theory. As she does this everyone is surprised to see blood gushing out of her mouth and spilling over her lips and chin! She falls quickly to the ground with an arrow to her back! The nearest person to her is Lucia who rushes to her side, she is already dead! Everyone stoops and uses the wagon as a barrier against whatever sniper is watching. You turn your head side to side, up and down, looking frantically for any signs of a predator, but you do not see anyone. You do notice several large bolders on each mountain's ledge that could easily hide someone.
GM: Zenobia needs to be more specific with how much food she is giving to Mystic. It also may not be necessary to post everything someone says in the camp as party order since some of the questions in camp may pertain only to camp and can be answered there by party members without having an effect on the story. Under your unusual circumstances say wht you will do, but be careful. There are only three of you now.
The wagon you have is made out of wood. It is strong and carry up to 8 passengers with a teamster. It does require a horse to pull and up to two horses can move it. It is open, there is no covering. The wheels have iron reinforcements. At the moment, most of your items are in it making it a good catch for anyone that would have seen it from the mountains.
Mystic takes some of the stuff of Sky carefully since the body is near the wagon, she takes Flask, Small Lantern, Flint and Cloak. She adds...
"I don't want to take any of her weapons", to which Lucia says
"I will take her sword, it's good to have a spare sword just in case."
Lucia is horrified that Sky was killed and can't believe that she was hit. Lucia thought that she watching closely. But obviously not close enough. While taking cover under the wagon, she looks to Zenobia for some kind of plan...
"Zenobia, what are we going to do? Should we press on and risk being hit by arrows? Or should we keep our cover by the wagon and wait until we can see who is attacking us? It is hard to tell which direction the arrow could have came from. It could have came from either side of the mountain ledge."
Mystic says
"I am going to try and stay underneath the wagon, if someone sees something to shoot at then I will fire an arrow in that direction."
Lucia asks,
"How are we going to use the wagon as a barrier because the mountain ledge is above us. Maybe it might be best if we hide under the wagon. We would be able to attack if someone were to walk up, but what if they just take some of our stuff? We may have to take turns looking up to see if anyone tries to rob us."
Everybody nods and agrees with Lucia's plan. Zenobia then says,
"Lucia you can give half of one ration to Mystic and I will give her other half of a ration and then Mystic needs to make an effort to look for food by herself. So far, she has not done too much working as a team."
Zenobia doesn't plan to feed people who don't like to work and that only observes.
You are under the wagon, you cannot see anyone readily from your current position. You wait to see if someone approaches, but no one does. You listen to see if you hear anything unusual, but you do not. You glance over at the body of Sky, it sends chills up the spine of Lucia and Mystic as they haven't seen someone killed in such a cold manner before.
You become frustrated at your current location and position. Zenobia is anxious for a kill, but she is not use to a hidden enemy...
GM: Decide what you will do now. Make a decisive plan of action since your enemy seems to be playing a waiting game too as they have the vantage point.
Luica becomes uptight with being under the wagon and motions for a decision to be made. Quickly a plan is devised that will hopefully rid the party of their current hidden enemy. Zenobia says,
"Since I am the most experienced one I will climb the mountain and see who is the enemy and face him." Zenobia then turns to Mystic and continues...
"Mystic you can be just below me and Lucia you can be in the ground checking just in case a surprise attack comes from the ground." Zenobia then prepares her bow and arrows carefuly and directs Mystic to do the same thing. Lucia looks at Zenobia and says,
"I think that it's a pretty good plan. Mystic and I could keep a look out on each side of the mountain ledge while you climb up. I mean, while you're climbing you will be paying alot of attention to climbing up instead of watching to keep yourself from being attacked. That way, if Mystic or I were to see something, she could shoot her arrows at the person while I alert you to the danger."
Zenobia raises a brow and then nods her head, with a brief sigh she gathers composure and runs quickly to the side of the mountain forcing her back against it's steep side. Mystic in turn takes the same deep breath and in almost ritualistic fashion runs toward the mountain and plants her shoulder blades into the hard surface of the mountain too.
