Planet Stats & Law
Here you will get information about planet types and law so that you can know where you are and the type of atmosphere created by the 'environment'.
Degree of Law
To know what you can and cannot do in a certain area you will need to refer to the below list:
A - No law
B - Weapons may be displayed and used, but not on human life, very low law
C - Weapons can be carried only with permission and not displayed, medium law
D - Weapons only carried by military and police, high law
E - Police state, strict enforcement of law, very high law
F - Prison colony
Types of Worlds
How do you know what kind of atmosphere or environment a world has?
See the table below:
Tech Rating
A - primative
B - stone age
C - iron age
D - 1800s - western
E - 1900s - basic
F - 2000 - now
G - Inter-planetary
H - Inter-galactic travel
I - PSI / Unknown
A - No law
B - Very low law
C - Medium law
D - High law
E - Police state
F - Prison colony
World Types
1 - Asteroid - no air
2 - Moon - no air
3 - Small Planet - thin air
4 - Small Planet - earth like
5 - Small Planet - exotic
6 - Medium Planet - thin air
7 - Medium Planet - earth like
8 - Medium Planet - exotic
9 - Large Planet - thin air
9a - Large Planet - earth like
9b - Large Planet - exotic
Quick Stats
Instead of the GM giving you a long series of information concerning your environment, he will most likely give you brief stats such as:
The first letter refers to the Technology rating
The second letter refers to the Degree of Law
The last digit, which is a number refers to the Type of World
It is always in this order. So in this case, if you are visiting an AC6 world then you would refer to the charts above (and technology types thread) to find AC6 means:
A - primative - cave man era
C - Weapons can be carried only with permission and not displayed, medium law
6 - Medium Planet - thin air