Multiple IPs and RPGing
To prevent multiple characters from entering into an RPG game please take the following into consideration:
1. No more than 2 (two) users can play from one IP in any RPG game. This caters only for family memebers within the same home.
2. To increase more players you can make a donation for each new player from the same IP.
3. One player can only play in one RPG at the same time. If you wish to play in more, make a donation.
4. If 2 (two) users from the same IP wish to play an RPG, then it must be within the same game and not two different RPGs.
Gain FP for Your Luck!
If you are a Premium or Plus member you can trade in your luck points for FP! This is how Luck will be distributed:
1. There will be a voting tally for your participation in a current game. You gain luck points based on how players vote for you. The more luck points you earn the more FP you earn:
a. Most true to life: 2 luck points (as though their character were real)
b. Most funny: 1 luck point (made you laugh)
c. Most involved: 1 luck point (participated often)
2. Each luck point can then be traded for FP based on the current rate located in the 'Love and Life Bytes exchange option' (a link located under the logo at the top of every page)
Q. How do I know when I have my luck points added?
A. The GM will post an update to the latest story.
Q. How can I ensure I get lots of luck points?
A. Make sure you are original, active and funny in your storyline. Please make sure to spell well and use the correct grammar.
Q. Can I still play Love & Life Bytes RPG even though I do not have Premium or Plus membership?
A. Yes! However, you will not be able to exchange the luck points you earned for FP.