[Medieval] Character Types

[medieval] Character Types - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 13th Feb, 2003 - 7:42pm

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03rd February 2025's Text Adventure:
Choose Your Medieval Fantasy Character:


Posts: 6 - Views: 10592
The character type you choose can mean the difference between life and death in the game.
25th Jan, 2003 - 3:34am / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Character Types

The Game Master says...

World of Medieval Character Types

Your character and how you play your character will determine not only whether you successfully complete an adventure, but if you don't cause the scenario itself to change drastically. Make sure to choose wisely. Below are different aspects of character creation. To actually create a character you need to visit the RPG Medieval page.

Creating a Character

Follow these easy steps:

1. You must join this Community and make a proper Introduction
2. Get 30 Posts and ask for RPGer Status
3. Ensure you have at least a 75% activity level
4. Go here to create your Character: Source 2

If you create a character for the FIRST time and then DO NOT show up for a game your RPG status will be lost and you will need to make a donation to regain RPG status. The reason for this is users post saying they want to play, the GM takes precious time to create their character and then they simply do not show up. This is a free service, if you cannot appreciate it then you will need to pay to play - simple as that.


For simplicity sake, all playable races are human. Having Players as elves, gnomes, hobbits, and dwarves would make the whole forum taxing.


Also for simplicity's sake all characters will be the same sex as their 'manager'. So if your profile says you are female then your character is also female.


You may select a simple name for your character and it should be no more than eight letters. Please do not use numeric digits in your name since this is a medieval world and not futuristic. Your character's name will be reflected in the scenario so it will not be changed once created - so choose wisely!


BODY - this is a reflection of how strong and quick you are in life.
MIND - your intelligence
SOUL - your ability to adjust and choose wisely


WARRIOR - mostly geared towards fighting. Other names for these are fighters, knights, barbarians and soldiers. High body points is most important for this character.

THIEF - moving swiftly, opening locks, setting and disarming traps, assassination and recon is all within this class' scope. Other names are ninja, assassin, burgular, snitch and prowler. Body points and intellect is important for this character.

MAGICIAN - anything associated with the unusual or mystical is also associated with this class. Other names given to this class; healer, herbalist, bushman, magic-user, cleric, mystic, third-eye, scribe and monk. Mind and Soul is important for this character.


Refer to the skills table below for each character. Your class decides which skills you may be more proficient in. Not having a certain skill does not mean that your character does not know how to do it, but not well and acts at a minus percentage.


Characters increase in levels as they adventure, fight battles, and solve problems. A secret record is kept by admin about your progress. He will let you know when you increase in level(s).


You will need to follow the instructions given on this page: HERE
There you will find all that is necessary.


If the story line permits you may meet other characters that want to join in your adventure. These characters are controlled by the admin - so beware how you treat them.


You will meet other story line creatures and people as you venture through Medieval. These are all controlled by admin.

Make sure to read through other threads within this board to learn more about how characters act, move, etc.

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4th Feb, 2003 - 12:03pm / Post ID: #

Types Character Medieval

The Game Master says...

user posted image


Share strength and speed in battle is what makes the warrior so great. In the early stages of RPGing warriors are the best characters to have as they are the most likely to survive.

1. Fighters learn their skills from passing soldiers, retired Generals, and others who want to make a buck. This class learns mostly from experience and does not need any formal training.

2. Fighters are so briliant in the fighting arts that they have the ability to attack an opponent twice in open battle instead of once as in other character classes. Therefore any party would be wise to have several of these to get all the dirty work done if under attack.

4th Feb, 2003 - 5:41pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Character Types RPG PBP Medieval World

The Game Master says...

user posted image


Thieves are the rejects of society because they act unseen. Warriors see thieves as cowards because they usually do not come out in open battle. Thieves are a very necessary class in a party if you are expeced to avoid traps, use stealth and other resources that a thief might have.

1. Thieves do not openly see what they will do. They are better working alone and unseen. The unique ability of thieves is to perform physical acts with stealth. They a higher chance of success than other classes.

2. Thieves usually are the ones asked to open chests and disarm traps, but do not expect a thief to know every trap!

3. Thieves are usually good at knowing the underground source for getting items or info.

4th Feb, 2003 - 5:46pm / Post ID: #

Types Character Medieval

The Game Master says...

user posted image


Like thieves, magicians are not a respected class. People often fear what they cannot understand and magicians are the most misunderstood. Magicians are very week in the beginning but can be very powerful at higher levels as they gain experience and spells.


1. Magicians do not know spells, but they do know the typical magic tricks you would see in a magic show. This is how they are able to guise their secret art. Normally they perform in the travelling circus or Village festival for money.

2. Magicians learn spells via a wizard or someone more 'expert' than them who already knows the spell. As a magician grows in level he must visit his secret teacher and learn the spell. There is usually a cost associated with this, of course.

