Sweden's 3rd largest city hit by multiple blasts, police plead for help to tackle violence spike:
Four grenade attacks this week have rocked Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden, prompting police to sound an alarm over the increasing violence. Multiple explosions, shootings and arson struck the city, which has a large migrant population. Ref. Source 5n
Sweden raises threat level to second highest citing 'concrete information':
Sweden's security chief has raised the country's terror threat level to four on a scale of five, citing "Concrete information." An investigation has been launched regarding the "Preparation of terrorist offenses." Ref. Source 7t
All European countries need to be extra vigilant now. People may not like the term "Racial profiling" but its very important in these issues so is "Religious profiling" as they are all related. Intelligence at any level in Sweden or anywhere else cannot presuppose anyone is 'safe'.
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 38 3.8%
Trump admits false 'last night in Sweden' claim was something he heard 'broadcast on Fox News':
Pres. Donald Trump admitted on Sunday that the terror attack he said happened in Sweden on Friday night was actually something he saw - but didn't fully understand - on Fox News. Ref. Source 6f.
Swedish Prime Minister: Everything indicates truck crashing into store is 'terror attack'
At least three people were killed Friday when a large truck slammed into a department store in central Stockholm, according to local media. The incident occurred around 3 p.m. On Drottninggatan (Queen Street), one of the city's main pedestrian streets. Ref. USAToday.
I see that more and more of these terrorists are using vehicles to just people down. This is a growing concern as vehicles are very common and how would one go about defending against this type of attack without disrupting regular deliveries.
I hope that those who were killed rest in peace. It is sad to see lives taken like this.