Alright, now we need to know what he looks like, and or where we will be on the ship. If we cant find him the mission will be a failure.
Possible plans.
1. Create a distraction,-fire..explosion..Atv.
while either one of us finds the man and kills him
2. Blow up the fuel tanks, find some way to escape
3. lose the costumes slip into somethine "more comphortable" then we can slip in and out of the ship wherever.
First, I need to roll the dice, to see if I can make the poison. If I can, we can kill the guy quietly. If I can't we will probably need to do what you suggest. Trouble is I can't find the link for dice roll. Do you know where it is.
OK Not able to make the poison. So, we need to come up with something else.
First, I am an expert in disguise so we need to come up with disguises. Maybe we should disguise ourselves as security for the shuttle. This way we could carry weapons on board. Or, we could be flight attendants and go together to give him food. One of us could quickly overpower him (you since I don't have as much strength as you), gag him so he can't scream and then we could stab him to death which would be quiet but messy. We would need to quickly dispose of our disguises and then escape via the ATV, which means we couldn't kill him until just before landing or just before takeoff. Or remove our disguises and then go to our seats for the tickets we purchased as though nothing had happened.
Actually, a better plan would be for us to somehow get rid of the two service people on the crew and we disguise ourselves as them. I think these are the flight attendants. Then, when our target goes to sleep we can enter his sleeping berth and strangle him. Generally, if we strangle him, he shouldn't be able to make much noise and it wouldn't be messy. Then we dispose of the flight attendant costumes just in case someone reports seeing the flight attendants (service people) entering the sleeping quarters. They will not be able to figure out what happened to these guys, but they also won't know it is us. We should then be able to leave normally as passengers. Another reason to get rid of the disguises quickly is that at some point they will find the service people and realize what is going on. By then we want to have already killed him.
Or, we could go on board as normal passengers. At some point in the flight put on our disguises, do the killing and then remove the disguises.
What do you think?
Alright, i like the second plan, with the strangling. We should do it with his bed sheets, so we dont leave finger prints. the rest looks really good. The problems is (or maybe i oculdnt see the map) is that where exactly is the target? Thats all i have to say, oh also the advantage to strnagling is that it gives us more time. It will look as if hes sleeping where as the blood would give it away. I dont think we should even use the atv until it is a last resort. it creats too much noise and excitement. If we can go in and out fast its a plan. I guess we didnt need those tickets after all
Edited: FunXueYei on 15th Jan, 2004 - 10:22pm
Well, I am going to post our plan. How can we get the disguises? Any thoughts?
Sounds good. I will post that. I will say we plan to take on their identities and then after the murder, take back our own identities. I think we need to board the ship as ourselves. Take out the service people after take off, store them in an empty part of the ship and then take on their identity. Kill the "sleeping bird" and then we will assume our own identities again.
O.K. I have posted that we want to look on the network to see if we can acquire service personnel suits and also to see if we can acquire a disguise kit. This was the recommended way to pursue this via the GM. He said post that we are looking on the network and then we might find something on the black market, etc. So, let's see what happens. If we don't have to kill the service people I think that is better, but I am prepared to do it if there is no viable alternative.