[Medieval] Party Order 2

[medieval] Party Order 2 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 24th Mar, 2003 - 5:10pm

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13th Mar, 2003 - 9:24pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Party Order 2

The Game Master says...

Hmmm... who will be first? Second?

[center]R P G   P A R T Y    O R D E R[/center]

This section is only for FINAL decisions about who will do what in an adventure. After discussion with other players in the thread called, '[Medieval] Camp' the leader appointed will copy the below info and post the answer in a reply thread here.

 ----- Copy -----

Name of Leader:

Name of Second Leader:


Number of Players:

Names of Players:

Who will be in the lead:

Who will be in the lead 2nd:

Who will be in the rear:

Who will be in the rear 2nd:

Who will negotiate for the party:

When in an open field what will be your formation:

When in camp who will stay awake, 1st, 2nd, etc:

In a dangerous situation who will disarm traps:

Who will react first to attack:

If the leader becomes inactive in the forum who will take over:

How long does the leader have to be inactive on the forum before someone takes over: (be specific)

 ----- End ------






After an adventure starts

When party order is set, the leader uses this thread to say exactly what the party will do based on the last reply in the Scenario thread.


(posts this in scenario) GM: You see a man selling apples 20 for one gold piece. What do you want to do?

(posts this in the party order thread) Player: Go over to the man and give him two gold pieces and tell him the other gold piece he can keep if he tells me where the local thieves guild is.


Try to be detailed about what you want to do, if you are not it may leave room for the GM to play your character for you and that might have fatal consequences.

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Post Date: 19th Mar, 2003 - 10:09am / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Party Order 2
A Friend

Order Party Medieval

Name of Leader:  Kagan  
Name of Second Leader: Zenobia    
Scenario:  II The Scroll  
Number of Players:  5  
Names of Players:  LDS Forever, Bink, Vale, Stranger, xtra sweet girl  
Who will be in the lead:  Kagan and Zenobia  
Who will be in the lead 2nd:  Lady Moab  
Who will be in the rear:  Lupus  
Who will be in the rear 2nd:  Fion ap Cumhail  
Who will negotiate for the party:  Kagan and Lady Moab  
When in an open field what will be your formation:  Fion in the front and Zenobia in the rear with Lupus Lady Moab and Kagan in between.    
When in camp who will stay awake, 1st, 2nd, etc:  Fion, Zenobia, Lupus,  Lady Moab and Kagan in that order  
In a dangerous situation who will disarm traps:  Vale
Who will react first to attack:  Fion  
If the leader becomes inactive in the forum who will take over:  Lady Moab  
How long does the leader have to be inactive on the forum before someone takes over: (be specific)  48 hours

Post Date: 19th Mar, 2003 - 10:20am / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Party Order 2
A Friend

[Medieval] Party Order 2 RPG PBP Medieval World

Kagan says "Sir, we come voluntarily to the service of the village elders."  Kagan waits for Greaves response or action to open the door as the group waits closely behind.  

Post Date: 20th Mar, 2003 - 11:48am / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Party Order 2
A Friend

Order Party Medieval

Medieval Party order has been changed slightly.  If anything should happen to Kagan Zenobia is to take over the lead instead of Lady Moab.  Also the time before the new leader will take over will be 72 hours instead of 48.

The group is all together now, and ready to start the journey to get the scroll for the village elders.  Kagan is very sorry to upset Greaves, she doesn't want the old man to be disappointed as he says he has already been.  She doesn't know quite how to appease him except to return quickly with the scroll.  

20th Mar, 2003 - 9:21pm / Post ID: #

Order Party Medieval

The Game Master says...

Also the time before the new leader will take over will be 72 hours instead of 48

This should not be more than 48 hours (but it can be less). Reason is... it would be unfair for others who would be anxious to play the game to wait three days, they may have forgotten what the game is about by that time. For this reason there is a 'second' in command.

Post Date: 22nd Mar, 2003 - 1:58am / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Party Order 2
A Friend

[Medieval] Party Order 2

Just about that time Fion came strolling up, grinning like a bear that had found honey.

"Aye, I'm here, and looking for the leader of this band. And you can go tell that crochety old man that Fion mac Cumhail has arrived, and he be worth two men on any given day".

He stood in a wide-legged stance, hand on hips, staring at them.

"So which of ye be a running this outfit"?

After hearing those words, Zenobia looks at Fion with one of her eyebrows up, each of her hands on the side of her waist,  rolling eyes and thinking is this guy going to be my partner in this adventure, he better get out of his horse! . Zenobia knows she must get along with everybody, after all, we are a team. She suggest  Kagan to speak with Greaves and convince him that we are ready for the work and that we have a magitian, two warriors and two thieves in our staff.