3. Magicians of average intelligence have to store these spells in a book and then read them. During a battle this might be a real problem, so it is better to have them in memory. The higher your intelligence the easier it is for you to immedately recall and cast the spell.

13th Feb, 2003 - 7:19pm / Post ID: #

Types Character Medieval

The Game Master says...


The character you choose reflects what you can do 'better' than other class types. The unique thing about Medieval is that everyone can do anything, but not as well as others. A fighter can still attempt to pick someone's pocket, but will not do it as well as a thief. Check the list below to see the bonuses your character will get AFTER you submit it. The GM will apply this as part of your character creation.

Each Character Has Standard Checks

This is a guage to let the GM know wether you have success or failure. As you use a skill and have success it goes up. In this way you really gain quality experience. Again this is the uniqueness of Medieval, you gain experience for things you actually do and not things you should have done. For example, if you pick someone's pocket and was successful, then your experience in picking pockets will go up, not your experience in hiding in shadows. All these things are calculated by the GM on your behalf as you adventure. (As needed, percentage values will be checked along the way. If a skill is not listed then you will still start at the default 10% chance.)



Run Fast
Jump Far
Hold Breath
Move with Stealth
Hide in Shadows


Understand unknown device
Understand unknown language
Know Body Langauge


Feel Aura of Another
Sense Divine
Make Known the Unknown

/_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_

Class Bonus

NOTE: If you take into consideration the bonuses your character will get based on below then choose numbers that will give you the edge. For instance, if you are going to create a fighter and want him to have 18 body then it is really only necessary for you to choose 16 as he will get +2 anyway. That leaves you with 14 points to put in either soul or mind.



1. +2 to Body for training
2. Attacks twice per round



1. +10% Disarm Trap
2. +10% Pick Locks
3. +10% Pick Pockets
4. +10% Hide in Shadows
5. +1 to Body



1. +10% to both Secondary Skills
2. +1 to Mind
3. +1 to Soul

/_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_

13th Feb, 2003 - 7:42pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] Character Types

The Game Master says...

The Villager

Basically, all characters are just level 0 in their respective classes until they grow in experience. The GM calculates and awards experience as you successfully complete parts of a given scenario. Here is a basic chart to know how experience is awarded by the GM:

To get to Level One (Any class): 1000
To get to a next Level (Any class): multiply last level x2

Level One = 1000
Level Two = 2000
Level Three = 4000
Level Four = 8000
Level Five = 16000

Successfully Negotiate: 100
Successfully perform a physical task: 50
Figure out a riddle or trap: 200
Destroy a monster: Depends on difficulty
Find Treasure: 200
Solve a Quest: Bonus of 500

So based on above, if your character participates a lot instead of just standing around it is possible for you to make level one by the end of an adventure.

Bonuses Applied to Body, Mind, & Soul

Every time you go up a specific level you will get bonuses to your Body, Mind and Soul. Keep in mind that you cannot go above 18 unless it is divine or magical intervention. Therefore bonuses will be applied to stats that are not yet at 18. Bonuses are evenly distributed in areas based on a die roll and not chosen by the player.

None of the 3 attributes should be less than 6 and definitely not 0.

For example: If you have 18 body, 10 mind and 6 soul and your character went up to level two then you would get 2 points to be distributed among either soul or mind since your body is already 18. Where the bonuses will be applied will be based on a die roll of the GM.

See below:

Levels 2 - 2 points awarded
Levels 6 - 3 points awarded
Levels 10 - 4 points awarded
Every 5th level - 5 points awarded (But not more than 18)

Bonuses for Attributes

Body 19: +4 attack, +4 damage, +4 AC
Body 17-18: +3 attack, +3 damage, +3 AC
Body 15-16: +2 attack, +2 damage, +2 AC
Body 13-14: +1 attack, +1 damage, +1 AC
Body 10-12: average
Body below 9-8: -1 to damage -1 attack
Body below 7-6: -2 to damage -2 attack
Body below 5-4: -3 to damage -3 to attack

Mind 20: Recall any Spell at anytime
Mind 18-19: Know 15 Spells without Book
Mind 16-17: Know 10 Spells without Book
Mind 13-15: Know 5 Spells without Book
Mind 10-12: average
Mind below 9: -3 negotiation
Mind below 5: -10 negotiation

Soul 20: Politician
Soul 18-19: People want you to lead
Soul 16-17: People are charmed
Soul 13-15: People are drawn to friendship
Soul 10-12: average
Soul below 9: Undesirable
Soul below 5: Carries Bad Aura

Hit Points

All characters with average body (10-12) start out with 6hp. This is adjusted higher or lower based on your body. Every time you go up a level then the GM rolls 1D6 to see the bonus HP you get.

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> TOPIC: [Medieval] Character Types


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