A brief survey of the mountain leaves you to realize that if Zenobia climbs, she will not be able to hold a sword at the same time because of the steepness of the ascent. Also, if Mystic follows from behind then she will be of not much use since she cannot hold a bow and arrow at the same time. Zenobia begins to wonder if the plan is fruitful. Meanwhile the horse suddenly starts to ney and moves off a bit due to the heat of the sun and her standing at attention too long. Lucia becomes alerted to this and tries to stay under the wagon as it moves so that she does not become a target.
Zenobia curses the ground and becomes frustrated and the predicament.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
Lucia finds herself trying to be a rat in a small place. She manages to grab hold of part of the wagon as it moves off. The horse is not moving very fast or far, but it still drags her a few feet off. She crawls quickly to the front of the wagon and grabs hold of a leather strap that holds the chain armor close to the skin of the horse. She manages to grab hold of the horse's strap and reign without exposing her head. Lucia thinking everything is temporarily under control begins to survey the wagon's tray that is full of everyone's equipment through a small hole at the front of the wagon. She manages to see a grappling hook, however, to get it will mean jumping into the tray or exposing yourself briefly in order to get it. Lucia looks at the horse wondering if she will stay, she is unsure and there is not enough strap to both hold the horse and get the grappling hook.
In the distance you hear some faint laughter. It appears to be from the same location that the sniper shot from. You begin to feel like a sitting duck in someone's entertainment pond.
Lucia destroys all creation with curses because she cannot reach the grappling hook from out of the wagon's tray without being in full view of a possible arrow between the eyes or chest. She shouts to Zenobia for advice on what to do while holding the horse straps...
"Zenobia, do you think that if I let go of the horse chain long enough to get the grappling hook, that the horse would stay still a moment or two? Also, I know it's a big risk, but I am going to have to stand in plain site for the attacker to see me. But it will only be for a moment. It will be difficult for the attacker to get a good enough fix on me, if I move swiftly. I know exactly where I am reaching into the wagon for the grappling hook. Once I get the grappling hook and rope in hand, I will then grab the horse chain and cover myself again. Or does this seem to be too much?"
Zenobia looks at Lucia struggling with her tiny mission and says...
"Hmmm...that seems like a big risk taking into consideration we don't know where the enemy is exactly located and we don't know how many of them are out there, by the other side, I don't see any other options, you want to take the risk?"
A shouting match of what to do ensues between Zenobia and Lucia. They wish that the valley could have a break soon, but they recognize that they are already a few miles in and a goodly number away from the exit.
Mystic, feeling frustrated at the options being presented says...
"What if we try to get whoever to come down? Like fool them into believing we give up or something and then get them?"
Lucia replies in a teacher-like way as though she knows what she's talking about...
"That could work, but it seems that they are playing the waiting game for us to show ourselves to take another shot at us. Plus, with the horse not wanting to stand still, it makes it difficult to use the wagon as a barrier unless we slowly travel underneath wagon while it moves. Horses are rather smart. They won't walk into deep holes or anything like that, so the horse could be our guide for the wagon out of this mountain trail."
Lucia then looks at the horse and begins to quietly speak soothingly to it, in hopes that the horse will be still long enough for her to get the grappling hook. Lucia looks around at the mountain ledges and takes a deep breath. She quickly stands up and hops into the wagon tray. An arrow whizzes by a few inches from her. She tries not to be distracted by it and quickly grabs the grappling hook and the rope. Lucia then takes one quick glance around, she sees a black covered figure aiming an arrow at her from one of the ledges of the mountain. In a split second the figure releases the bow string and Lucia almost becomes paralyzed by fear as the fired arrow comes even closer to her skin than the last, but lucky for her sheds none of Lucia's blood. No more time to wait as she jumps back out of the wagon tray and hides again in between the horse and the front of the wagon. Lucia's heart thumps quickly, she has never been prey before. She takes big breaths as though she ran one hundred miles, her lungs fills with air, her eyes are wide, she is at least content in getting the needed equipment.
In the distance you can all hear shouts, it seems as though the black covered humanoids are making singles to one another through strange voice calls.
"Callooooo, callloooo" You hear from one side of the mountain, a shril sound comes back from the other end sounding similar to a bird. This makes you feel very unsettled.
Something is brewing... are these your last moments?
GM: Awaiting your next party order.