Relieved to see Fion even if he was late and the cause of some embarrassment, Kagan answers his question.  " I have been appointed.  It is good to finally see you Fion.  Let us not waste any more time.  Mr. Greaves is a man of influence in the village.  It would not be wise to agitate him further.  I request that all be respectful toward him, even if it doesn't suit you.  Come on".  

The group then hurries to Greaves hut without any more hesitation.  They try to get there before any serious weather picks up.

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Post Date: 24th Mar, 2003 - 1:09pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Party Order 2
A Friend

[Medieval] Party Order 2

After much deliberation with the group Kagan makes the final decision.  She knows the need for speed to get the journey underway.  Taking what all has said Kagan replies....

"Here's my decision.  We will wait until nightfall and then go out and steal three horses.  Lupus and I will go out when we know that the villagers are alseep.  The rest of the party is to rest and prepare to leave.  We will meet at the southside of the village just out of it's boundaries. "  

"We will travel by night and rest by day."

"When a battle arises the Warriors will be in the front as they are more skilled with swords and bows.  The thieves will remain in the shadows and use their stealth to sneak up on the enemy and set traps.  The magician will have to make due with her short sword as best as she can. "  

I like the formation strategy. Let us warriors draw fire while the thieves hit them from cover.

If the situation allows, get behind them. We warriors should open up with bows first, if given the chance, then close with hand-to-hand weapons.
Mage stay behind us, unless you just like getting whacked on.
"Everyone needs to rest up now and prepare for tonight. "  

"Fion if you want to accompany Lupus and me then say aye, and we'll get down, remember we will need to move silently so only take your longsword.  We will have to keep watch of the guard towers somehow and try to avoid them as much as possible."  

"Let us go take a look around the town first in the daylight so that we can find the horses now and know where to go after nightfall and make find the best route to the south side of town where we will meet the others.  I believe that we will have the most luck on the south and east side of town."  

"When you find the horses take notice of their owners, and the animals lodgings and how to get them out without having to use force or breaking gates etc... "
"Bring just a little bit of food, I'll spare some of my dry rations, to try and entice the horses out to make as little sound from them."  

"Everyone ready?  Any suggestions to help things run more smoothly, feel free."

Lupus must get some food and water. Figures he will do this as he looks around during the day light hrs. therefore not to raise suspesions.

I'll go with you to get the horses tonight. Somebody round me up an apple to take with me.
Also, when we get the horses, be on the lookout for hobbles and more rope. We'll need them for a picket line.

Suddenly a surge of excitement is in them.  

Many things have been said.  Fion was a bit concerned of the consequences of stealing the horses.  Kagan felt that if the village elders were hiring us to get something that would benefit the town that the town could make some sacrifice to aid in their efforts.

Lupus's suggestion for battle strategy, was a good one and all agreed, that it was best.  

Kagan really did feel confident with this group.  Zenobia a loyal companion, Fion strong and courageous and willing to do what  was needed.  Lupus supportive and Lady with her intellect would be very helpful to the party.  

Kagan's thoughts are interupted as she sees the stranger coming into the village and brings the others attention to him or her.  

Unsure of this stranger Kagan suggest that the group remain still and quiet and try to remain unnoticed by this stranger until more can be seen.    Kagan is not a very trusting person until she can make an assessment of the person and there is none to be made at the moment.

They are still under the tree near Greaves hut.  
" I think that we all should put on our cloaks and sneak 'round Greaves hut to remain out of sight of this stranger".  

The group wonders if this stranger is friend or foe and are wary of the its presence.

Post Date: 24th Mar, 2003 - 5:10pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Party Order 2
A Friend

[Medieval] Party Order 2 World Medieval PBP RPG

Kagan says to the stranger with a warm greeting look on her face.  

"Good day to you sir. Hunting you say?  No. 
Just five restless friends looking for something to do outside of this old village.  This place doesn't hold much excitement for our insatiable curiosities of what lies beyond."

Kagan examines the deer hanging on the hunters shoulders and notices that the beast has not gone cold yet, this man hunted close to the village.  She says

" You've done well for yourself this morning.  She's a fine animal.  Plenty of venison to go 'round on that one."
Looking at the deer and then again at the hunter approvingly "You'll be in a hurry to clean her up while she's still warm I'll warrant. I shall not keep you any longer.   Again good day sir"  

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> TOPIC: [Medieval] Party Order 2


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